written with the intention of handling continuous streams of stdout.
* Finished Tasks
+** DONE Remove unused executables
+ CLOSED: [2021-01-25 Mon 00:07]
+Date Created: 2021-01-25T00:03Z
+Some unused executables are present in the ~exec/~ directory that are
+not used. An example is ~bkgpslog~ which has been superceded by
+~gpspipe | bklog~.
** DONE ~/doc/time~: Migrate from ~ntpsec~ to ~chrony~
CLOSED: [2020-10-19 Mon 03:48]
The ~ntpsec~ package is in the ~dfsg~ Debian repository instead of the
~gpsd~ documentation for communicating to ~chrony~ via
~/run/chrony.XXXX.sock~ and ~/run/chrony.YYYY.sock~ sockets (for GPS
and PPS data respectively) can be found [[https://gpsd.gitlab.io/gpsd/gpsd-time-service-howto.html#_feeding_chrony_from_gpsd][here]].
*** Closing comments (bktei):
~chrony~ seems much simpler to configure. Its method for interfacing
with ~gpsd~ seems simpler as well. The fact that it displays time