--- /dev/null
+# Desc: Ninfacyzga-1: Capture and store photograph from a camera to temporary directory for 24 hours
+# Usage: update_temp_photo.sh arg1
+# Input: arg1: camera tag name (e.g. "DC1")
+# Depends: age, gnu coreutils, libgps, sleepRand.py
+#==BEGIN Define Parameters==
+temp_dir="/dev/shm"; # default
+iso_date="$(date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S%z)";
+#iso_date_ns="$(date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S.%N%z)";
+nfg_base_dir="../../"; # root directory of ninfacyzga-1 git repo
+PATH="$nfg_unitproc_path:$PATH"; # include unitprocess nfg executables
+declare -Ag appRollCall # Associative array for storing app status
+declare -Ag fileRollCall # Associative array for storing file status
+declare -Ag dirRollCall # Associative array for storing dir status
+#==END Define Parameters==
+#==BEGIN Define Functions==
+yell() { echo "$0: $*" >&2; } #o Yell, Die, Try Three-Fingered Claw technique
+die() { yell "$*"; exit 111; } #o Ref/Attrib: https://stackoverflow.com/a/25515370
+try() { "$@" || die "cannot $*"; } #o
+checkapp() {
+ # Desc: If arg is a command, save result in assoc array 'appRollCall'
+ # Usage: checkapp arg1 arg2 arg3 ...
+ # Version: 0.1.1
+ # Input: global assoc. array 'appRollCall'
+ # Output: adds/updates key(value) to global assoc array 'appRollCall'
+ # Depends: bash 5.0.3
+ local returnState
+ #===Process Args===
+ for arg in "$@"; do
+ if command -v "$arg" 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then # Check if arg is a valid command
+ appRollCall[$arg]="true";
+ if ! [ "$returnState" = "false" ]; then returnState="true"; fi;
+ else
+ appRollCall[$arg]="false"; returnState="false";
+ fi;
+ done;
+ #===Determine function return code===
+ if [ "$returnState" = "true" ]; then
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return 1;
+ fi;
+} # Check that app exists
+checkfile() {
+ # Desc: If arg is a file path, save result in assoc array 'fileRollCall'
+ # Usage: checkfile arg1 arg2 arg3 ...
+ # Version: 0.1.1
+ # Input: global assoc. array 'fileRollCall'
+ # Output: adds/updates key(value) to global assoc array 'fileRollCall';
+ # Output: returns 0 if app found, 1 otherwise
+ # Depends: bash 5.0.3
+ local returnState
+ #===Process Args===
+ for arg in "$@"; do
+ if [ -f "$arg" ]; then
+ fileRollCall["$arg"]="true";
+ if ! [ "$returnState" = "false" ]; then returnState="true"; fi;
+ else
+ fileRollCall["$arg"]="false"; returnState="false";
+ fi;
+ done;
+ #===Determine function return code===
+ if [ "$returnState" = "true" ]; then
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return 1;
+ fi;
+} # Check that file exists
+checkdir() {
+ # Desc: If arg is a dir path, save result in assoc array 'dirRollCall'
+ # Usage: checkdir arg1 arg2 arg3 ...
+ # Version 0.1.1
+ # Input: global assoc. array 'dirRollCall'
+ # Output: adds/updates key(value) to global assoc array 'dirRollCall';
+ # Output: returns 0 if app found, 1 otherwise
+ # Depends: Bash 5.0.3
+ local returnState
+ #===Process Args===
+ for arg in "$@"; do
+ if [ -d "$arg" ]; then
+ dirRollCall["$arg"]="true";
+ if ! [ "$returnState" = "false" ]; then returnState="true"; fi
+ else
+ dirRollCall["$arg"]="false"; returnState="false";
+ fi
+ done
+ #===Determine function return code===
+ if [ "$returnState" = "true" ]; then
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return 1;
+ fi
+} # Check that dir exists
+displayMissing() {
+ # Desc: Displays missing apps, files, and dirs
+ # Usage: displayMissing
+ # Version 0.1.1
+ # Input: associative arrays: appRollCall, fileRollCall, dirRollCall
+ # Output: stderr: messages indicating missing apps, file, or dirs
+ # Depends: bash 5, checkAppFileDir()
+ local missingApps value appMissing missingFiles fileMissing
+ local missingDirs dirMissing
+ #==BEGIN Display errors==
+ #===BEGIN Display Missing Apps===
+ missingApps="Missing apps :";
+ #for key in "${!appRollCall[@]}"; do echo "DEBUG:$key => ${appRollCall[$key]}"; done
+ for key in "${!appRollCall[@]}"; do
+ value="${appRollCall[$key]}";
+ if [ "$value" = "false" ]; then
+ #echo "DEBUG:Missing apps: $key => $value";
+ missingApps="$missingApps""$key ";
+ appMissing="true";
+ fi;
+ done;
+ if [ "$appMissing" = "true" ]; then # Only indicate if an app is missing.
+ echo "$missingApps" 1>&2;
+ fi;
+ unset value;
+ #===END Display Missing Apps===
+ #===BEGIN Display Missing Files===
+ missingFiles="Missing files:";
+ #for key in "${!fileRollCall[@]}"; do echo "DEBUG:$key => ${fileRollCall[$key]}"; done
+ for key in "${!fileRollCall[@]}"; do
+ value="${fileRollCall[$key]}";
+ if [ "$value" = "false" ]; then
+ #echo "DEBUG:Missing files: $key => $value";
+ missingFiles="$missingFiles""$key ";
+ fileMissing="true";
+ fi;
+ done;
+ if [ "$fileMissing" = "true" ]; then # Only indicate if an app is missing.
