+Install ~gpsd~, ~gpsd-clients~, and ~gpsbabel~.
+: $ sudo apt install gpsd gpsd-clients gpsbabel
+***** Setup Serial for BerryGPS
+The Ozzmaker BerryGPS-IMU unit requires that the serial console be
+disabled and the serial port enabled. (see [[https://ozzmaker.com/berrygps-setup-guide-raspberry-pi/][ref]]).
+: $ sudo raspi-config
+Navigate to ~5 Interfacing Options~, then ~P6 Serial~.
+When prompted "Would you like a login shell to be accessible over
+serial?", answer ~No~.
+When prompted "Would you like the serial port hardware to be
+enabled?", answer ~Yes~.
+***** Setup ~gpsd~
+~gpsd~ needs to know which serial port to look at for NMEA location
+data generated by the GPS unit. This can be done by modifying the
+~gpsd~ configuration file at ~/etc/default/gpsd~.
+: sudo nano /etc/default/gpsd
+Make sure the following lines are present:
+NOTE: The ~DEVICES=~ line must be adjusted if the the ~ninfacyzga~
+device is configured to also track time.
+NOTE: The ~-n~ option causes ~gpsd~ to begin polling GPS devices
+without waiting for a client to connect. This is important if ~gpsd~
+provides data to other applications (ex: ~gpspipe~, ~ntpsec~,
+Restart ~gpsd~ via:
+: $ sudo systemctl restart gpsd.service
+Run ~gpsmon~ to verify that location data is being recorded.