X-Git-Url: https://zdv2.bktei.com/gitweb/EVA-2020-02.git/blobdiff_plain/21363b806b9f1e8270be701f7f1929be47ed690e..7450fdc97a22d00aae3dea74385ee494c5dddf06:/exec/bklog?ds=inline

diff --git a/exec/bklog b/exec/bklog
index 6493015..e0bb57f 100644
--- a/exec/bklog
+++ b/exec/bklog
@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ dirTmpDefault="/dev/shm"; # Default parent of working directory
 # Script Metadata
 scriptName="bklog";             # Define basename of script file.
-scriptVersion="0.1.13";          # Define version of script.
-scriptURL="https://gitlab.com/baltakatei/ninfacyzga-01"; # Define wesite hosting this script.
+scriptVersion="0.1.30";         # Define version of script.
+scriptURL="https://gitlab.com/baltakatei/ninfacyzga-01"; # Define website hosting this script.
+scriptTimeStartEpoch="$(date +%s)"; # Save start time of script in epoch seconds
 scriptTimeStart="$(date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S.%N)"; # YYYYmmddTHHMMSS.NNNNNNNNN
 scriptHostname=$(hostname);     # Save hostname of system running this script.
 PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH";  # Add "$(systemd-path user-binaries)" path in case user apps saved there
@@ -23,7 +24,6 @@ ageURL="https://github.com/FiloSottile/age/releases/tag/v1.0.0-beta2"; # Define
 declare -a buffer          # array for storing while read buffer
 declare -a argRecPubKeys   # array for processArguments function
 declare -a recPubKeysValid # array for storing both '-r' and '-R' recipient pubkeys
-declare -a recPubKeysValidStatic # for storing '-r' recipient pubkeys
 declare -a argProcStrings argProcFileExts # for storing buffer processing strings (ex: "gpsbabel -i nmea -f - -o gpx -F - ")
 declare -Ag appRollCall    # Associative array for storing app status
 declare -Ag fileRollCall   # Associative array for storing file status
@@ -43,22 +43,22 @@ try() { "$@" || die "cannot $*"; } #o
 processArguments() {
     while [ ! $# -eq 0 ]; do   # While number of arguments ($#) is not (!) equal to (-eq) zero (0).
 	case "$1" in
-	    -v | --verbose) optionVerbose="true"; vbm "DEBUG:Verbose mode enabled.";; # Enable verbose mode.
+	    -v | --verbose) optionVerbose="true"; vbm "DEBUG :Verbose mode enabled.";; # Enable verbose mode.
 	    -h | --help) showUsage; exit 1;; # Display usage.
 	    --version) showVersion; exit 1;; # Show version
-	    -o | --output) if [ -d "$2" ]; then dirOut="$2"; vbm "DEBUG:dirOut:$dirOut"; shift; fi ;; # Define output directory.
-	    -e | --encrypt) optionEncrypt="true"; vbm "DEBUG:Encrypted output mode enabled.";; # Enable encryption
-	    -r | --recipient) optionRecipients="true"; argRecPubKeys+=("$2"); vbm "STATUS:pubkey added:""$2"; shift;; # Add recipients
-	    -c | --compress) optionCompress="true"; vbm "DEBUG:Compressed output mode enabled.";; # Enable compression
+	    -o | --output) if [ -d "$2" ]; then dirOut="$2"; vbm "DEBUG :dirOut:$dirOut"; shift; fi ;; # Define output directory.
+	    -e | --encrypt) optionEncrypt="true"; vbm "DEBUG :Encrypted output mode enabled.";; # Enable encryption
+	    -r | --recipient) optionRecArg="true"; argRecPubKeys+=("$2"); vbm "STATUS:pubkey added:""$2"; shift;; # Add recipients
+	    -R | --recipient-dir) optionRecDir="true" && argRecDir="$2"; shift;; # Add recipient watch dir
+	    -c | --compress) optionCompress="true"; vbm "DEBUG :Compressed output mode enabled.";; # Enable compression
 	    -z | --time-zone) try setTimeZoneEV "$2"; shift;; # Set timestamp timezone
 	    -t | --temp-dir) optionTmpDir="true" && argTempDirPriority="$2"; shift;; # Set time zone
-	    -R | --recipient-dir) optionRecipients="true"; optionRecDir="true" && argRecDir="$2"; shift;; # Add recipient watch dir
 	    -b | --buffer-ttl) optionCustomBufferTTL="true" && argCustomBufferTTL="$2"; shift;; # Set custom buffer period (default: 300 seconds)
 	    -B | --script-ttl) optionCustomScriptTTL_TE="true" && argCustomScriptTTL_TE="$2"; shift;; # Set custom script TTL (default: "day")
-	    -p | --process-string) optionProcString="true" && argProcStrings+=("$2") && argProcFileExts+=("$3") && vbm "STATUS:file extension \"$2\" for output of processing string added:\"$3\""; shift; shift;;
-	    -l | --label) optionLabel="true" && argLabel="$2"; vbm "DEBUG:Custom label received:$argLabel"; shift;;
-	    -w | --store-raw) optionStoreRaw="true" && argRawFileExt="$2"; vbm "DEBUG:Raw stdin file extension received:$argRawFileExt"; shift;;
-	    -W | --no-store-raw) optionNoStoreRaw="true"; vbm "DEBUG:Option selected to not store raw stdin data."; shift;;
+	    -p | --process-string) optionProcString="true" && argProcStrings+=("$2") && argProcFileExts+=("$3") && vbm "STATUS:file extension \"$3\" for output of processing string added:\"$2\""; shift; shift;;
+	    -l | --label) optionLabel="true" && argLabel="$2"; vbm "DEBUG :Custom label received:$argLabel"; shift;;
+	    -w | --store-raw) optionStoreRaw="true" && argRawFileExt="$2"; vbm "DEBUG :Raw stdin file extension received:$argRawFileExt"; shift;;
+	    -W | --no-store-raw) optionNoStoreRaw="true"; vbm "DEBUG :Option selected to not store raw stdin data."; shift;;
 	    *) yell "ERROR: Unrecognized argument: $1"; yell "STATUS:All arguments:$*"; exit 1;; # Handle unrecognized options.
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ processArguments() {
 } # Argument Processing
 vbm() {
     # Description: Prints verbose message ("vbm") to stderr if optionVerbose is set to "true".
-    # Usage: vbm "DEBUG:verbose message here"
-    # Version 0.1.2
+    # Usage: vbm "DEBUG :verbose message here"
+    # Version 0.1.3
     # Input: arg1: string
     #        vars: optionVerbose
     # Output: stderr
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ vbm() {
     if [ "$optionVerbose" = "true" ]; then
 	functionTime=$(date --iso-8601=ns); # Save current time in nano seconds.
-	echo "[$functionTime] ""$*" 1>&2; # Display argument text.
+	echo "[$functionTime]:$0:""$*" 1>&2; # Display argument text.
