feat(bkgpslog):Add ~/.local/bin to PATH
[EVA-2020-02.git] / doc / location / README.org
1 * Location Logging
2 This document was created by Steven Baltakatei Sandoval on
3 <2020-06-29 Mon 12:14> under a [[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/][Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license]]. It
4 was updated by Steven Baltakatei Sandoval on <2020-06-29 Mon 22:06>.
5 ** Narrative
6 Ninfacyzga-01 records (logs) its position in time and space using a
7 [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satellite_navigation_device][GPS receiver]]. The NMEA location data produced by the receiver is
8 converted into the more commonly used GPS data storage formats of GPX
9 and KML. All three types of data are then compressed and encrypted
10 against a set of public keys. The encrypted data is then written to
11 disk. Data produced by the receiver is segmented into 60-second chunks
12 before being processed and written to disk.
13 ** Description
14 *** Hardware
15 **** Raspberry Pi Zero W
16 See the [[https://www.raspberrypi.org/pi-zero-w/][OEM]] webpage for this product.
17 **** PiZ UpTime 2.0
18 See the [[https://alchemy-power.com/piz-uptime-2-0/][OEM]] webpage for this product.
19 *** Software
20 ~bkgpslog~ : The bash script that performs the location data
21 collection and processing. Is an executable file contained within this
22 repository at ~exec/bkgpslog~. It should be copied to
23 ~$HOME/.local/bin~.
25 ~gpsd~ : A background daemon app capable of interfacing with the
26 Ozzmaker BerryGPS-IMU's GPS submodule. Installed and initialized by
27 ~apt~.
29 ~gpspipe~ : A command line app that polls ~gpsd~ and produces a stream
30 stdout consisting of GPS data lines in NMEA format. Installed via
31 ~apt~.
33 ~gpsbabel~ : A command line app that converts GPS data from one format
34 into another. ~bkgpslog~ uses it to convert NMEA data into GPX and
35 KML. Installed via ~apt~.
37 ~gzip~ : A simple command line app that compresses stdin into a
38 smaller stdout stream.
40 ~age~ : A simple command line app that encrypts stdin against public
41 keys specified in its options. Produces encrypted stdout. Is an
42 executable file contained within this repository at ~exec/age~. It
43 should be copied to ~$HOME/.local/bin~.
45 **** Narrative
46 ~bkgpslog~ populates a 60-second buffer with NMEA data from ~gpsd~ via
47 ~gpspipe~. This buffer is used by ~gpsbabel~ to produce GPX and KML
48 versions of the buffer. All 3 buffers are then comprssed with ~gzip~,
49 encrypted with ~age~, and then written to disk.
51 *** Output
52 **** File Formats
53 ***** NMEA
54 See the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NMEA_0183][Wikipedia page]] for this.
55 ***** GPX
56 See the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPS_Exchange_Format][Wikipedia page]] for this. [[http://wiki.gis.com/wiki/index.php/WGS84][WGS84]] is the datum used.
57 ***** KML
58 See the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyhole_Markup_Language][Wikipedia page]] for this. [[http://wiki.gis.com/wiki/index.php/WGS84][WGS84]] is the datum used.
59 **** Encryption Method
60 Files produced by the bkgpslog script are encrypted against a set of
61 public keys using [[https://github.com/FiloSottile/age][~age~]], a simple command line encryption tool
62 selected over ~gpg~ because of ~age~'s deliberate lack of
63 configurability.
65 The public keys are bech32 strings supplied as options to bkgpslog
66 when called. The secret key should *NOT* be stored in Ninfacyzga-01.
68 If a key pair was generated using ~age-keygen~, then it is an [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curve25519][~X25519~]]
69 key pair. See the [[https://age-encryption.org/v1][~age~ Version 1 specification]].
71 An ~ssh-rsa~ or ~ssh-ed25519~ SSH public key string may be used instead of
72 the bech32 public key string produced by ~age-keygen~ for convenience.
74 Help information for ~age~ is available by running ~$ age --help~.
75 ***** Encryption
76 Files may be encrypted to several recipients using a command similar to:
78 timeout "60s" gpspipe -r | gpsbabel -i nmea -f - -o gpx -F | age \
79 -r age1kza7pfshy7xwygf9349zgmk7x53mquvedgw9r98qwyyqhssh830qqjzlsw \
80 -r age1ce3pvzrqfcn2pc6zqzglc8ac8yjk3fzukpy08cesqjjwns53xywqmaq7xw \
81 -r age1pu5usxm743sx7rf22985xv2f4s0luzv6r6yx4fa7p8c2zyvp9fvqus2xr5 \
82 > location.gpx.age
85 In this example, the strings beginning with ~age1...~ are
86 bech32-formatted public key strings.
89 ***** Decryption
90 Files may be decrypted using a command similar to:
93 cat location.gpx.age | age -d -i key.txt > location.gpx
96 The version of ~age~ used to perform the encryption
97 ** Operating Procedures
98 *** Initial Startup
99 See OEM (Ozzmaker) [[https://ozzmaker.com/berrygps-berrygps-imu-quick-start-guide/][quickstart guide for the BerryGPS-IMU]].
101 **** Physical Setup
103 BerryGPS-IMU must be electrically connected to the correct pins on the
104 GPIO header of a Raspberry Pi Zero W.
106 *Optional*: stack together with PiZ Uptime 2.0 module. No GPIO pins
107 conflict so a simple stacking and soldering with long header pins is
108 possible.
