# Script Metadata
scriptName="bklog"; # Define basename of script file.
-scriptVersion="0.1.2"; # Define version of script.
+scriptVersion="0.1.8"; # Define version of script.
scriptURL="https://gitlab.com/baltakatei/ninfacyzga-01"; # Define wesite hosting this script.
scriptTimeStart="$(date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S.%N)"; # YYYYmmddTHHMMSS.NNNNNNNNN
scriptHostname=$(hostname); # Save hostname of system running this script.
#==END Display errors==
} # Display missing apps, files, dirs
+ # Desc: Appends [processed] file to tar
+ # Usage: appendFileTar [file path] [name of file to be inserted] [tar path] [temp dir] ([process cmd])
+ # Version: 2.0.1
+ # Input: arg1: path of file to be (processed and) written
+ # arg2: name to use for file inserted into tar
+ # arg3: tar archive path (must exist first)
+ # arg4: temporary working dir
+ # arg5: (optional) command string to process file (ex: "gpsbabel -i nmea -f - -o kml -F - ")
+ # Output: file written to disk
+ # Example: decrypt multiple large files in parallel
+ # appendFileTar /tmp/largefile1.gpg "largefile1" $HOME/archive.tar /tmp "gpg --decrypt" &
+ # appendFileTar /tmp/largefile2.gpg "largefile2" $HOME/archive.tar /tmp "gpg --decrypt" &
+ # appendFileTar /tmp/largefile3.gpg "largefile3" $HOME/archive.tar /tmp "gpg --decrypt" &
+ # Depends: bash 5.0.3, tar 1.30, cat 8.30, yell()
+ local fn fileName tarPath tmpDir
+ # Save function name
+ fn="${FUNCNAME[0]}";
+ #yell "DEBUG:STATUS:$fn:Started appendFileTar()."
+ # Set file name
+ if ! [ -z "$2" ]; then fileName="$2"; else yell "ERROR:$fn:Not enough arguments."; exit 1; fi
+ # Check tar path is a file
+ if [ -f "$3" ]; then tarPath="$3"; else yell "ERROR:$fn:Tar archive arg not a file:$3"; exit 1; fi
+ # Check temp dir arg
+ if ! [ -z "$4" ]; then tmpDir="$4"; else yell "ERROR:$fn:No temporary working dir set."; exit 1; fi
+ # Set command strings
+ if ! [ -z "$5" ]; then cmd1="$5"; else cmd1="cat "; fi # command string
+ # Input command string
+ cmd0="cat \"\$1\"";
+ # Write to temporary working dir
+ eval "$cmd0 | $cmd1" > "$tmpDir"/"$fileName";
+ # Append to tar
+ try tar --append --directory="$tmpDir" --file="$tarPath" "$fileName";
+ #yell "DEBUG:STATUS:$fn:Finished appendFileTar()."
+} # Append [processed] file to Tar archive
+checkAgePubkey() {
+ # Desc: Checks if string is an age-compatible pubkey
+ # Usage: checkAgePubkey [str pubkey]
+ # Version: 0.1.2
+ # Input: arg1: string
+ # Output: return code 0: string is age-compatible pubkey
+ # return code 1: string is NOT an age-compatible pubkey
+ # age stderr (ex: there is stderr if invalid string provided)
+ # Depends: age (v0.1.0-beta2; https://github.com/FiloSottile/age/releases/tag/v1.0.0-beta2 )
+ argPubkey="$1";
+ if echo "test" | age -a -r "$argPubkey" 1>/dev/null; then
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return 1;
+ fi;
+} # Check age pubkey
+ # Desc: Date without separators (YYYYmmdd)
+ # Usage: dateShort ([str date])
+ # Version: 1.1.2
+ # Input: arg1: 'date'-parsable timestamp string (optional)
+ # Output: stdout: date (ISO-8601, no separators)
+ # Depends: bash 5.0.3, date 8.30, yell()
+ local argTime timeCurrent timeInput dateCurrentShort
+ argTime="$1";
+ # Get Current Time
+ timeCurrent="$(date --iso-8601=seconds)" ; # Produce `date`-parsable current timestamp with resolution of 1 second.
+ # Decide to parse current or supplied date
+ ## Check if time argument empty
+ if [[ -z "$argTime" ]]; then
+ ## T: Time argument empty, use current time
+ timeInput="$timeCurrent";
+ else
+ ## F: Time argument exists, validate time
+ if date --date="$argTime" 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ ### T: Time argument is valid; use it
+ timeInput="$argTime";
+ else
+ ### F: Time argument not valid; exit
+ yell "ERROR:Invalid time argument supplied. Exiting."; exit 1;
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ # Construct and deliver separator-les date string
+ dateCurrentShort="$(date -d "$timeInput" +%Y%m%d)"; # Produce separator-less current date with resolution 1 day.