     # End function
@@ -174,11 +174,11 @@ displayMissing() {
     #==BEGIN Display errors==
     #===BEGIN Display Missing Apps===
     missingApps="Missing apps  :";
-    #for key in "${!appRollCall[@]}"; do echo "DEBUG:$key => ${appRollCall[$key]}"; done
+    #for key in "${!appRollCall[@]}"; do echo "DEBUG :$key => ${appRollCall[$key]}"; done
     for key in "${!appRollCall[@]}"; do
 	if [ "$value" = "false" ]; then
-	    #echo "DEBUG:Missing apps: $key => $value";
+	    #echo "DEBUG :Missing apps: $key => $value";
 	    missingApps="$missingApps""$key ";
@@ -191,11 +191,11 @@ displayMissing() {
     #===BEGIN Display Missing Files===
     missingFiles="Missing files:";
-    #for key in "${!fileRollCall[@]}"; do echo "DEBUG:$key => ${fileRollCall[$key]}"; done
+    #for key in "${!fileRollCall[@]}"; do echo "DEBUG :$key => ${fileRollCall[$key]}"; done
     for key in "${!fileRollCall[@]}"; do
 	if [ "$value" = "false" ]; then
-	    #echo "DEBUG:Missing files: $key => $value";
+	    #echo "DEBUG :Missing files: $key => $value";
 	    missingFiles="$missingFiles""$key ";
@@ -208,11 +208,11 @@ displayMissing() {
     #===BEGIN Display Missing Directories===
     missingDirs="Missing dirs:";
-    #for key in "${!dirRollCall[@]}"; do echo "DEBUG:$key => ${dirRollCall[$key]}"; done
+    #for key in "${!dirRollCall[@]}"; do echo "DEBUG :$key => ${dirRollCall[$key]}"; done
     for key in "${!dirRollCall[@]}"; do
 	if [ "$value" = "false" ]; then
-	    #echo "DEBUG:Missing dirs: $key => $value";
+	    #echo "DEBUG :Missing dirs: $key => $value";
 	    missingDirs="$missingDirs""$key ";
@@ -226,6 +226,64 @@ displayMissing() {
     #==END Display errors==
 } # Display missing apps, files, dirs
+    # Desc: Writes first argument to temporary file with arguments as options, then appends file to tar
+    # Usage: appendArgTar "$(echo "Data to be written.")" [name of file to be inserted] [tar path] [temp dir] ([cmd1] [cmd2] [cmd3] [cmd4]...)
+    # Version: 1.0.6
+    # Input: arg1: data to be written
+    #        arg2: file name of file to be inserted into tar
+    #        arg3: tar archive path (must exist first)
+    #        arg4: temporary working dir
+    #        arg5+: command strings (ex: "gpsbabel -i nmea -f - -o kml -F - ")
+    # Output: file written to disk
+    # Example: decrypt multiple large files in parallel
+    #          appendArgTar "$(cat /tmp/largefile1.gpg)" "largefile1" $HOME/archive.tar /tmp "gpg --decrypt" &
+    #          appendArgTar "$(cat /tmp/largefile2.gpg)" "largefile2" $HOME/archive.tar /tmp "gpg --decrypt" &
+    #          appendArgTar "$(cat /tmp/largefile3.gpg)" "largefile3" $HOME/archive.tar /tmp "gpg --decrypt" &
+    # Depends: bash 5, tar 1, yell()
+    # Ref/Attrib: Using 'eval' to construct command strings https://askubuntu.com/a/476533
+    local fn fileName tarPath tmpDir cmd0 cmd1 cmd2 cmd3 cmd4
+    # Save function name
+    fn="${FUNCNAME[0]}";
+    #yell "DEBUG:STATUS:$fn:Finished appendArgTar()."
+    # Set file name
+    if ! [ -z "$2" ]; then fileName="$2"; else yell "ERROR:$fn:Not enough arguments."; exit 1; fi
+    # Check tar path is a file
+    if [ -f "$3" ]; then tarPath="$3"; else yell "ERROR:$fn:Tar archive arg not a file."; exit 1; fi
+    # Check temp dir arg
+    if ! [ -z "$4" ]; then tmpDir="$4"; else yell "ERROR:$fn:No temporary working dir set."; exit 1; fi
+    # Set command strings
+    if ! [ -z "$5" ]; then cmd1="$5"; else cmd1="cat "; fi # command string 1
+    if ! [ -z "$6" ]; then cmd2="$6"; else cmd2="cat "; fi # command string 2
+    if ! [ -z "$7" ]; then cmd3="$7"; else cmd3="cat "; fi # command string 3
+    if ! [ -z "$8" ]; then cmd4="$8"; else cmd4="cat "; fi # command string 4
+    # Input command
+    cmd0="echo \"\$1\""
+    # # Debug
+    # yell "DEBUG:STATUS:$fn:cmd0:$cmd0"
+    # yell "DEBUG:STATUS:$fn:cmd1:$cmd1"
+    # yell "DEBUG:STATUS:$fn:cmd2:$cmd2"
+    # yell "DEBUG:STATUS:$fn:cmd3:$cmd3"
+    # yell "DEBUG:STATUS:$fn:cmd4:$cmd4"
+    # yell "DEBUG:STATUS:$fn:fileName:$fileName"
+    # yell "DEBUG:STATUS:$fn:tarPath:$tarPath"
+    # yell "DEBUG:STATUS:$fn:tmpDir:$tmpDir"
+    # Write to temporary working dir
+    eval "$cmd0 | $cmd1 | $cmd2 | $cmd3 | $cmd4" > "$tmpDir"/"$fileName";
+    # Append to tar
+    try tar --append --directory="$tmpDir" --file="$tarPath" "$fileName";
+    #yell "DEBUG:STATUS:$fn:Finished appendArgTar()."
+} # Append Bash var to file appended to Tar archive
     # Desc: Appends [processed] file to tar
     # Usage: appendFileTar [file path] [name of file to be inserted] [tar path] [temp dir] ([process cmd])
@@ -245,7 +303,7 @@ appendFileTar(){
     # Save function name
-    #yell "DEBUG:STATUS:$fn:Started appendFileTar()."
+    #yell "DEBUG :STATUS:$fn:Started appendFileTar()."
     # Set file name
     if ! [ -z "$2" ]; then fileName="$2"; else yell "ERROR:$fn:Not enough arguments."; exit 1; fi
@@ -264,7 +322,7 @@ appendFileTar(){
     # Append to tar
     try tar --append --directory="$tmpDir" --file="$tarPath" "$fileName";
-    #yell "DEBUG:STATUS:$fn:Finished appendFileTar()."
+    #yell "DEBUG :STATUS:$fn:Finished appendFileTar()."
