[BK-2020-04.git] / README.org
1 * BK-2020-04: Baltakatei Engineering Drawing Templates
2 #+AUTHOR: Steven Baltakatei Sandoval
3 #+DATE: 2023-08-19
4 #+EMAIL: baltakatei@gmail.com
6 ** Scope
7 This repository contains drawing files for constructing personal P&IDs
8 ([[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piping_and_instrumentation_diagram][Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams]]) and PFDs ([[Process flow diagram][Process Flow
9 Diagrams]]).
11 ** Summary
12 See the [[File:REVISION.org][drawing revision history]] for a list of tracked files.
14 Some drawings may be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. Notable sets include:
16 - [[https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:ISO_10628-2_2012_Symbols.pdf][BK-2020-04-PID-1]]: Chemical engineering symbols ([[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_10628][ISO 10628]]-2:2012 Symbols)
17 - [[https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Technical_drawing_templates_(ISO_5457_1999_Sizes_A0-A4).pdf][BK-2020-04-TMP-1]]: Technical drawing templates (ISO 5457:1999 Sizes A0—A4)
19 ** Contents
20 *** Directories
21 **** ~DEL~ : Deliverables
22 A directory that may include plain SVG files and exported PDF files. This is probably
23 what you want.
24 **** ~DWG~ : Drawing source files
25 A directory that may include [[https://inkscape.org/][Inkscape]] SVG files.
26 **** ~EXEC~ : Executable files
27 A directory that may include scripts useful for manipulating files.
28 **** ~IMG~: Reference image files
29 A directory that may include various image files used in creation of project source
30 files.
31 *** Files
32 **** ~README.org~
33 This file.
34 **** ~REVISIONS.org~
35 A file containing a detailed version history of each drawing.
36 **** ~TODO.org~
37 A file containing a list of pending tasks for the project.
39 ** Usage
40 *** Generate a combined PDF
41 A script is available at ~./EXEC/combine_pdfs.sh~ to merge multiple
42 single-page PDFs into a single PDF file; the script uses the [[https://www.pdflabs.com/tools/pdftk-the-pdf-toolkit/][~pdftk~
43 utility]] available on typical [[https://www.debian.org/][Debian]]-based [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnu-Linux][GNU/Linux]] machines
44 of 2023. On a typical Debian 12 system, the following command may be
45 used to merge ~input1.pdf~ and ~input2.pdf~ files into ~output.pdf~.
47 : $ /bin/bash combine_pdfs.sh output.pdf input1.pdf input2.pdf
49 ** License
50 Unless otherwise specified, source and deliverable files are copyright
51 2023 [[https://baltakatei.com][Steven Baltakatei Sandoval]] and available under a [[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/][CC BY-SA 4.0]]
52 license.