+ echo "$dateCurrentShort";
+} # Get YYYYmmdd
+ # Desc: Set time zone environment variable TZ
+ # Usage: setTimeZoneEV arg1
+ # Version 0.1.2
+ # Input: arg1: 'date'-compatible timezone string (ex: "America/New_York")
+ # TZDIR env var (optional; default: "/usr/share/zoneinfo")
+ # Output: exports TZ
+ # exit code 0 on success
+ # exit code 1 on incorrect number of arguments
+ # exit code 2 if unable to validate arg1
+ # Depends: yell(), printenv 8.30, bash 5.0.3
+ # Tested on: Debian 10
+ local tzDir returnState argTimeZone
+ argTimeZone="$1"
+ if ! [[ $# -eq 1 ]]; then
+ yell "ERROR:Invalid argument count.";
+ return 1;
+ fi
+ # Read TZDIR env var if available
+ if printenv TZDIR 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ tzDir="$(printenv TZDIR)";
+ else
+ tzDir="/usr/share/zoneinfo";
+ fi
+ # Validate TZ string
+ if ! [[ -f "$tzDir"/"$argTimeZone" ]]; then
+ yell "ERROR:Invalid time zone argument.";
+ return 2;
+ else
+ # Export ARG1 as TZ environment variable
+ TZ="$argTimeZone" && export TZ && returnState="true";
+ fi
+ # Determine function return code
+ if [ "$returnState" = "true" ]; then
+ return 0;
+ fi
+} # Exports TZ environment variable
showUsage() {
cat <<'EOF'
cmd | bklog [ options ]
- echoerr
-h, --help
Display help information.
-B, --script-ttl [time element string]
Specify custom script time-to-live in seconds (default: "day")
Valid values: "day", "hour"
- echoerr
EXAMPLE: (bash script lines)
$ gpspipe -r | /bin/bash bklog -v -e -c -z "UTC" -t "/dev/shm" \
-r age1mrmfnwhtlprn4jquex0ukmwcm7y2nxlphuzgsgv8ew2k9mewy3rs8u7su5 \
-R ~/.config/bklog/recipients -w ".nmea" -b 300 -B "day" \
-o ~/Sync/Logs -l "location" \
-p "gpsbabel -i nmea -f - -o gpx -F - " ".gpx" \
- -p "gpsbabel -i nmea -f - -o kml -F - " ".gpx"
+ -p "gpsbabel -i nmea -f - -o kml -F - " ".kml"
} # Display information on how to use this script.
showVersion() {
yell "$scriptVersion"
} # Display script version.
- # Desc: Set time zone environment variable TZ
- # Usage: setTimeZoneEV arg1
- # Version 0.1.2
- # Input: arg1: 'date'-compatible timezone string (ex: "America/New_York")
- # TZDIR env var (optional; default: "/usr/share/zoneinfo")
- # Output: exports TZ
- # exit code 0 on success
- # exit code 1 on incorrect number of arguments
- # exit code 2 if unable to validate arg1
- # Depends: yell(), printenv 8.30, bash 5.0.3
- # Tested on: Debian 10
- local tzDir returnState argTimeZone
+ # Desc: Given seconds, output ISO-8601 duration string
+ # Ref/Attrib: ISO-8601:2004(E), § Representations of time intervals by duration and context information
+ # Note: "1 month" ("P1M") is assumed to be "30 days" (see ISO-8601:2004(E), §
+ # Usage: timeDuration [1:seconds] ([2:precision])
+ # Version: 1.0.4
+ # Input: arg1: seconds as base 10 integer >= 0 (ex: 3601)
+ # arg2: precision level (optional; default=2)
+ # Output: stdout: ISO-8601 duration string (ex: "P1H1S", "P2Y10M15DT10H30M20S")
+ # exit code 0: success
+ # exit code 1: error_input
+ # exit code 2: error_unknown
+ # Example: 'timeDuration 111111 3' yields 'P1DT6H51M'
+ # Depends: date 8, bash 5, yell,
+ local argSeconds argPrecision precision returnState remainder
+ local fullYears fullMonths fullDays fullHours fullMinutes fullSeconds
+ local hasYears hasMonths hasDays hasHours hasMinutes hasSeconds
+ local witherPrecision output
+ local displayYears displayMonths displayDays displayHours displayMinutes displaySeconds
+ argSeconds="$1"; # read arg1 (seconds)
+ argPrecision="$2"; # read arg2 (precision)
+ precision=2; # set default precision
- argTimeZone="$1"
- if ! [[ $# -eq 1 ]]; then
- yell "ERROR:Invalid argument count.";
- return 1;
- fi
+ # Check that between one and two arguments is supplied
+ if ! { [[ $# -ge 1 ]] && [[ $# -le 2 ]]; }; then
+ yell "ERROR:Invalid number of arguments:$# . Exiting.";
+ returnState="error_input"; fi
- # Read TZDIR env var if available
- if printenv TZDIR 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
- tzDir="$(printenv TZDIR)";
+ # Check that argSeconds provided
+ if [[ $# -ge 1 ]]; then
+ ## Check that argSeconds is a positive integer
+ if [[ "$argSeconds" =~ ^[[:digit:]]+$ ]]; then
+ :
+ else
+ yell "ERROR:argSeconds not a digit.";
+ returnState="error_input";
+ fi
- tzDir="/usr/share/zoneinfo";
+ yell "ERROR:No argument provided. Exiting.";
+ exit 1;
+ # Consider whether argPrecision was provided
+ if [[ $# -eq 2 ]]; then
+ # Check that argPrecision is a positive integer
+ if [[ "$argPrecision" =~ ^[[:digit:]]+$ ]] && [[ "$argPrecision" -gt 0 ]]; then
+ precision="$argPrecision";
+ else
+ yell "ERROR:argPrecision not a positive integer. (is $argPrecision ). Leaving early.";
+ returnState="error_input";
+ fi;
+ else
+ :
+ fi;
- # Validate TZ string
- if ! [[ -f "$tzDir"/"$argTimeZone" ]]; then