 } # Append [processed] file to Tar archive
 checkAgePubkey() {
     # Desc: Checks if string is an age-compatible pubkey
@@ -300,17 +358,20 @@ checkMakeTar() {
     if tar --list --file="$pathTar" 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
 	## T1: return success
 	returnFlag0="tar valid";
+    elif { sleep 2; tar --list --file="$pathTar" 1>/dev/null 2>&1; }; then
+	## F1: Check tar archive again after 2-second sleep
+	returnFlag0="tar valid";
-	## F1: Check if file exists
+	## F2-1: Check if file exists
 	if [[ -f "$pathTar" ]]; then
 	    ### T: Rename file
-	    try mv "$pathTar" "$pathTar""--broken--""$(date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S)" && \
+	    try mv "$pathTar" "$pathTar""--broken--""$(date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S%z)" && \
 		returnFlag1="tar moved";
 	    ### F: -
-	## F2: Create tar archive, return 0
+	## F2-1: Create tar archive, return 0
 	try tar --create --file="$pathTar" --files-from=/dev/null && \
 	    returnFlag2="tar created";
@@ -427,79 +488,6 @@ setTimeZoneEV(){
 	return 0;
 } # Exports TZ environment variable
-showUsage() {
-    cat <<'EOF'
-    USAGE:
-        cmd | bklog [ options ]
-        -h, --help
-                Display help information.
-        --version
-                Display script version.
-        -v, --verbose
-                Display debugging info.
-        -e, --encrypt
-                Encrypt output.
-        -r, --recipient [ string pubkey ]
-                Specify recipient. May be age or ssh pubkey.
-                May be specified multiple times for multiple pubkeys.
-                See https://github.com/FiloSottile/age
-        -o, --output [ path dir ]
-                Specify output directory to save logs. This option is required
-                to save log data.
-        -p, --process-string [ filter command ] [ output file extension] 
-                Specify how to create and name a processed version of the stdin.
-                For example, if stdin is 'nmea' location data:
-                -p "gpsbabel -i nmea -f - -o gpx -F - " ".gpx"
-                This option would cause the stdin to 'bklog' to be piped into
-                the 'gpsbabel' command, interpreted as 'nmea' data, converted
-                into 'gpx' format, and then appended to the output tar file
-                as a file with a '.gpx' extension.
-                This option may be specified multiple times in order to output
-                results of multiple different processing methods.
-        -l, --label [ string ]
-                Specify a label to be included in all output file names.
-                Ex: 'location' if stdin is location data.
-        -w, --store-raw [ file extension ]
-                Specify file extension of file within output tar that contains
-                raw stdin data. The default behavior is to always save raw stdin
-                data in a '.stdin' file. Example usage when 'bklog' receives
-                'nmea' data from 'gpspipe -r':
-                -w ".nmea"
-                Stdin data is saved in a '.nmea' file within the output tar.
-        -W, --no-store-raw
-                Do not store raw stdin in output tar.
-        -c, --compress
-                Compress output with gzip (before encryption if enabled).
-        -z, --time-zone
-                Specify time zone. (ex: "America/New_York")
-        -t, --temp-dir [path dir]
-                Specify parent directory for temporary working directory.
-                Default: "/dev/shm"
-        -R, --recipient-dir [path dir]
-                Specify directory containing files whose first lines are
-                to be interpreted as pubkey strings (see '-r' option).
-        -b, --buffer-ttl [integer]
-                Specify custom buffer period in seconds (default: 300 seconds)
-        -B, --script-ttl [time element string]
-                Specify custom script time-to-live in seconds (default: "day")
-                Valid values: "day", "hour"
-    EXAMPLE: (bash script lines)
-    $ gpspipe -r | /bin/bash bklog -v -e -c -z "UTC" -t "/dev/shm" \
-    -r age1mrmfnwhtlprn4jquex0ukmwcm7y2nxlphuzgsgv8ew2k9mewy3rs8u7su5 \
-    -r age1ala848kqrvxc88rzaauc6vc5v0fqrvef9dxyk79m0vjea3hagclswu0lgq \
-    -R ~/.config/bklog/recipients -w ".nmea" -b 300 -B "day" \
-    -o ~/Sync/Logs -l "location" \
-    -p "gpsbabel -i nmea -f - -o gpx -F - " ".gpx" \
-    -p "gpsbabel -i nmea -f - -o kml -F - " ".kml"
-} # Display information on how to use this script.
 showVersion() {
     yell "$scriptVersion"
 } # Display script version.
@@ -508,7 +496,7 @@ timeDuration(){
     # Ref/Attrib: ISO-8601:2004(E), § Representations of time intervals by duration and context information
     # Note: "1 month" ("P1M") is assumed to be "30 days" (see ISO-8601:2004(E), §
     # Usage: timeDuration [1:seconds] ([2:precision])
-    # Version: 1.0.4
+    # Version: 1.0.5
     # Input: arg1: seconds as base 10 integer >= 0  (ex: 3601)
     #        arg2: precision level (optional; default=2)
     # Output: stdout: ISO-8601 duration string (ex: "P1H1S", "P2Y10M15DT10H30M20S")
@@ -584,7 +572,7 @@ timeDuration(){
     if [[ $fullDays -gt 0 ]]; then hasDays="true"; else hasDays="false"; fi
     if [[ $fullHours -gt 0 ]]; then hasHours="true"; else hasHours="false"; fi
     if [[ $fullMinutes -gt 0 ]]; then hasMinutes="true"; else hasMinutes="false"; fi
-    if [[ $fullSeconds -gt 0 ]]; then hasSeconds="true"; else hasSeconds="false"; fi
+    if [[ $fullSeconds -ge 0 ]]; then hasSeconds="true"; else hasSeconds="false"; fi
     ## Determine which fields to display (see ISO-8601:2004 §
@@ -852,7 +840,7 @@ magicInitWorkingDir() {
     ## Set dir_tmp using dir_tmp_parent and nonce (scriptTimeStart)
-    dir_tmp="$dir_tmp_parent"/"$scriptTimeStart""..bkgpslog" && vbm "DEBUG:$fn:Set dir_tmp to:$dir_tmp"; # Note: removed at end of main().
+    dir_tmp="$dir_tmp_parent"/"$scriptTimeStart""..bkgpslog" && vbm "DEBUG :$fn:Set dir_tmp to:$dir_tmp"; # Note: removed at end of main().
     vbm "STATUS:$fn:Finished magicInitWorkingDir() function.";
 } # Sets working dir
 magicInitCheckTar() {
@@ -861,7 +849,7 @@ magicInitCheckTar() {
     # input: vars: scriptHostname
     # output: vars: pathout_tar
     # depends: Bash 5.0.3, vbm(), dateShort(), checkMakeTar(), magicWriteVersion()
-    local fn
+    local fn checkMakeTarES
     # Save function name
@@ -871,10 +859,10 @@ magicInitCheckTar() {
     pathout_tar="$dirOut"/"$(dateShort "$(date --date="$bufferTTL seconds ago" --iso-8601=seconds)")".."$scriptHostname""$label""$cmd_compress_suffix""$cmd_encrypt_suffix".tar && \
 	vbm "STATUS:$fn:Set pathout_tar to:$pathout_tar";
     # Validate pathout_tar as tar.
-    checkMakeTar "$pathout_tar";
+    checkMakeTar "$pathout_tar"; checkMakeTarES="$?";
     ## Add VERSION file if checkMakeTar had to create a tar (exited 1) or replace one (exited 2)
-    vbm "STATUS:$fn:exit status before magicWriteVersion:$?"