+ echo "$missingFiles" 1>&2;
+ fi;
+ unset value;
+ #===END Display Missing Files===
+ #===BEGIN Display Missing Directories===
+ missingDirs="Missing dirs:";
+ #for key in "${!dirRollCall[@]}"; do echo "DEBUG:$key => ${dirRollCall[$key]}"; done
+ for key in "${!dirRollCall[@]}"; do
+ value="${dirRollCall[$key]}";
+ if [ "$value" = "false" ]; then
+ #echo "DEBUG:Missing dirs: $key => $value";
+ missingDirs="$missingDirs""$key ";
+ dirMissing="true";
+ fi;
+ done;
+ if [ "$dirMissing" = "true" ]; then # Only indicate if an dir is missing.
+ echo "$missingDirs" 1>&2;
+ fi;
+ unset value;
+ #===END Display Missing Directories===
+ #==END Display errors==
+} # Display missing apps, files, dirs
+ # Desc: Report seconds until next day.
+ # Version: 1.0.3
+ # Output: stdout: integer seconds until next day
+ # Output: exit code 0 if stdout > 0; 1 if stdout = 0; 2 if stdout < 0
+ # Usage: timeUntilNextDay
+ # Usage: if ! myTTL="$(timeUntilNextDay)"; then yell "ERROR in if statement"; exit 1; fi
+ # Depends: date 8, echo 8, yell, try
+ local returnState timeCurrent timeNextDay secondsUntilNextDay
+ timeCurrent="$(date --iso-8601=seconds)" ; # Produce `date`-parsable current timestamp with resolution of 1 second.
+ timeNextDay="$(date -d "$timeCurrent next day" --iso-8601=date)"; # Produce timestamp of beginning of tomorrow with resolution of 1 second.
+ secondsUntilNextDay="$(( $(date +%s -d "$timeNextDay") - $(date +%s -d "$timeCurrent") ))" ; # Calculate seconds until closest future midnight (res. 1 second).
+ if [[ "$secondsUntilNextDay" -gt 0 ]]; then
+ returnState="true";
+ elif [[ "$secondsUntilNextDay" -eq 0 ]]; then
+ returnState="warning_zero";
+ yell "WARNING:Reported time until next day exactly zero.";
+ elif [[ "$secondsUntilNextDay" -lt 0 ]]; then
+ returnState="warning_negative";
+ yell "WARNING:Reported time until next day is negative.";
+ fi
+ try echo "$secondsUntilNextDay"; # Report
+ # Determine function return code
+ if [[ "$returnState" = "true" ]]; then
+ return 0;
+ elif [[ "$returnState" = "warning_zero" ]]; then
+ return 1;
+ elif [[ "$returnState" = "warning_negative" ]]; then
+ return 2;
+ fi
+} # Report seconds until next day
+set_script_ttl() {
+ #Desc: Sets script_ttl seconds
+ #Usage: set_script_ttl
+ #Input: none
+ #Output: var: script_ttl (integer seconds)
+ #Depends: timeUntilNextDay()
+ # Set script lifespan to end at start of next day
+ if ! script_ttl="$(timeUntilNextDay)"; then # sets scriptTTL, then checks exit code
+ if [[ "$script_ttl" -eq 0 ]]; then
+ ((script_ttl++)); # Add 1 because 0 would cause 'timeout' to never timeout.
+ fi;
+ fi;
+} # Set script_ttl in seconds until next day
+update_temp_file() {
+ # Input: var: $temp_photo_path file path to save photo
+ # Depends: checkapp(), raspistill
+ encoding="jpg";
+ try raspistill -gps -t 0 -q 95 -ex auto -e "$encoding" -o "$temp_photo_path";
+showUsage() {
+ # Desc: Display script usage information
+ # Usage: showUsage
+ # Version 0.0.1
+ # Input: none
+ # Output: stdout
+ # Depends: GNU-coreutils 8.30 (cat)
+ cat <<'EOF'
+ update_temp_photograph.sh [camera_name]
+ update_temp_photograph.sh DC1
+} # Display information on how to use this script.
+main() {
+ :
+ #===BEGIN process arguments===
+ if [[ $# -ge 1 ]]; then
+ camera_name="$1";
+ else
+ die "ERROR:Not enough arguments.";
+ showUsage;
+ fi;
+ temp_photo_dir="$temp_dir"/ninfacyzga/photograph; # generic-use dir
+ temp_photo_filename="$camera_name".jpg; # use jpg encoding
+ temp_photo_path="$temp_photo_dir"/"$temp_photo_filename";
+ #===END process arguments===
+ #===BEGIN Check for required files, dirs, and apps===
+ # Create output dir for photo dir
+ flag_exit_early="false";
+ if ! checkdir "$temp_photo_dir"; then
+ try mkdir -p "$temp_photo_dir";
+ fi;
+ # Check for missing files
+ if ! checkfile "$sleep_rand_path"; then
+ flag_exit_early="true";
+ fi;
+ # Check for missing apps
+ if ! checkapp raspistill; then
+ flag_exit_early="true";
+ fi;
+ # Display missing
+ displayMissing;
+ if [[ $flag_exit_early == "true" ]]; then
+ die "ERROR:Exiting early.";
+ fi;
+ #===END Check for required files, dirs, and apps===
+ #===BEGIN main loop===
+ set_script_ttl;
+ while [[ $SECONDS -lt "$script_ttl" ]]; do
+ # Capture new photograph
+ try update_temp_file;
+ try python3 "$sleep_rand_path" --upper 3600.0 10.0;
+ done;
+ #===END main loop===
+#==END Define Functions==
+main "$@";