- yell "ERROR:Invalid time zone argument.";
- return 2;
+ remainder="$argSeconds" ; # seconds
+ ## Calculate full years Y, update remainder
+ fullYears=$(( remainder / (365*24*60*60) ));
+ remainder=$(( remainder - (fullYears*365*24*60*60) ));
+ ## Calculate full months M, update remainder
+ fullMonths=$(( remainder / (30*24*60*60) ));
+ remainder=$(( remainder - (fullMonths*30*24*60*60) ));
+ ## Calculate full days D, update remainder
+ fullDays=$(( remainder / (24*60*60) ));
+ remainder=$(( remainder - (fullDays*24*60*60) ));
+ ## Calculate full hours H, update remainder
+ fullHours=$(( remainder / (60*60) ));
+ remainder=$(( remainder - (fullHours*60*60) ));
+ ## Calculate full minutes M, update remainder
+ fullMinutes=$(( remainder / (60) ));
+ remainder=$(( remainder - (fullMinutes*60) ));
+ ## Calculate full seconds S, update remainder
+ fullSeconds=$(( remainder / (1) ));
+ remainder=$(( remainder - (remainder*1) ));
+ ## Check which fields filled
+ if [[ $fullYears -gt 0 ]]; then hasYears="true"; else hasYears="false"; fi
+ if [[ $fullMonths -gt 0 ]]; then hasMonths="true"; else hasMonths="false"; fi
+ if [[ $fullDays -gt 0 ]]; then hasDays="true"; else hasDays="false"; fi
+ if [[ $fullHours -gt 0 ]]; then hasHours="true"; else hasHours="false"; fi
+ if [[ $fullMinutes -gt 0 ]]; then hasMinutes="true"; else hasMinutes="false"; fi
+ if [[ $fullSeconds -gt 0 ]]; then hasSeconds="true"; else hasSeconds="false"; fi
+ ## Determine which fields to display (see ISO-8601:2004 §
+ witherPrecision="false"
+ ### Years
+ if $hasYears && [[ $precision -gt 0 ]]; then
+ displayYears="true";
+ witherPrecision="true";
- # Export ARG1 as TZ environment variable
- TZ="$argTimeZone" && export TZ && returnState="true";
- fi
+ displayYears="false";
+ fi;
+ if $witherPrecision; then ((precision--)); fi;
+ ### Months
+ if $hasMonths && [[ $precision -gt 0 ]]; then
+ displayMonths="true";
+ witherPrecision="true";
+ else
+ displayMonths="false";
+ fi;
+ if $witherPrecision && [[ $precision -gt 0 ]]; then
+ displayMonths="true";
+ fi;
+ if $witherPrecision; then ((precision--)); fi;
- # Determine function return code
+ ### Days
+ if $hasDays && [[ $precision -gt 0 ]]; then
+ displayDays="true";
+ witherPrecision="true";
+ else
+ displayDays="false";
+ fi;
+ if $witherPrecision && [[ $precision -gt 0 ]]; then
+ displayDays="true";
+ fi;
+ if $witherPrecision; then ((precision--)); fi;
+ ### Hours
+ if $hasHours && [[ $precision -gt 0 ]]; then
+ displayHours="true";
+ witherPrecision="true";
+ else
+ displayHours="false";
+ fi;
+ if $witherPrecision && [[ $precision -gt 0 ]]; then
+ displayHours="true";
+ fi;
+ if $witherPrecision; then ((precision--)); fi;
+ ### Minutes
+ if $hasMinutes && [[ $precision -gt 0 ]]; then
+ displayMinutes="true";
+ witherPrecision="true";
+ else
+ displayMinutes="false";
+ fi;
+ if $witherPrecision && [[ $precision -gt 0 ]]; then
+ displayMinutes="true";
+ fi;
+ if $witherPrecision; then ((precision--)); fi;
+ ### Seconds
+ if $hasSeconds && [[ $precision -gt 0 ]]; then
+ displaySeconds="true";
+ witherPrecision="true";
+ else
+ displaySeconds="false";
+ fi;
+ if $witherPrecision && [[ $precision -gt 0 ]]; then
+ displaySeconds="true";
+ fi;
+ if $witherPrecision; then ((precision--)); fi;
+ ## Determine whether or not the "T" separator is needed to separate date and time elements
+ if ( $displayHours || $displayMinutes || $displaySeconds); then
+ displayDateTime="true"; else displayDateTime="false"; fi
+ ## Construct duration output string
+ output="P"
+ if $displayYears; then
+ output=$output$fullYears"Y"; fi
+ if $displayMonths; then
+ output=$output$fullMonths"M"; fi
+ if $displayDays; then
+ output=$output$fullDays"D"; fi
+ if $displayDateTime; then
+ output=$output"T"; fi
+ if $displayHours; then
+ output=$output$fullHours"H"; fi
+ if $displayMinutes; then
+ output=$output$fullMinutes"M"; fi
+ if $displaySeconds; then
+ output=$output$fullSeconds"S"; fi
+ ## Output duration string to stdout
+ echo "$output" && returnState="true";
+ #===Determine function return code===
if [ "$returnState" = "true" ]; then
return 0;
+ elif [ "$returnState" = "error_input" ]; then
+ yell "ERROR:input";
+ return 1;
+ else
+ yell "ERROR:Unknown";
+ return 2;
-} # Exports TZ environment variable
- # Desc: Date without separators (YYYYmmdd)
- # Usage: dateShort ([str date])
- # Version: 1.1.2
- # Input: arg1: 'date'-parsable timestamp string (optional)
- # Output: stdout: date (ISO-8601, no separators)
- # Depends: bash 5.0.3, date 8.30, yell()
- local argTime timeCurrent timeInput dateCurrentShort
- argTime="$1";
- # Get Current Time
- timeCurrent="$(date --iso-8601=seconds)" ; # Produce `date`-parsable current timestamp with resolution of 1 second.
