+A possible solution is to correct the ~SECONDS~ variable against the
+current system time. Because ~date~ calls are slow, this correction
+should not be made after every line. At a minimum, the correction
+should occur once per buffer round, possibly after the buffer round
+has completed. If more frequent corrections are required, then the
+number of lines being read in each buffer round should be tracked and
+a modulus comparison may be implemented within the ~while read~ loop
+so that a correction is made after some fraction of the expected lines
+to be read are read.
+** TODO Account for "early-exit" bug in input script
+2020-07-14T03:00Z; bktei> What happens if the script piping its stdout
+into ~bklog~ immediately exits without providing any stdout (ex: a
+python script with a missing module)? ~bklog~ should be able to detect
+the latest exit code and exit early. It should also be able to detect
+if the incoming pipe is closed.