--- /dev/null
+function bkunzip() {
+ # Desc: Uncompresses zip file.
+ # Depends: unzip
+ # Version: 0.0.1
+ for fin in "$@"; do
+ if [[ -f "$fin" && "$fin" =~ \.zip$ ]]; then
+ # Remove the file extension to create a directory name
+ dir="${fin%.*}";
+ # Create the directory if it doesn't exist
+ mkdir -p "$dir" || \
+ { echo "ERROR:Could not mkdir:$dir"; return 1; };
+ # Extract the zip file into the directory
+ unzip "$fin" -x / -d "$dir" || \
+ { echo "ERROR:Could not unzip:$fin"; return 1; };
+ else
+ echo "ERROR:Not a valid zip file:$fin" 1>&2; return 1;
+ fi;
+ done;
+}; # wrapper for unzip
+printf "WARNING:$0:This is a bash function definition."