- # Decide to parse current or supplied date
- ## Check if time argument empty
- if [[ -z "$argTime" ]]; then
- ## T: Time argument empty, use current time
- timeInput="$timeCurrent";
+} # Get duration (ex: PT10M4S )
+validateInput() {
+ # Desc: Validates Input
+ # Usage: validateInput [str input] [str input type]
+ # Version: 0.3.1
+ # Input: arg1: string to validate
+ # arg2: string specifying input type (ex:"ssh_pubkey")
+ # Output: return code 0: if input string matched specified string type
+ # Depends: bash 5, yell()
+ local fn argInput argType
+ # Save function name
+ fn="${FUNCNAME[0]}";
+ # Process arguments
+ argInput="$1";
+ argType="$2";
+ if [[ $# -gt 2 ]]; then yell "ERROR:$0:$fn:Too many arguments."; exit 1; fi;
+ # Check for blank
+ if [[ -z "$argInput" ]]; then return 1; fi
+ # Define input types
+ ## ssh_pubkey
+ ### Check for alnum/dash base64 (ex: "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAA")
+ if [[ "$argType" = "ssh_pubkey" ]]; then
+ if [[ "$argInput" =~ ^[[:alnum:]-]*[\ ]*[[:alnum:]+/=]*$ ]]; then
+ return 0; fi; fi;
+ ## age_pubkey
+ ### Check for age1[:bech32:]
+ if [[ "$argType" = "age_pubkey" ]]; then
+ if [[ "$argInput" =~ ^age1[qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l]*$ ]]; then
+ return 0; fi; fi
+ ## integer
+ if [[ "$argType" = "integer" ]]; then
+ if [[ "$argInput" =~ ^[[:digit:]]*$ ]]; then
+ return 0; fi; fi;
+ ## time element (year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second)
+ if [[ "$argType" = "time_element" ]]; then
+ if [[ "$argInput" = "year" ]] || \
+ [[ "$argInput" = "month" ]] || \
+ [[ "$argInput" = "week" ]] || \
+ [[ "$argInput" = "day" ]] || \
+ [[ "$argInput" = "hour" ]] || \
+ [[ "$argInput" = "minute" ]] || \
+ [[ "$argInput" = "second" ]]; then
+ return 0; fi; fi;
+ # Return error if no condition matched.
+ return 1;
+} # Validates strings
+magicInitWorkingDir() {
+ # Desc: Determine temporary working directory from defaults or user input
+ # Usage: magicInitWorkingDir
+ # Input: vars: optionTmpDir, argTempDirPriority, dirTmpDefault
+ # Input: vars: scriptTimeStart
+ # Output: vars: dir_tmp
+ # Depends: bash 5.0.3, processArguments(), vbm(), yell()
+ # Parse '-t' option (user-specified temporary working dir)
+ ## Set dir_tmp_parent to user-specified value if specified
+ local dir_tmp_parent
+ if [[ "$optionTmpDir" = "true" ]]; then
+ if [[ -d "$argTempDirPriority" ]]; then
+ dir_tmp_parent="$argTempDirPriority";
+ else
+ yell "WARNING:Specified temporary working directory not valid:$argTempDirPriority";
+ exit 1; # Exit since user requires a specific temp dir and it is not available.
+ fi;
- ## F: Time argument exists, validate time
- if date --date="$argTime" 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
- ### T: Time argument is valid; use it
- timeInput="$argTime";
+ ## Set dir_tmp_parent to default or fallback otherwise
+ if [[ -d "$dirTmpDefault" ]]; then
+ dir_tmp_parent="$dirTmpDefault";
+ elif [[ -d /tmp ]]; then
+ yell "WARNING:$dirTmpDefault not available. Falling back to /tmp .";
+ dir_tmp_parent="/tmp";
+ else
+ yell "ERROR:No valid working directory available. Exiting.";
+ exit 1;
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ ## Set dir_tmp using dir_tmp_parent and nonce (scriptTimeStart)
+ dir_tmp="$dir_tmp_parent"/"$scriptTimeStart""..bkgpslog" && vbm "DEBUG:Set dir_tmp to:$dir_tmp"; # Note: removed at end of main().
