--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Desc: Gets gpg fingerprint but replaces uid email addresses with hashes
+# Usage: bk-gpgfp-noemail 0xdc3469c9 74810B012346C9A6
+# Depends: gpg, b2sum
+yell() { echo "$0: $*" >&2; } # print script path and all args to stderr
+die() { yell "$*"; exit 111; } # same as yell() but non-zero exit status
+try() { "$@" || die "cannot $*"; } # runs args as command, reports args if command fails
+check_resembles_gpg_fingerprint() {
+ # Desc: Checks if input string looks like gpg fingerprint
+ # Usage: check_resembles_gpg_fingerprint arg1
+ # Input: arg1: string
+ # Output: exit code: 0 if arg1 is fingerprint, 1 otherwise
+ # Depends: yell(), die(), try()
+ # Version: 0.0.1
+ local pattern1 pattern2 input input_length
+ # Check args
+ if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
+ die "ERROR:Invalid number of arguments:$#";
+ else
+ input="$1";
+ fi;
+ ## Trim leading `0x`
+ pattern1="(0x)(.*)";
+ if [[ $input =~ $pattern1 ]]; then
+ input="${input:2}";
+ #yell "DEBUG:input:$input";
+ fi;
+ ## Check if char count multiple of 8
+ input_length="${#input}";
+ if [[ ! $(( input_length % 8 )) -eq 0 ]]; then
+ yell "DEBUG:Length not a multiple of 8:$input_length:$input";
+ return 1;
+ fi;
+ ## Check if hexadecimal
+ pattern2="[0-9A-Fa-f]{8,40}";
+ if [[ $1 =~ $pattern2 ]]; then
+ #yell "DEBUG:is a fingerprint:$arg";
+ return 0;
+ else
+ #yell "DEBUG:Not a fingerprint:$arg";
+ return 1;
+ fi;
+}; # Checks if input string looks like gpg fingerprint
+main() {
+ # Desc: main program
+ # Depends: gpg, b2sum
+ # Ref/Attrib: [1] Manipulating Strings. https://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/string-manipulation.html
+ declare -a fingerprints
+ local gpg_text gpg_text_buffer pattern email
+ # Check arguments
+ n=0;
+ for arg in "$@"; do
+ ((n++));
+ #yell "DEBUG:n:$n";
+ #yell "DEBUG:arg:$arg";
+ # Check if arg resembles gpg fignerprint
+ if check_resembles_gpg_fingerprint "$arg"; then
+ #yell "DEBUG:Resembles a gpg fingerprint:$arg";
+ fingerprints+=("$arg");
+ #yell "DEBUG:fingerprints:$(declare -p fingerprints)";
+ else
+ die "ERROR:Doesn't resemble a gpg fingerprint:$arg";
+ fi;
+ done;
+ # Process fingerprints
+ for arg in "${fingerprints[@]}"; do
+ # Get gpg fingerprint text
+ gpg_text="$(gpg --fingerprint --fingerprint "$arg" 2>&1)";
+ #yell "DEBUG:gpg_text:$gpg_text";
+ # Trim emails
+ gpg_text_buffer="";
+ while IFS= read -r line; do
+ #yell "DEBUG:line:$line";
+ ## Read $gpg_text line-by-line
+ # Skip lines that don't start with 'uid'
+ pattern="^uid";
+ if [[ ! $line =~ $pattern ]]; then
+ #yell "DEBUG:line doesn't start with \"uid\":$line";
+ gpg_text_buffer="$(printf "%s\n%s" "$gpg_text_buffer" "$line")";
+ continue;
+ fi;
+ # Trim email from $line
+ ## Get email
+ email="$(expr match "$line" '.*\(<.*$\)')";
+ #yell "DEBUG:email1:$email";
+ email="${email%>*}";
+ #yell "DEBUG:email2:$email";
+ email="${email#*<}";
+ #yell "DEBUG:email3:$email";
+ ## Strip email from $line
+ line="${line% <*}"; # See [1]
+ #yell "DEBUG:line1:$line";
+ ## Add hashed email if $email length non-zero
+ if [[ -n $email ]]; then
+ email_hash="$(echo -n "$email" | b2sum -l32 | cut -d' ' -f1)"; # hash email using b2sum
+ #yell "DEBUG:email_hash:$email_hash";
+ line="$line <$email_hash>";
+ #yell "DEBUG:line3:$line";
+ fi;
+ ## Append $line to $gpg_text_buffer
+ gpg_text_buffer="$(printf "%s\n%s" "$gpg_text_buffer" "$line")";
+ #done < <(echo "$gpg_text");
+ done < <(printf "%s" "$gpg_text");
+ echo "$gpg_text_buffer";
+ done;
+}; # main program
+main "$@";
+# Author: Steven Baltakatei Sandoval
+# License: GPLv3+