110 **** Software Setup
112 ***** Install Executables
114 Install Raspbian 10 Buster onto an SD card image. See the Raspberry Pi
115 Foundation [[https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/README.md][installation instructions]]. Configure WiFi to permit log
116 file transfer. Configure SSH to permit remote administration via the
117 command line interface.
119 Make sure to install the ~unattended-upgrades~ package to make sure
120 the latest security patches for packages are installed. See [[https://linux-audit.com/using-unattended-upgrades-on-debian-and-ubuntu/][this page]]
121 for a description of how ~unattended-upgrades~ works.
123 Install ~gpsd~, ~gpspipe~, ~git~, and this repository for location
124 logging capability.
126 Install ~syncthing~ for log file transfer capability.
128 Place ~age~ binary (the one compiled for ARM CPU architecture for
129 Linux) in ~$HOME/.local/bin~.
131 ***** Automatic Start Configuration
133 Edit the user cron job list with ~$ crontab -e~ to add the following
134 lines:
137 0 * * * * /bin/bash ~/bkgpslog --output ~/dir
139 @reboot /bin/bash ~/bkgpslog --output ~/dir
142 The first line will run ~bkgpslog~ at the start of every hour and save
143 output files to the ~dir~ directory in your home folder.
145 The second line will run ~bkgpslog~ when the system starts up.
147 ~/bin/bash~ tells ~cron~ to run ~bkgpslog~ with Bash.
149 If encryption and compression are required, then the appropriate
150 options must be added. The lines that must be added via ~$ crontab -e~
151 may resemble:
154 0 * * * * /bin/bash ~/bkgpslog -c -e -r age1z2...qkv6p -o ~/dir
156 @reboot /bin/bash ~/bkgpslog -c -e -r age1z2...qkv6p -o ~/dir
159 The ~age1z2...qkv6p~ is an ~age~ public key string. See the Encryption
160 Methods section for an explanation.
162 The options are:
164 : -c : tells bkgpslog to compress output
165 : -e : tells bkgpslog log to encrypt output
166 : -r : tells bkgpslog to interpret the next argument as a pubkey string
167 : -o : tells bkgpslog to write output files to the directory represented
168 : by the next argument
170 ***** Log Transfer Configuration
171 Log files may be shared to other machines via ~syncthing~. See [[https://docs.syncthing.net/][this]]
172 manual for how to set up a shared folder and add Ninfacyzga-01 as a
173 device. Syncthing's directory synchronization capability allows a
174 remote machine to delete files from Ninfacyzga-01 by deleting from the
175 shared folder that they both share.
177 When log files are removed from Ninfacyzga-01 is not within the scope
178 of this document.
180 ***** Key Generation
181 An ~age~ encryption key may be generated like so:
183 $ umask # Gets current umask
184 0022 # Note: This is the default umask for Raspbian 10
185 $ umask 066 # Sets umask so key.txt will have no permissions except for owner (you)
186 $ umask # Confirm umask set to 066
187 0066
188 $ age-keygen > key.txt
189 Public key: age1pu5usxm743sx7rf22985xv2f4s0luzv6r6yx4fa7p8c2zyvp9fvqus2xr5
190 $ ls -al key.txt
191 -rw------- 1 baltakatei baltakatei 184 Jun 29 18:28 key.txt
192 $ umask 0022 # Return umask to default value
193 $ umask
194 0022
197 The resulting public/private keypair data looks like:
199 $ cat key.txt
200 # created: 2020-06-29T18:01:56Z
201 # public key: age1pu5usxm743sx7rf22985xv2f4s0luzv6r6yx4fa7p8c2zyvp9fvqus2xr5
205 The file ~key.txt~ is not password-protected by default and should be
206 secured like an SSH public key should. The ~$ umask 066~ command run
207 before the ~$ age-keygen > key.txt~ command ensures ~key.txt~ will not
208 be readable, writeable, or executable to anyone except the owner
209 (you).
211 *** Normal Startup
212 Turn on Ninfacyzga-01 by supplying 5VDC power to the Raspberry Pi. No
213 further interaction should be required.
214 *** Normal Operation
215 No interaction beyond continually supplying approximately 100mA of
216 5VDC power and occasionally removing log files to conserve disk space
217 is required.
218 **** Log Transfer
219 Log files may be transferred by use of ~syncthing~ shared folders.
220 **** Automatic Updates
221 The ~automatic-upgrades~ package, if installed, should automatically
222 install security patches to packages installed via ~apt~.
223 *** Normal Shutdown
224 The system may be shutdown via SSH by running:
226 : $ sudo shutdown -r 0
228 *** Unscheduled Shutdown
229 Ninfacyzga-01 as described and setup should tolerate unscheduled power
230 loss. Log files being written every 60 seconds means, at most, 60
231 seconds worth of location data may be lost.
232 *** End of Life Disposal
233 LiPo batteries used by the PiZ Uptime 2.0 module should be disposed of
234 properly with their potential ignitability in mind, especially if they
235 are not fully discharged.
237 Consult your local municipality for its "E-Waste Disposal" (or
238 equivalent) policy. Metals used in the Raspberry Pi and related
239 components may be recycled.
241 Take extra precuation if lead solder was used in assembling the
242 electronics. Consumer electronics in early 21st century should use
243 lead-free solder.