+} # Sets working dir
+magicInitCheckTar() {
+ # Desc: Initializes or checks output tar
+ # input: vars: dirOut, bufferTTL, cmd_encrypt_suffix, cmd_compress_suffix
+ # input: vars: scriptHostname
+ # output: vars: pathout_tar
+ # depends: Bash 5.0.3, vbm(), dateShort(), checkMakeTar(), magicWriteVersion()
+ # Form pathout_tar
+ pathout_tar="$dirOut"/"$(dateShort "$(date --date="$bufferTTL seconds ago" --iso-8601=seconds)")".."$scriptHostname""$label""$cmd_compress_suffix""$cmd_encrypt_suffix".tar && \
+ vbm "STATUS:Set pathout_tar to:$pathout_tar";
+ # Validate pathout_tar as tar.
+ checkMakeTar "$pathout_tar";
+ ## Add VERSION file if checkMakeTar had to create a tar (exited 1) or replace one (exited 2)
+ vbm "exit status before magicWriteVersion:$?"
+ if [[ $? -eq 1 ]] || [[ $? -eq 2 ]]; then magicWriteVersion; fi
+} # Initialize tar, set pathout_tar
+magicParseCompressionArg() {
+ # Desc: Parses compression arguments specified by '-c' option
+ # Input: vars: optionCompress
+ # Output: cmd_compress, cmd_compress_suffix
+ # Depends: processArguments(), vbm(), checkapp(), gzip 1.9
+ if [[ "$optionCompress" = "true" ]]; then # Check if compression option active
+ if checkapp gzip; then # Check if gzip available
+ cmd_compress="gzip " && vbm "cmd_compress:$cmd_compress";
+ cmd_compress_suffix=".gz" && vbm "cmd_compress_suffix:$cmd_compress_suffix";
+ else
+ yell "ERROR:Compression enabled but \"gzip\" not found. Exiting."; exit 1;
+ fi
+ else
+ cmd_compress="tee /dev/null " && vbm "cmd_compress:$cmd_compress";
+ cmd_compress_suffix="" && vbm "cmd_compress_suffix:$cmd_compress_suffix";
+ vbm "DEBUG:Compression not enabled.";
+ fi
+} # Form compression cmd string and filename suffix
+magicParseCustomTTL() {
+ # Desc: Set user-specified TTLs for buffer and script
+ # Usage: magicParseCustomTTL
+ # Input: vars: argCustomBufferTTL (integer), argCustomScriptTTL_TE (string)
+ # Input: vars: optionCustomBufferTTL, optionCustomScriptTTL_TE
+ # Input: vars: bufferTTL (integer), scriptTTL_TE (string)
+ # Output: bufferTTL (integer), scriptTTL_TE (string)
+ # Depends: Bash 5.0.3, yell(), vbm(), validateInput(), showUsage()
+ # React to '-b, --buffer-ttl' option
+ if [[ "$optionCustomBufferTTL" = "true" ]]; then
+ ## T: Check if argCustomBufferTTL is an integer
+ if validateInput "$argCustomBufferTTL" "integer"; then
+ ### T: argCustomBufferTTL is an integer
+ bufferTTL="$argCustomBufferTTL" && vbm "Custom bufferTTL from -b:$bufferTTL";
+ else
+ ### F: argcustomBufferTTL is not an integer
+ yell "ERROR:Invalid integer argument for custom buffer time-to-live."; showUsage; exit 1;
+ fi;
+ ## F: do not change bufferTTL
+ fi;
+ # React to '-B, --script-ttl' option
+ if [[ "$optionCustomScriptTTL_TE" = "true" ]]; then
+ ## T: Check if argCustomScriptTTL is a time element (ex: "day", "hour")
+ if validateInput "$argCustomScriptTTL_TE" "time_element"; then
+ ### T: argCustomScriptTTL is a time element
+ scriptTTL_TE="$argCustomScriptTTL_TE" && vbm "Custom scriptTTL_TE from -B:$scriptTTL_TE";
+ else
+ ### F: argcustomScriptTTL is not a time element
+ yell "ERROR:Invalid time element argument for custom script time-to-live."; showUsage; exit 1;
+ fi;
+ ## F: do not change scriptTTL_TE
+ fi;
+} # Sets custom script or buffer TTL if specified
+magicParseLabel() {
+ # Desc: Parses -l option to set label
+ # In : optionLabel, argLabel
+ # Out: vars: label
+ # Depends: Bash 5.0.3, vbm(), yell()
+ vbm "STATUS:Started magicParseLabel() function.";
+ # Do nothing if optionLabel not set to true.
+ if [[ ! "$optionLabel" = "true" ]]; then
+ vbm "STATUS:optionlabel not set to 'true'. Returning early.";
+ return;
+ fi;
+ # Set label if optionLabel is true
+ if [[ "$optionLabel" = "true" ]]; then
+ label="_""$argLabel";
+ vbm "STATUS:Set label:$label";
+ fi;
+ vbm "STATUS:Finished magicParseLabel() function.";
+} # Set label used in output file name
+magicParseProcessStrings() {
+ # Desc: Processes user-supplied process strings into process commands for appendFileTar().