-    if [[ $? -eq 1 ]] || [[ $? -eq 2 ]]; then magicWriteVersion; fi
+    vbm "STATUS:$fn:exit status before magicWriteVersion:$checkMakeTarES"
+    if [[ "$checkMakeTarES" -eq 1 ]] || [[ "$checkMakeTarES" -eq 2 ]]; then magicWriteVersion; fi
     vbm "STATUS:$fn:Finished magicInitCheckTar() function.";
 } # Initialize tar, set pathout_tar
 magicParseCompressionArg() {
@@ -898,9 +886,9 @@ magicParseCompressionArg() {
 	cmd_compress="tee /dev/null " && vbm "STATUS:$fn:cmd_compress:$cmd_compress";
 	cmd_compress_suffix="" && vbm "STATUS:$fn:cmd_compress_suffix:$cmd_compress_suffix";
-	vbm "DEBUG:$fn:Compression not enabled.";
+	vbm "DEBUG :$fn:Compression not enabled.";
-    vbm "STATUS:$fn:Starting magicParseCompressionArg() function.";
+    vbm "STATUS:$fn:Finished magicParseCompressionArg() function.";
 } # Form compression cmd string and filename suffix
 magicParseCustomTTL() {
     # Desc: Set user-specified TTLs for buffer and script
@@ -941,7 +929,7 @@ magicParseCustomTTL() {
 	## F: do not change scriptTTL_TE
-    vbm "STATUS:$fn:Starting magicParseCustomTTL() function.";
+    vbm "STATUS:$fn:Finished magicParseCustomTTL() function.";
 } # Sets custom script or buffer TTL if specified
 magicParseLabel() {
     # Desc: Parses -l option to set label
@@ -988,28 +976,40 @@ magicParseProcessStrings() {
     # Validate input
     ## Validate argRawFileExt
     if [[ "$argRawFileExt" =~ ^[.][[:alnum:]]*$ ]]; then
-	rawFileExt="$argRawFileExt";
+	rawFileExt="$argRawFileExt" && \
+	    vbm "DEBUG :$fn:Set rawFileExt to \"$argRawFileExt\"";
+    else
+	vbm "DEBUG :$fn:Validation failure for $argRawFileExt . Not set to rawFileExt.";
     # Add default stdin output file entries for procStrings, procFileExts
     ## Check if user specified that no raw stdin be saved.
     if [[ ! "$optionNoStoreRaw" = "true" ]]; then
 	### T: --no-store-raw not set. Store raw. Append procStrings with cat.
+	vbm "DEBUG :$fn:--no-store-raw not set. Storing raw.";
 	#### Append procStrings array
-	procStrings+=("cat ");
+	procStrings+=("cat ") && \
+	    vbm "DEBUG :$fn:Appended \"cat \" to procStrings";
+	vbm "DEBUG :$fn:procStrings array:${procStrings[*]}";
 	#### Check if --store-raw set.
 	if [[ "$optionStoreRaw" = "true" ]]; then
 	    ##### T: --store-raw set. Append procFileExts with user-specified file ext
-	    procFileExts+=("$rawFileExt");
+	    vbm "DEBUG :$fn:--store-raw set.";
+	    procFileExts+=("$rawFileExt") && \
+		vbm "DEBUG :$fn:Appended $rawFileExt to procFileExts";
+	    vbm "STATUS:$fn:procFileExts array:${procFileExts[*]}";
 	    ##### F: --store-raw not set. Append procFileExts with default ".stdin" file ext
 	    ###### Append procFileExts array
-	    procFileExts+=(".stdin");
+	    procFileExts+=(".stdin") && \
+		vbm "DEBUG :$fn:Appended \".stdin\" to procFileExts";
+	    vbm "STATUS:$fn:procFileExts array:${procFileExts[*]}";
 	### F: --no-store-raw set. Do not store raw.
 	#### Do not append procStrings or procFileExts arrays.
-	:
+	vbm "STATUS:$fn:--no-store-raw set. Not storing raw.";
+	vbm "STATUS:$fn:procFileExts array:${procFileExts[*]}";
     # Do nothing more if optionProcString not set to true.
@@ -1032,113 +1032,112 @@ magicParseProcessStrings() {
 	    yell "ERROR:$fn:Illegal character '-' at start of process string element:\"$element\"";
 	    exit 1; fi; done;
     vbm "STATUS:$fn:Quick check shows argProcStrings and argProcFileExts appear to have valid contents.";
-    procStrings=("${argProcStrings[@]}"); # Export process command strings
-    procFileExts=("${argProcFileExts[@]}"); # Export process command strings
+    vbm "STATUS:$fn:argProcStrings:${argProcStrings[*]}"
+    vbm "STATUS:$fn:argProcFileExts:${argProcFileExts[*]}"
+    procStrings+=("${argProcStrings[@]}"); # Export process command strings
+    procFileExts+=("${argProcFileExts[@]}"); # Export process command strings
+    vbm "STATUS:$fn:procStrings:${procStrings[*]}"
+    vbm "STATUS:$fn:procFileExts:${procFileExts[*]}"
     vbm "STATUS:$fn:Finished magicParseProcessStrings() function.";
 } # Validate and save process strings and file extensions to arrays procStrings, procFileExts
-magicParseRecipientArgs() {
-    # Desc: Parses recipient arguments specified by '-r' option
-    # Input:  vars: optionEncrypt, optionRecipients
-    #         arry: argRecPubKeys from processArguments()
-    # Output: vars: cmd_encrypt, cmd_encrypt_suffix
-    #         arry: recPubKeysValid, recPubKeysValidStatic
-    # Depends: processArguments(), yell(), vbm(), checkapp(), checkAgePubkey(), validateInput()
-    local fn recipients
+magicParseRecipients() {
+    # Desc: Parses recipient arguments specified by '-r' or '-R' options
+    # Usage: magicParseRecipients
+    # In : vars: optionEncrypt, optionRecArg, optionRecDir
+    #      arry: argRecPubKeys (-r), argRecDir (-R)
+    # Out: vars: cmd_encrypt, cmd_encrypt_suffix
+    # Depends: head 8.30, checkapp(), checkAgePubkey(), validateInput()
+    local fn recipients recipientDir recFileLine updateRecipients
+    local -a recPubKeysValid candRecPubKeysValid
     # Save function name
+    vbm "STATUS:$fn:Starting magicParseRecipients() function.";
-    vbm "STATUS:$fn:Starting magicParseRecipientArgs() function.";
-    # Check if encryption option active.
