feat(bkgpslog): Consolidate VERSION writing, update functions
[EVA-2020-02.git] / exec / bkgpslog-plan.org
1 * bkgpslog task list
2 ** DONE Add job control for short buffer length
3 CLOSED: [2020-07-02 Thu 16:04]
4 2020-07-02T14:56Z; bktei> File write operations were bundled into a
5 magicWriteBuffer function that is called then detached from the script
6 shell (job control), but the detached job is not tracked by the main
7 script. A problem may arise if two instances of magicWriteBuffer
8 attempt to write to the same tar simultaneously. Two instances of
9 magicWriteBuffer may exist if the buffer length is low (ex: 1 second);
10 the default buffer length of 60 seconds should reduce the probability
11 of a collision but it should be possible for the main script to track
12 the process ID of a magicWriteBuffer() as soon as it detaches and then
13 checking (via ~$!~ as described [[https://bashitout.com/2013/05/18/Ampersands-on-the-command-line.html][here]]) that the process is still alive.
14 2020-07-02T15:23Z; bktei> I found that the Bash ~wait~ built-in can be
15 used to delay processing until a specified job completes. The ~wait~
16 command will pause script execution until all backgrounded processes
17 complete.
18 2020-07-02T16:03Z; bktei> Added ~wait~.
19 ** DONE Rewrite tar initialization function
20 CLOSED: [2020-07-02 Thu 17:23]
21 2020-07-02T17:23Z; bktei> Simplify tar initialization function so
22 VERSION file is used to test appendability of tar as well as to mark
23 when a new session is started.
24 ** DONE Consolidate tar checking/creation into function
25 CLOSED: [2020-07-02 Thu 18:33]
26 2020-07-02T18:33Z; bktei> Simplify how the output tar file's existence
27 is checked and its status as a valid tar file is validated. This was
28 done using a new function ~checkMakeTar~.
29 ** TODO Add VERSION if output tar deleted between writes
30 * bkgpslog narrative
31 ** Initialize environment
32 *** Init variables
33 **** Save timeStart (YYYYmmddTHHMMSS±zz)
34 *** Define Functions
35 **** Define Debugging functions
36 **** Define Argument Processing function
37 **** Define Main function
38 ** Run Main Function
39 *** Process Arguments
40 *** Set output encryption and compression option strings
41 *** Check that critical apps and dirs are available, displag missing ones.
42 *** Set lifespans of script and buffer
43 *** Init temp working dir ~DIR_TMP~
44 Make temporary dir in tmpfs dir: ~/dev/shm/$(nonce)..bkgpslog/~ (~DIR_TMP~)
45 *** Initialize ~tar~ archive
46 **** Write ~bkgpslog~ version to ~$DIR_TMP/VERSION~
47 **** Create empty ~tar~ archive in ~DIR_OUT~ at ~PATHOUT_TAR~
49 Set output file name to:
50 : PATHOUT_TAR="$DIR_OUT/YYYYmmdd..hostname_location.gz.age.tar"
51 Usage: ~iso8601Period $timeStart $timeEnd~
53 **** Append ~VERSION~ file to ~PATHOUT_TAR~
55 Append ~$DIR_TMP/VERSION~ to ~PATHOUT_TAR~ via ~tar --append~
57 *** Read/Write Loop (Record gps data until script lifespan ends)
58 **** Determine output file paths
59 **** Define GPS conversion commands
60 **** Fill Bash variable buffer from ~gpspipe~
61 **** Process bufferBash, save secured chunk set to ~DIR_TMP~
62 **** Append each secured chunk to ~PATHOUT_TAR~
63 : tar --append --directory=DIR_TMP --file=PATHOUT_TAR $(basename PATHOUT_{NMEA,GPX,KML} )
64 **** Remove secured chunk from ~DIR_TMP~