+ # Usage: magicParseProcessStrings
+ # In : vars: optionProcString optionNoStoreRaw optionStoreRaw argRawFileExt
+ # arry: argProcStrings, argProcFileExts
+ # Out: arry: procStrings, procFileExts
+ # Depends Bash 5.0.3, yell(), vbm()
+ local rawFileExt
+ vbm "STATUS:Starting magicParseProcessStrings() function.";
+ vbm "var:optionProcString:$optionProcString";
+ vbm "var:optionNoStoreRaw:$optionNoStoreRaw";
+ vbm "var:optionStoreRaw:$optionStoreRaw";
+ vbm "var:argRawFileExt:$argRawFileExt";
+ vbm "ary:argProcStrings:${argProcStrings[*]}";
+ vbm "ary:argProcFileExts:${argProcFileExts[*]}"
+ # Validate input
+ ## Validate argRawFileExt
+ if [[ "$argRawFileExt" =~ ^[.][[:alnum:]]*$ ]]; then
+ rawFileExt="$argRawFileExt";
+ fi;
+ # Add default stdin output file entries for procStrings, procFileExts
+ ## Check if user specified that no raw stdin be saved.
+ if [[ ! "$optionNoStoreRaw" = "true" ]]; then
+ ### T: --no-store-raw not set. Store raw. Append procStrings with cat.
+ #### Append procStrings array
+ procStrings+=("cat ");
+ #### Check if --store-raw set.
+ if [[ "$optionStoreRaw" = "true" ]]; then
+ ##### T: --store-raw set. Append procFileExts with user-specified file ext
+ procFileExts+=("$rawFileExt");
- ### F: Time argument not valid; exit
- yell "ERROR:Invalid time argument supplied. Exiting."; exit 1;
+ ##### F: --store-raw not set. Append procFileExts with default ".stdin" file ext
+ ###### Append procFileExts array
+ procFileExts+=(".stdin");
+ else
+ ### F: --no-store-raw set. Do not store raw.
+ #### Do not append procStrings or procFileExts arrays.
+ :
- # Construct and deliver separator-les date string
- dateCurrentShort="$(date -d "$timeInput" +%Y%m%d)"; # Produce separator-less current date with resolution 1 day.
- echo "$dateCurrentShort";
-} # Get YYYYmmdd
- # Desc: Appends [processed] file to tar
- # Usage: appendFileTar [file path] [name of file to be inserted] [tar path] [temp dir] ([process cmd])
- # Version: 2.0.1
- # Input: arg1: path of file to be (processed and) written
- # arg2: name to use for file inserted into tar
- # arg3: tar archive path (must exist first)
- # arg4: temporary working dir
- # arg5: (optional) command string to process file (ex: "gpsbabel -i nmea -f - -o kml -F - ")
- # Output: file written to disk
- # Example: decrypt multiple large files in parallel
- # appendFileTar /tmp/largefile1.gpg "largefile1" $HOME/archive.tar /tmp "gpg --decrypt" &
- # appendFileTar /tmp/largefile2.gpg "largefile2" $HOME/archive.tar /tmp "gpg --decrypt" &
- # appendFileTar /tmp/largefile3.gpg "largefile3" $HOME/archive.tar /tmp "gpg --decrypt" &
- # Depends: bash 5.0.3, tar 1.30, cat 8.30, yell()
- local fn fileName tarPath tmpDir
- # Save function name
- fn="${FUNCNAME[0]}";
- #yell "DEBUG:STATUS:$fn:Started appendFileTar()."
- # Set file name
- if ! [ -z "$2" ]; then fileName="$2"; else yell "ERROR:$fn:Not enough arguments."; exit 1; fi
- # Check tar path is a file
- if [ -f "$3" ]; then tarPath="$3"; else yell "ERROR:$fn:Tar archive arg not a file:$3"; exit 1; fi
- # Check temp dir arg
- if ! [ -z "$4" ]; then tmpDir="$4"; else yell "ERROR:$fn:No temporary working dir set."; exit 1; fi
- # Set command strings
- if ! [ -z "$5" ]; then cmd1="$5"; else cmd1="cat "; fi # command string
- # Input command string
- cmd0="cat \"\$1\"";
- # Write to temporary working dir
- eval "$cmd0 | $cmd1" > "$tmpDir"/"$fileName";
- # Append to tar
- try tar --append --directory="$tmpDir" --file="$tarPath" "$fileName";
- #yell "DEBUG:STATUS:$fn:Finished appendFileTar()."
-} # Append [processed] file to Tar archive
+ # Do nothing more if optionProcString not set to true.
