Merge branch 'develop' into feature/bash-logging-filter/BK-2020-02
[EVA-2020-02.git] / exec /
1 * bklog task list
2 ** TODO Adjust filename duration dynamically
3 2020-07-12T21:17Z; bktei> Currently, the "duration" component of the
4 output filename for a given chunk is calculated from the ~bufferTTL~
5 variable which does not necessarily reflect the amount of buffer lines
6 being read into a given chunk, especially since lines of stdin may be
7 received while synchronous processing occurs before a new
8 ~magicProcessWriteBuffer &~ job is spun off.
10 A better way to specify the duration is to maintain a pair of
11 timestamp varriables before each ~magicProcessWriteBuffer~ command is
12 run. Within the asynchronous write job the time difference between the
13 two time stamps may be evaluated in order to determine how much time
14 has passed since the last write operation started. The last line read
15 into the buffer when the ~while read~ loop finishes should be the most
16 current value and so one of the two timestamps should be recorded
17 then. The other time stamp should simply be the previous loop's
18 timestamp value.
20 For example:
23 # MAIN LOOP: Run until script TTL seconds pass
24 bufferRound=0;
25 while [[ $SECONDS -lt "scriptTTL" ]]; do
26 vbm "STATUS:$fn:Starting buffer round:$bufferRound";
27 bufferTOD="$((SECONDS + bufferTTL))"; # Set buffer round time-of-death
28 # Consume stdin to fill buffer until buffer time-of-death (TOD) arrives
29 while read -r -t "$bufferTTL" line && [[ $SECONDS -lt "$bufferTOD" ]]; do
30 # Append line to buffer array
31 buffer+=("$line");
32 done;
34 bufferTimestampOld="$bufferTimestampNew";
35 bufferTimeStampNew="$(date --iso-8601=seconds)";
36 #====END NEW CODE HERE====
37 # Create dir_tmp if missing
38 if ! [[ -d "$dir_tmp" ]]; then
39 yell "ERROR:$fn:dir_tmp existence failure:$dir_tmp";
40 try mkdir "$dir_tmp" && vbm "DEBUG :$fn:Working dir recreated dir_tmp:$dir_tmp"; fi
41 # Update cmd_encrypt, cmd_encrypt_suffix
42 magicParseRecipients;
43 # Export buffer to asynchronous processing.
44 magicProcessWriteBuffer &
45 unset buffer; # Clear buffer array for next bufferRound
46 # Increment buffer round
47 ((bufferRound++));
48 done;
51 Then, within the ~magicProcessWriteBuffer()~ function, the difference
52 in seconds between ~bufferTimestampOld~ and ~bufferTimestampNew~ may
53 be calculated and an appropriate duration string generated from the
54 ~timeDuration()~ function.
56 ** TODO Update ~SECONDS~ variable during while read loop
57 2020-07-14T00:58Z; bktei> The starting timestamps of each output file
58 still drifts against system time. Although the ~while read~ loop does
59 not lose data, the drift causes the output files to be named weirdly.
61 A possible solution is to correct the ~SECONDS~ variable against the
62 current system time. Because ~date~ calls are slow, this correction
63 should not be made after every line. At a minimum, the correction
64 should occur once per buffer round, possibly after the buffer round
65 has completed. If more frequent corrections are required, then the
66 number of lines being read in each buffer round should be tracked and
67 a modulus comparison may be implemented within the ~while read~ loop
68 so that a correction is made after some fraction of the expected lines
69 to be read are read.
70 * bklog narrative