-    if [[ "$optionEncrypt" = "true" ]] && [[ "$optionRecipients" = "true" ]]; then 
-	if checkapp age; then # Check that age is available.
-	    for pubkey in "${argRecPubKeys[@]}"; do # Validate recipient pubkey strings by forming test message
-		vbm "DEBUG:$fn:Testing pubkey string:$pubkey";
-		if checkAgePubkey "$pubkey" && \
-			( validateInput "$pubkey" "ssh_pubkey" || validateInput "$pubkey" "age_pubkey"); then
-		    #### Form age recipient string
-		    recipients="$recipients""-r '$pubkey' ";
-		    vbm "STATUS:$fn:Added pubkey for forming age recipient string:""$pubkey";
-		    vbm "DEBUG:$fn:recipients:""$recipients";
-		    #### Add validated pubkey to recPubKeysValid array
-		    recPubKeysValid+=("$pubkey") && vbm "DEBUG:$fn:recPubkeysValid:pubkey added:$pubkey";
-		else
-		    yell "ERROR:$fn:Exit code ""$?"". Invalid recipient pubkey string. Exiting."; exit 1;
-		fi;
-	    done
-	    vbm "DEBUG:$fn:Finished processing argRecPubKeys array";
-	    vbm "STATUS:$fn:Array of validated pubkeys:${recPubKeysValid[*]}";
-	    recPubKeysValidStatic=("${recPubKeysValid[@]}"); # Save static image of pubkeys validated by this function
-	    ##  Form age command string
-	    cmd_encrypt="age ""$recipients " && vbm "STATUS:$fn:cmd_encrypt:$cmd_encrypt";
-	    cmd_encrypt_suffix=".age" && vbm "STATUS:$fn:cmd_encrypt_suffix:$cmd_encrypt_suffix";
-	else
-	    yell "ERROR:$fn:Encryption enabled but \"age\" not found. Exiting."; exit 1;
-	fi;
-    else
-	cmd_encrypt="tee /dev/null " && vbm "STATUS:$fn:cmd_encrypt:$cmd_encrypt";
-	cmd_encrypt_suffix="" && vbm "STATUS:$fn:cmd_encrypt_suffix:$cmd_encrypt_suffix";
-	vbm "DEBUG:$fn:Encryption not enabled."
-    fi;
-    # Catch case if '-e' is set but '-r' or '-R' is not
-    if [[ "$optionEncrypt" = "true" ]] && [[ ! "$optionRecipients" = "true" ]]; then
+    # Catch illegal option combinations
+    ## Catch case if '-e' is set but neither '-r' nor '-R' is set
+    if [[ "$optionEncrypt" = "true" ]] && \
+	   ! { [[ "$optionRecArg" = "true" ]] || [[ "$optionRecDir" = "true" ]]; }; then
 	yell "ERROR:$fn:\\'-e\\' set but no \\'-r\\' or \\'-R\\' set."; exit 1; fi;
-    # Catch case if '-r' or '-R' set but '-e' is not
-    if [[ ! "$optionEncrypt" = "true" ]] && [[ "$optionRecipients" = "true" ]]; then
+    ## Catch case if '-r' or '-R' set but '-e' is not
+    if [[ ! "$optionEncrypt" = "true" ]] && \
+	   { [[ "$optionRecArg" = "true" ]] || [[ "$optionRecDir" = "true" ]]; }; then
 	yell "ERROR:$fn:\\'-r\\' or \\'-R\\' set but \\'-e\\' is not set."; exit 1; fi;
-    vbm "STATUS:$fn:Finished magicParseRecipientArgs() function.";
-} # Populate recPubKeysValid with argRecPubKeys; form encryption cmd string and filename suffix
-magicParseRecipientDir() {
-    # Desc: Updates recPubKeysValid with pubkeys in dir specified by '-R' option ("recipient directory")
-    # Inputs:  vars: optionEncrypt, optionRecDir, argRecDir, 
-    #          arry: recPubKeysValid
-    # Outputs: arry: recPubKeysValid
-    # Depends: processArguments(), yell(), vbm(), validateInput(),  checkAgePubkey()
-    local fn recipientDir recFileLine updateRecipients 
-    declare -a candRecPubKeysValid
-    # Save function name
-    fn="${FUNCNAME[0]}";
-    vbm "STATUS:$fn:Starting magicParseRecipientDir() function.";
-    # Check that '-e' and '-R' set
-    if [[ "$optionEncrypt" = "true" ]] && [[ "$optionRecDir" = "true" ]]; then
-	### Check that argRecDir is a directory.
+    # Handle no encryption cases
+    if [[ ! "$optionEncrypt" = "true" ]]; then
+	cmd_encrypt="cat " && vbm "STATUS:$fn:cmd_encrypt:$cmd_encrypt";
+	cmd_encrypt_suffix="" && vbm "STATUS:$fn:cmd_encrypt_suffix:$cmd_encrypt_suffix";
+	vbm "DEBUG :$fn:Encryption not enabled.";
+	return; fi;
+    # Handle encryption cases
+    ## Check age availability
+    if ! checkapp age; then yell "ERROR:$fn:age not available. Exiting."; exit 1; fi
+    ## Parse '-r' options: validate and append pubkeys from argRecPubKeys to recPubKeysValid
+    if [[ "$optionRecArg" = "true" ]]; then
+	for pubkey in "${argRecPubKeys[@]}"; do # Validate recipient pubkey strings by forming test message
+	    vbm "DEBUG :$fn:Testing pubkey string:$pubkey";
+	    if checkAgePubkey "$pubkey" && \
+		    ( validateInput "$pubkey" "ssh_pubkey" || validateInput "$pubkey" "age_pubkey"); then
+		#### Add validated pubkey to recPubKeysValid array
+		recPubKeysValid+=("$pubkey") && \
+		    vbm "DEBUG :$fn:recPubkeysValid:pubkey added:$pubkey";
+	    else
+		yell "ERROR:$fn:Exit code ""$?"". Invalid recipient pubkey string. Exiting."; exit 1;
+	    fi;
+	done;
+	vbm "STATUS:$fn:Finished processing argRecPubKeys array";
+	vbm "DEBUG :$fn:Array of validated pubkeys:${recPubKeysValid[*]}";
+    fi;
+    ## Parse '-R' options: validate and append pubkeys in argRecDir to recPubKeysValid
+    if [[ "$optionRecDir" = "true" ]]; then
+	### Check that argRecDir is a directory
 	if [[ -d "$argRecDir" ]]; then
-	    recipientDir="$argRecDir" && vbm "STATUS:$fn:Recipient watch directory detected:\"$recipientDir\"";
+	    recipientDir="$argRecDir" && \
+		vbm "STATUS:$fn:Recipient watch directory detected:\"$recipientDir\"";
 	    #### Initialize variable indicating outcome of pubkey review
 	    unset updateRecipients
-	    #### Add existing recipients
-	    candRecPubKeysValid=("${recPubKeysValidStatic[@]}");
+	    #### Add existing recipients from '-r' option
+	    candRecPubKeysValid=("${recPubKeysValid[@]}");
 	    #### Parse files in recipientDir
 	    for file in "$recipientDir"/*; do
 		##### Read first line of each file
-		recFileLine="$(head -n1 "$file")" && vbm "STATUS:$fn:Checking if pubkey:\"$recFileLine\"";
+		recFileLine="$(head -n1 "$file")" && \
+		    vbm "STATUS:$fn:Checking if pubkey:\"$recFileLine\"";
 		##### check if first line is a valid pubkey
 		if checkAgePubkey "$recFileLine" && \
 			( validateInput "$recFileLine" "ssh_pubkey" || validateInput "$recFileLine" "age_pubkey"); then
 		    ###### T: add candidate pubkey to candRecPubKeysValid
-		    candRecPubKeysValid+=("$recFileLine") && vbm "STATUS:$fn:RecDir pubkey is valid pubkey:\"$recFileLine\"";
+		    candRecPubKeysValid+=("$recFileLine") && \
+			vbm "STATUS:$fn:RecDir pubkey is valid pubkey:\"$recFileLine\"";
 		    ###### F: throw warning;
-		    yell "ERROR:$fn:Invalid recipient file detected. Not modifying recipient list."