+ if [[ ! "$optionProcString" = "true" ]]; then
+ vbm "STATUS:optionProcString not set to 'true'. Returning early.";
+ return; fi;
+ # Validate input array indices
+ ## Make sure that argProcStrings and argProcFileExts have same index counts
+ if ! [[ "${#argProcStrings[@]}" -eq "${#argProcFileExts[@]}" ]]; then
+ yell "ERROR:Mismatch in number of elements in arrays argProcStrings and argProcFileExts:${#argProcStrings[@]} DNE ${#argProcFileExts[@]}";
+ yell "argProcStrings:${argProcStrings[*]}"; yell "argProcFileExts:${argProcFileExts[*]}"; exit 1; fi;
+ ## Make sure that no array elements are blank
+ for element in "${argProcStrings[@]}"; do
+ if [[ -z "$element" ]]; then yell "ERROR:Empty process string specified. Exiting."; exit 1; fi; done
+ for element in "${argProcFileExts[@]}"; do
+ if [[ -z "$element" ]]; then yell "ERROR:Empty output file extension specified. Exiting."; exit 1; fi; done
+ ## Make sure that no process string starts with '-' (ex: if only one arg supplied after '-p' option)
+ for element in "${argProcStrings[@]}"; do
+ if [[ ! "$element" =~ ^[-][[:print:]]*$ ]] && [[ "$element" =~ ^[[:print:]]*$ ]]; then
+ yell "ERROR:Illegal character '-' at start of process string element:\"$element\"";
+ exit 1; fi; done;
+ vbm "STATUS:Quick check shows argProcStrings and argProcFileExts appear to have valid contents.";
+ procStrings=("${argProcStrings[@]}"); # Export process command strings
+ procFileExts=("${argProcFileExts[@]}"); # Export process command strings
+ vbm "STATUS:Finished magicParseProcessStrings() function.";
+} # Validate and save process strings and file extensions to arrays procStrings, procFileExts
magicParseRecipientArgs() {
# Desc: Parses recipient arguments specified by '-r' option
# Input: vars: optionEncrypt, optionRecipients
if [[ ! "$optionEncrypt" = "true" ]] && [[ "$optionRecDir" = "true" ]]; then
yell "ERROR: \\'-R\\' is set but \\'-e\\' is not set."; fi;
} # Update recPubKeysValid with argRecDir
-magicParseCompressionArg() {
- # Desc: Parses compression arguments specified by '-c' option
- # Input: vars: optionCompress
- # Output: cmd_compress, cmd_compress_suffix
- # Depends: processArguments(), vbm(), checkapp(), gzip 1.9
- if [[ "$optionCompress" = "true" ]]; then # Check if compression option active
- if checkapp gzip; then # Check if gzip available
- cmd_compress="gzip " && vbm "cmd_compress:$cmd_compress";
- cmd_compress_suffix=".gz" && vbm "cmd_compress_suffix:$cmd_compress_suffix";
- else
- yell "ERROR:Compression enabled but \"gzip\" not found. Exiting."; exit 1;
- fi
- else
- cmd_compress="tee /dev/null " && vbm "cmd_compress:$cmd_compress";
- cmd_compress_suffix="" && vbm "cmd_compress_suffix:$cmd_compress_suffix";
- vbm "DEBUG:Compression not enabled.";
- fi
-} # Form compression cmd string and filename suffix
-magicInitWorkingDir() {
- # Desc: Determine temporary working directory from defaults or user input
- # Usage: magicInitWorkingDir
- # Input: vars: optionTmpDir, argTempDirPriority, dirTmpDefault
- # Input: vars: scriptTimeStart
- # Output: vars: dir_tmp
- # Depends: bash 5.0.3, processArguments(), vbm(), yell()
- # Parse '-t' option (user-specified temporary working dir)
- ## Set dir_tmp_parent to user-specified value if specified
- local dir_tmp_parent
- if [[ "$optionTmpDir" = "true" ]]; then
- if [[ -d "$argTempDirPriority" ]]; then
- dir_tmp_parent="$argTempDirPriority";
- else
- yell "WARNING:Specified temporary working directory not valid:$argTempDirPriority";
- exit 1; # Exit since user requires a specific temp dir and it is not available.
- fi;
- else
- ## Set dir_tmp_parent to default or fallback otherwise
- if [[ -d "$dirTmpDefault" ]]; then
- dir_tmp_parent="$dirTmpDefault";
- elif [[ -d /tmp ]]; then
- yell "WARNING:$dirTmpDefault not available. Falling back to /tmp .";
- dir_tmp_parent="/tmp";
- else
- yell "ERROR:No valid working directory available. Exiting.";
- exit 1;
- fi;
- fi;
- ## Set dir_tmp using dir_tmp_parent and nonce (scriptTimeStart)
- dir_tmp="$dir_tmp_parent"/"$scriptTimeStart""..bkgpslog" && vbm "DEBUG:Set dir_tmp to:$dir_tmp"; # Note: removed at end of main().
-} # Sets working dir
-magicParseCustomTTL() {
- # Desc: Set user-specified TTLs for buffer and script
- # Usage: magicParseCustomTTL
- # Input: vars: argCustomBufferTTL (integer), argCustomScriptTTL_TE (string)
- # Input: vars: optionCustomBufferTTL, optionCustomScriptTTL_TE
- # Input: vars: bufferTTL (integer), scriptTTL_TE (string)
- # Output: bufferTTL (integer), scriptTTL_TE (string)
- # Depends: Bash 5.0.3, yell(), vbm(), validateInput(), showUsage()
- # React to '-b, --buffer-ttl' option
- if [[ "$optionCustomBufferTTL" = "true" ]]; then
- ## T: Check if argCustomBufferTTL is an integer
- if validateInput "$argCustomBufferTTL" "integer"; then
- ### T: argCustomBufferTTL is an integer
- bufferTTL="$argCustomBufferTTL" && vbm "Custom bufferTTL from -b:$bufferTTL";
- else
- ### F: argcustomBufferTTL is not an integer
- yell "ERROR:Invalid integer argument for custom buffer time-to-live."; showUsage; exit 1;
- fi;
- ## F: do not change bufferTTL
- fi;
- # React to '-B, --script-ttl' option
- if [[ "$optionCustomScriptTTL_TE" = "true" ]]; then
- ## T: Check if argCustomScriptTTL is a time element (ex: "day", "hour")
- if validateInput "$argCustomScriptTTL_TE" "time_element"; then
- ### T: argCustomScriptTTL is a time element
- scriptTTL_TE="$argCustomScriptTTL_TE" && vbm "Custom scriptTTL_TE from -B:$scriptTTL_TE";
- else
- ### F: argcustomScriptTTL is not a time element
- yell "ERROR:Invalid time element argument for custom script time-to-live."; showUsage; exit 1;
- fi;
- ## F: do not change scriptTTL_TE
- fi;
-} # Sets custom script or buffer TTL if specified
magicSetScriptTTL() {
#Desc: Sets script_TTL seconds from provided time_element string argument
#Usage: magicSetScriptTTL [str time_element]
yell "ERROR:Invalid argument for setScriptTTL function:$argTimeElement"; exit 1;
} # Set scriptTTL in seconds until next (day|hour).
