--- /dev/null
+import ST7735
+from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
+from enviroplus.noise import Noise
+print("""noise-amps-at-freqs.py - Measure amplitude from specific frequency bins
+This example retrieves the median amplitude from 3 user-specified frequency ranges and plots them in Blue, Green and Red on the Enviro+ display.
+As you play a continuous rising tone on your phone, you should notice peaks that correspond to the frequency entering each range.
+Press Ctrl+C to exit!
+noise = Noise()
+disp = ST7735.ST7735(
+ port=0,
+ cs=ST7735.BG_SPI_CS_FRONT,
+ dc=9,
+ backlight=12,
+ rotation=90)
+img = Image.new('RGB', (disp.width, disp.height), color=(0, 0, 0))
+draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
+while True:
+ amps = noise.get_amplitudes_at_frequency_ranges([
+ (100, 200),
+ (500, 600),
+ (1000, 1200)
+ ])
+ amps = [n * 32 for n in amps]
+ img2 = img.copy()
+ draw.rectangle((0, 0, disp.width, disp.height), (0, 0, 0))
+ img.paste(img2, (1, 0))
+ draw.line((0, 0, 0, amps[0]), fill=(0, 0, 255))
+ draw.line((0, 0, 0, amps[1]), fill=(0, 255, 0))
+ draw.line((0, 0, 0, amps[2]), fill=(255, 0, 0))
+ disp.display(img)
--- /dev/null
+import ST7735
+from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
+from enviroplus.noise import Noise
+print("""noise-profile.py - Get a simple noise profile.
+This example grabs a basic 3-bin noise profile of low, medium and high frequency noise, plotting the noise characteristics as coloured bars.
+Press Ctrl+C to exit!
+noise = Noise()
+disp = ST7735.ST7735(
+ port=0,
+ cs=ST7735.BG_SPI_CS_FRONT,
+ dc=9,
+ backlight=12,
+ rotation=90)
+img = Image.new('RGB', (disp.width, disp.height), color=(0, 0, 0))
+draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
+while True:
+ low, mid, high, amp = noise.get_noise_profile()
+ low *= 128
+ mid *= 128
+ high *= 128
+ amp *= 64
+ img2 = img.copy()
+ draw.rectangle((0, 0, disp.width, disp.height), (0, 0, 0))
+ img.paste(img2, (1, 0))
+ draw.line((0, 0, 0, amp), fill=(int(low), int(mid), int(high)))
+ disp.display(img)
+import sounddevice
+import numpy
+class Noise():
+ def __init__(self,
+ sample_rate=16000,
+ duration=0.5):
+ """Noise measurement.
+ :param sample_rate: Sample rate in Hz
+ :param duraton: Duration, in seconds, of noise sample capture
+ """
+ self.duration = duration
+ self.sample_rate = sample_rate
+ def get_amplitudes_at_frequency_ranges(self, ranges):
+ """Return the mean amplitude of frequencies in the given ranges.
+ :param ranges: List of ranges including a start and end range
+ """
+ recording = self._record()
+ magnitude = numpy.abs(numpy.fft.rfft(recording[:, 0], n=self.sample_rate))
+ result = []
+ for r in ranges:
+ start, end = r
+ result.append(numpy.mean(magnitude[start:end]))
+ return result
+ def get_amplitude_at_frequency_range(self, start, end):
+ """Return the mean amplitude of frequencies in the specified range.
+ :param start: Start frequency (in Hz)
+ :param end: End frequency (in Hz)
+ """
+ n = self.sample_rate // 2
+ if start > n or end > n:
+ raise ValueError("Maxmimum frequency is {}".format(n))
+ recording = self._record()
+ magnitude = numpy.abs(numpy.fft.rfft(recording[:, 0], n=self.sample_rate))
+ return numpy.mean(magnitude[start:end])
+ def get_noise_profile(self,
+ noise_floor=100,
+ low=0.12,
+ mid=0.36,
+ high=None):
+ """Returns a noise charateristic profile.
+ Bins all frequencies into 3 weighted groups expressed as a percentage of the total frequency range.
+ :param noise_floor: "High-pass" frequency, exclude frequencies below this value
+ :param low: Percentage of frequency ranges to count in the low bin (as a float, 0.5 = 50%)
+ :param mid: Percentage of frequency ranges to count in the mid bin (as a float, 0.5 = 50%)
+ :param high: Optional percentage for high bin, effectively creates a "Low-pass" if total percentage is less than 100%
+ """
+ if high is None:
+ high = 1.0 - low - mid
+ recording = self._record()
+ magnitude = numpy.abs(numpy.fft.rfft(recording[:, 0], n=self.sample_rate))
+ sample_count = (self.sample_rate // 2) - noise_floor
+ mid_start = noise_floor + int(sample_count * low)
+ high_start = mid_start + int(sample_count * mid)
+ noise_ceiling = high_start + int(sample_count * high)
+ amp_low = numpy.mean(magnitude[self.noise_floor:mid_start])
+ amp_mid = numpy.mean(magnitude[mid_start:high_start])
+ amp_high = numpy.mean(magnitude[high_start:noise_ceiling])
+ amp_total = (low + mid + high) / 3.0
+ return amp_low, amp_mid, amp_high, amp_total
+ def _record(self):
+ return sounddevice.rec(
+ int(self.duration * self.sample_rate),
+ samplerate=self.sample_rate,
+ blocking=True,
+ channels=1,
+ dtype='float64'
+ )
+ sounddevice
exclude =
+ libportaudio2
py3deps =
+ libportaudio2
configtxt =
+ dtoverlay=adau7002-simple
commands =
printf "Setting up i2c and SPI..\n"
raspi-config nonint do_spi 0