+		    yell "ERROR:$fn:Invalid recipient file detected. Not modifying recipient list:$recFileLine";
-	    #### Write updated recPubKeysValid array to recPubKeysValid if no failure detected
+	    #### Write candRecPubKeysValid array to recPubKeysValid if no invalid key detected
 	    if ! [[ "$updateRecipients" = "false" ]]; then
-		recPubKeysValid=("${candRecPubKeysValid[@]}") && vbm "STATUS:$fn:Wrote candRecPubkeysValid to recPubKeysValid:\"${recPubKeysValid[*]}\"";
+		recPubKeysValid=("${candRecPubKeysValid[@]}") && \
+		    vbm "STATUS:$fn:Wrote candRecPubkeysValid to recPubKeysValid:\"${recPubKeysValid[*]}\"";
-	else
-	    yell "ERROR:$fn:Recipient directory $argRecDir does not exist. Exiting."; exit 1;
-    # Handle case if '-R' set but '-e' not set
-    if [[ ! "$optionEncrypt" = "true" ]] && [[ "$optionRecDir" = "true" ]]; then
-	yell "ERROR:$fn: \\'-R\\' is set but \\'-e\\' is not set."; fi;
-    vbm "STATUS:$fn:Finished magicParseRecipientDir() function.";
-} # Update recPubKeysValid with argRecDir
+    ## Form age recipient string from recPubKeysValid
+    for pubkey in "${recPubKeysValid[@]}"; do
+	recipients="$recipients""-r '$pubkey' ";
+	vbm "STATUS:$fn:Added pubkey for forming age recipient string:""$pubkey";
+	vbm "DEBUG :$fn:recipients:""$recipients";	
+    done;
+    ## Output cmd_encrypt, cmd_encrypt_suffix from recipients
+    cmd_encrypt="age ""$recipients " && vbm "STATUS:$fn:cmd_encrypt:$cmd_encrypt";
+    cmd_encrypt_suffix=".age" && vbm "STATUS:$fn:cmd_encrypt_suffix:$cmd_encrypt_suffix";
+    vbm "STATUS:$fn:Finished magicParseRecipients() function.";
+} # Sets cmd_encrypt, cmd_encrypt_suffix from -r, -R args
 magicSetScriptTTL() {
     #Desc: Sets script_TTL seconds from provided time_element string argument
     #Usage: magicSetScriptTTL [str time_element]
@@ -1153,19 +1152,23 @@ magicSetScriptTTL() {
     vbm "STATUS:$fn:Starting magicSetScriptTTL() function.";
     if [[ "$argTimeElement" = "day" ]]; then
-	    # Set script lifespan to end at start of next day
+	# Set script lifespan to end at start of next day
+	vbm "STATUS:$fn:Setting script lifespan to end at start of next day. argTimeElement:$argTimeElement";
 	if ! scriptTTL="$(timeUntilNextDay)"; then # sets scriptTTL, then checks exit code
 	    if [[ "$scriptTTL" -eq 0 ]]; then
-	    ((scriptTTL++)); # Add 1 because 0 would cause 'timeout' to never timeout.
+		((scriptTTL++)); # Add 1 because 0 would cause 'timeout' to never timeout.
+		vbm "STATUS:$fn:scriptTTL:$scriptTTL";
 	    yell "ERROR:$fn:timeUntilNextDay exit code $?"; exit 1;
     elif [[ "$argTimeElement" = "hour" ]]; then
 	# Set script lifespan to end at start of next hour
+	vbm "STATUS:$fn:Setting script lifespan to end at start of next hour. argTimeElement:$argTimeElement";
 	if ! scriptTTL="$(timeUntilNextHour)"; then # sets scriptTTL, then checks exit code
 	    if [[ "$scriptTTL" -eq 0 ]]; then
 		((scriptTTL++)); # Add 1 because 0 would cause 'timeout' to never timeout.
+		vbm "STATUS:$fn:scriptTTL:$scriptTTL";
 		yell "ERROR:$fn:timeUntilNextHour exit code $?"; exit 1;
@@ -1175,6 +1178,21 @@ magicSetScriptTTL() {
     vbm "STATUS:$fn:Finished magicSetScriptTTL() function.";
 } # Set scriptTTL in seconds until next (day|hour).
+magicVerboseReadout() {
+    vbm "$bufferTTL"; # Time-to-live (seconds) for each buffer round
+    vbm "$scriptTTL_TE"; # Time element at the end of which script terminates
+    vbm "$dirTmpDefault"; # Default parent of working directory
+    # Script Metadata
+    vbm "$scriptName"; # Basename of script file.
+    vbm "$scriptVersion"; # Version of script.
+    vbm "$scriptURL"; # Website hosting this script.
+    vbm "$scriptTimeStartEpoch"; # Start time of script in epoch seconds
+    vbm "$scriptTimeStart"; # YYYYmmddTHHMMSS.NNNNNNNNN
+    vbm "$scriptHostname" # Hostname of system running this script.
+    vbm "$PATH"; # PATH env. var.
+    vbm "$ageVersion"; # Version of age (encryption program)
+    vbm "$ageURL"; # Website hosting age.
+} # Display script variables
 magicWriteVersion() {
     # Desc: Appends time-stamped VERSION to pathout_tar
     # Usage: magicWriteVersion
@@ -1216,14 +1234,15 @@ magicWriteVersion() {
 } # write version data to pathout_tar via appendArgTar()
 magicProcessWriteBuffer() {
     # Desc: process and write buffer
-    # In : vars: bufferTTL bufferTTL_STR scriptHostname label dir_tmp SECONDS
+    # In : vars: bufferTTL scriptHostname label dir_tmp SECONDS
+    #    : vars: timeBufferStartEpoch timeBufferEndEpoch
     #    : arry: buffer
     # Out: file:(pathout_tar)
     # Depends: Bash 5.0.3, date 8.30, yell(), vbm(), dateTimeShort(),
     ### Note: These arrays should all have the same number of elements:
     ###       pathouts, fileouts, procFileExts, procStrings
-    local fn timeBufferStartLong timeBufferStart fileoutBasename
+    local fn timeBufferStartLong timeBufferStart bufferDuration bufferDurationStr fileoutBasename
     local -a fileouts pathouts
     local writeCmd1 writeCmd2 writeCmd3 writeCmd4
@@ -1231,14 +1250,23 @@ magicProcessWriteBuffer() {
     vbm "STATUS:$fn:Started magicProcessWriteBuffer().";
+    vbm "DEBUG :$fn:buffer array element count:${#buffer[@]}";
+    vbm "DEBUG :$fn:buffer array first element:${buffer[0]}";
+    vbm "DEBUG :$fn:buffer array last element :${buffer[-1]}";
     # Determine file paths (time is start of buffer period)
     ## Calculate start time
-    timeBufferStartLong="$(date --date="$bufferTTL seconds ago" --iso-8601=seconds)" && \
-	vbm "DEBUG:$fn:timeBufferStartLong:$timeBufferStartLong";
+    timeBufferStartLong="$(date --date="@$timeBufferStartEpoch" --iso-8601=seconds)" && \
+	vbm "DEBUG :$fn:timeBufferStartLong:$timeBufferStartLong"; # Note start time in 'date' parsable ISO-8601
     timeBufferStart="$(dateTimeShort "$timeBufferStartLong" )" && \
-	vbm "DEBUG:$fn:timeBufferStart:$timeBufferStart"; # Note start time YYYYmmddTHHMMSS+zzzz (no separators)
+	vbm "DEBUG :$fn:timeBufferStart:$timeBufferStart"; # Note start time YYYYmmddTHHMMSS+zzzz (no separators)
+    ## Calculate buffer duration string (ISO-8601 duration)
+    bufferDuration="$((timeBufferEndEpoch - timeBufferStartEpoch))" && \
+	vbm "DEBUG :$fn:bufferDuration:$bufferDuration"; # length of time (seconds) stdin was read
+    bufferDurationStr="$(timeDuration "$bufferDuration")" && \
+	vbm "DEBUG :$fn:bufferDurationStr:$bufferDurationStr"; # buffer duration (ISO-8601)
     ## Set common basename
-    fileoutBasename="$timeBufferStart""--""$bufferTTL_STR""..""$scriptHostname""$label" && \
+    fileoutBasename="$timeBufferStart""--""$bufferDurationStr""..""$scriptHostname""$label" && \
 	vbm "STATUS:$fn:Set fileoutBasename to:$fileoutBasename";
     ## Determine output file name array
     ### in: fileOutBasename cmd_compress_suffix cmd_encrypt_suffix procFileExts
@@ -1261,17 +1289,24 @@ magicProcessWriteBuffer() {
     ## Process buffer and write to dir_tmp
+    vbm "DEBUG :$fn:fileouts    element count:${#fileouts[@]}";
+    vbm "DEBUG :$fn:pathouts    element count:${#pathouts[@]}";
+    vbm "DEBUG :$fn:procStrings element count:${#pathouts[@]}";
+    vbm "DEBUG :$fn:fileouts    contents:${fileouts[*]}";
+    vbm "DEBUG :$fn:pathouts    contents:${pathouts[*]}";
+    vbm "DEBUG :$fn:procStrings contents:${pathouts[*]}";
     for index in "${!pathouts[@]}"; do
 	writeCmdAll="$writeCmd1 | $writeCmd2 | $writeCmd3 | $writeCmd4" && vbm "STATUS:$fn:Assembled command:\"$writeCmdAll\"";
-	eval "$writeCmdAll" >> "${pathouts[$index]}" && vbm "STATUS:$fn:Wrote command output to ${pathouts[$index]}";
+	eval "$writeCmd1 | $writeCmd2 | $writeCmd3 | $writeCmd4" > "${pathouts[$index]}" && vbm "STATUS:$fn:Wrote command output to ${pathouts[$index]}";
     # Append dir_tmp files to pathout_tar
     wait; # Wait to avoid collision with older magicProcessWriteBuffer() instances (see https://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/x9644.html )
     for index in "${!pathouts[@]}"; do
-	appendFileTar "${pathouts[$index]}" "${fileouts[$index]}" "$pathout_tar" "$dir_tmp" && \
+	tar --append --directory="$dir_tmp" --file="$pathout_tar" "${fileouts[$index]}" && \
 	    vbm "STATUS:$fn:Appended ${pathouts[$index]} to $pathout_tar";
+	#appendFileTar "${pathouts[$index]}" "${fileouts[$index]}" "$pathout_tar" "$dir_tmp" && \
     # Remove secured chunks from dir_tmp
@@ -1281,6 +1316,80 @@ magicProcessWriteBuffer() {
     vbm "STATUS:$fn:Finished magicProcessWriteBuffer().";
 } # Process and Write buffer
+showUsage() {
+    cat <<'EOF'
+    USAGE:
+        cmd | bklog [ options ]
+        -h, --help
+                Display help information.
+        --version
+                Display script version.
+        -v, --verbose
+                Display debugging info.
+        -e, --encrypt
+                Encrypt output.
+        -r, --recipient [ string pubkey ]
+                Specify recipient. May be age or ssh pubkey.
+                May be specified multiple times for multiple pubkeys.
+                See https://github.com/FiloSottile/age
+        -o, --output [ path dir ]
+                Specify output directory to save logs. This option is required
+                to save log data.
+        -p, --process-string [ filter command ] [ output file extension] 
+                Specify how to create and name a processed version of the stdin.
+                For example, if stdin is 'nmea' location data:
+                -p "gpsbabel -i nmea -f - -o gpx -F - " ".gpx"
+                This option would cause the stdin to 'bklog' to be piped into
+                the 'gpsbabel' command, interpreted as 'nmea' data, converted
+                into 'gpx' format, and then appended to the output tar file
+                as a file with a '.gpx' extension.
+                This option may be specified multiple times in order to output
+                results of multiple different processing methods.
+        -l, --label [ string ]
+                Specify a label to be included in all output file names.
+                Ex: 'location' if stdin is location data.
+        -w, --store-raw [ file extension ]
+                Specify file extension of file within output tar that contains
+                raw stdin data. The default behavior is to always save raw stdin
+                data in a '.stdin' file. Example usage when 'bklog' receives
+                'nmea' data from 'gpspipe -r':
+                -w ".nmea"
+                Stdin data is saved in a '.nmea' file within the output tar.
+        -W, --no-store-raw
+                Do not store raw stdin in output tar.
+        -c, --compress
+                Compress output with gzip (before encryption if enabled).
+        -z, --time-zone
+                Specify time zone. (ex: "America/New_York")
+        -t, --temp-dir [path dir]
+                Specify parent directory for temporary working directory.
+                Default: "/dev/shm"
+        -R, --recipient-dir [path dir]
+                Specify directory containing files whose first lines are
+                to be interpreted as pubkey strings (see '-r' option). Only
+                one directory may be specified.
+        -b, --buffer-ttl [integer]
+                Specify custom buffer period in seconds (default: 300 seconds)
+        -B, --script-ttl [time element string]
+                Specify custom script time-to-live in seconds (default: "day")
+                Valid values: "day", "hour"
+    EXAMPLE: (bash script lines)
+    $ gpspipe -r | /bin/bash bklog -v -e -c -z "UTC" -t "/dev/shm" \
+    -r age1mrmfnwhtlprn4jquex0ukmwcm7y2nxlphuzgsgv8ew2k9mewy3rs8u7su5 \
+    -r age1ala848kqrvxc88rzaauc6vc5v0fqrvef9dxyk79m0vjea3hagclswu0lgq \
+    -R ~/.config/bklog/recipients -w ".nmea" -b 300 -B "day" \
+    -o ~/Sync/Logs -l "location" \
+    -p "gpsbabel -i nmea -f - -o gpx -F - " ".gpx" \
+    -p "gpsbabel -i nmea -f - -o kml -F - " ".kml"
+} # Display information on how to use this script.
 main() {
     # Desc: Main function
@@ -1299,10 +1408,8 @@ main() {
     ## Determine working directory
     magicInitWorkingDir; # Sets dir_tmp from argTempDirPriority
     ## Set output encryption and compression option strings
-    ### React to "-e" and "-r" ("encryption recipients") options
-    magicParseRecipientArgs; # Updates recPubKeysValid, cmd_encrypt[_suffix] from argRecPubKeys
-    ### React to "-R" ("recipient directory") option
-    magicParseRecipientDir; # Updates recPubKeysValid
+    ### React to "-e", "-r", and "-R" (encryption recipients) options
+    magicParseRecipients; # Update cmd_encrypt, cmd_encrypt_suffix
     ### React to "-c" ("compression") option
     magicParseCompressionArg; # Updates cmd_compress[_suffix]
     ## React to "-b" and "-B" (custom buffer and script TTL) options
@@ -1311,16 +1418,26 @@ main() {
     magicParseProcessStrings; # Sets arrays: procStrings, procFileExts
     ## React to "-l" (output file label) option
     magicParseLabel; # sets label (ex: "_location")
+    ## React to "-v" (verbose) option
+    magicVerboseReadout; # Display various script variables
     # Perform secondary setup operations
     ## Set script lifespan (scriptTTL from scriptTTL_TE)
     magicSetScriptTTL "$scriptTTL_TE";
-    ## File name substring (ISO-8601 duration from bufferTTL)
-    bufferTTL_STR="$(timeDuration "$bufferTTL")" && vbm "DEBUG:$fn:bufferTTL_STR:$bufferTTL_STR";
+    ## Adjust SECONDS so buffer rounds align with time elements
+    ### Advance SECONDS the remainder seconds for dividend timeUntilNextDay, divisor bufferTTL
+    if [[ "$(timeUntilNextDay)" -gt "$bufferTTL" ]]; then
+	vbm "DEBUG :$fn:SECONDS currently  :$SECONDS";
+	SECONDS="$(( bufferTTL - ($(timeUntilNextDay) % bufferTTL) ))" && \
+	    vbm "DEBUG :$fn:SECONDS advanced to:$SECONDS";
+	vbm "DEBUG :$fn:current time:$(date --iso-8601=seconds)";
+    fi;
     ## Init temp working dir
-    try mkdir "$dir_tmp" && vbm "DEBUG:$fn:Working dir created at dir_tmp:$dir_tmp";
+    try mkdir "$dir_tmp" && vbm "DEBUG :$fn:Working dir created at dir_tmp:$dir_tmp";
     ## Initialize output tar (set pathout_tar)
-    magicInitCheckTar; 
+    magicInitCheckTar;
+    ## Append VERSION file to tar
+    magicWriteVersion;
     # Check vital apps, files, dirs
     if ! checkapp tar && ! checkdir "$dirOut" "dir_tmp"; then
@@ -1331,18 +1448,31 @@ main() {
     while [[ $SECONDS -lt "scriptTTL" ]]; do
 	vbm "STATUS:$fn:Starting buffer round:$bufferRound";
-	bufferTOD="$((SECONDS + bufferTTL))"; # Set buffer round time-of-death
+	bufferTOD="$(( (1+bufferRound)*bufferTTL ))" && vbm "DEBUG :$fn:bufferTOD:$bufferTOD"; # Set buffer round time-of-death
 	# Consume stdin to fill buffer until buffer time-of-death (TOD) arrives
 	while read -r -t "$bufferTTL" line && [[ $SECONDS -lt "$bufferTOD" ]]; do
 	    # Append line to buffer array
+	# Mark time for buffer
+	## Initial time
+	if [[ bufferRound -gt 0 ]]; then
+	    ### Usual case
+	    timeBufferStartEpoch="$timeBufferEndEpoch" && vbm "DEBUG :$fn:timeBufferStartEpoch:$timeBufferStartEpoch";
+	elif [[ bufferRound -eq 0 ]]; then
+	    ### Edge case: initial startup
+	    timeBufferStartEpoch="$scriptTimeStartEpoch" && vbm "DEBUG :$fn:timeBufferStartEpoch:$timeBufferStartEpoch";
+	else
+	    yell "ERROR:$fn:Invalid bufferRound value."; exit 1;
+	fi;
+	## End Time
+	timeBufferEndEpoch="$(date +%s)" && vbm "DEBUG :$fn:timeBufferEndEpoch:$timeBufferEndEpoch";
 	# Create dir_tmp if missing
 	if ! [[ -d "$dir_tmp" ]]; then
 	    yell "ERROR:$fn:dir_tmp existence failure:$dir_tmp";
-	    try mkdir "$dir_tmp" && vbm "DEBUG:$fn:Working dir recreated dir_tmp:$dir_tmp"; fi
-	# Update encryption recipient array 
-	magicParseRecipientDir; # Update recPubKeysValid with argRecDir
+	    try mkdir "$dir_tmp" && vbm "DEBUG :$fn:Working dir recreated dir_tmp:$dir_tmp"; fi
+	# Update cmd_encrypt, cmd_encrypt_suffix
+	magicParseRecipients;
 	# Export buffer to asynchronous processing.
 	magicProcessWriteBuffer &
 	unset buffer; # Clear buffer array for next bufferRound