-magicInitCheckTar() {
- # Desc: Initializes or checks output tar
- # input: vars: dirOut, bufferTTL, cmd_encrypt_suffix, cmd_compress_suffix
- # input: vars: scriptHostname
- # output: vars: pathout_tar
- # depends: Bash 5.0.3, vbm(), dateShort(), checkMakeTar(), magicWriteVersion()
- # Form pathout_tar
- pathout_tar="$dirOut"/"$(dateShort "$(date --date="$bufferTTL seconds ago" --iso-8601=seconds)")".."$scriptHostname""$label""$cmd_compress_suffix""$cmd_encrypt_suffix".tar && \
- vbm "STATUS:Set pathout_tar to:$pathout_tar";
- # Validate pathout_tar as tar.
- checkMakeTar "$pathout_tar";
- ## Add VERSION file if checkMakeTar had to create a tar (exited 1) or replace one (exited 2)
- vbm "exit status before magicWriteVersion:$?"
- if [[ $? -eq 1 ]] || [[ $? -eq 2 ]]; then magicWriteVersion; fi
-} # Initialize tar, set pathout_tar
magicWriteVersion() {
# Desc: Appends time-stamped VERSION to pathout_tar
# Usage: magicWriteVersion
# Write contentVersion as file fileoutVersion and write-append to pathout_tar
appendArgTar "$contentVersion" "$fileoutVersion" "$pathout_tar" "$dir_tmp";
} # write version data to pathout_tar via appendArgTar()
-magicParseProcessStrings() {
- # Desc: Processes user-supplied process strings into process commands for appendFileTar().
- # Usage: magicParseProcessStrings
- # In : vars: optionProcString optionNoStoreRaw optionStoreRaw argRawFileExt
- # arry: argProcStrings, argProcFileExts
- # Out: arry: procStrings, procFileExts
- # Depends Bash 5.0.3, yell(), vbm()
- local rawFileExt
- vbm "STATUS:Starting magicParseProcessStrings() function.";
- # Validate input
- ## Validate argRawFileExt
- if [[ "$argRawFileExt" =~ ^[.][[:alnum:]]*$ ]]; then
- rawFileExt="$argRawFileExt";
- fi;
- # Add default stdin output file entries for procStrings, procFileExts
- ## Check if user specified that no raw stdin be saved.
- if [[ ! "$optionNoStoreRaw" = "true" ]]; then
- ### T: --no-store-raw not set. Store raw. Append procStrings with cat.
- #### Append procStrings array
- procStrings+=("cat ");
- #### Check if --store-raw set.
- if [[ "$optionStoreRaw" = "true" ]]; then
- ##### T: --store-raw set. Append procFileExts with user-specified file ext
- procFileExts+=("$rawFileExt");
- else
- ##### F: --store-raw not set. Append procFileExts with default ".stdin" file ext
- ###### Append procFileExts array
- procFileExts+=(".stdin");
- fi;
- else
- ### F: --no-store-raw set. Do not store raw.
- #### Do not append procStrings or procFileExts arrays.
- :
- fi;
- # Do nothing more if optionProcString not set to true.
- if [[ ! "$optionProcString" = "true" ]]; then
- vbm "STATUS:optionProcString not set to 'true'. Returning early.";
- return; fi;
- # Validate input array indices
- ## Make sure that argProcStrings and argProcFileExts have same index counts
- if ! [[ "${#argProcStrings[@]}" -eq "${#argProcFileExts[@]}" ]]; then
- yell "ERROR:Mismatch in number of elements in arrays argProcStrings and argProcFileExts:${#argProcStrings[@]} DNE ${#argProcFileExts[@]}";
- yell "argProcStrings:${argProcStrings[*]}"; yell "argProcFileExts:${argProcFileExts[*]}"; exit 1; fi;
- ## Make sure that no array elements are blank
- for element in "${argProcStrings[@]}"; do
- if [[ -z "$element" ]]; then yell "ERROR:Empty process string specified. Exiting."; exit 1; fi; done
- for element in "${argProcFileExts[@]}"; do
- if [[ -z "$element" ]]; then yell "ERROR:Empty output file extension specified. Exiting."; exit 1; fi; done
- ## Make sure that no process string starts with '-' (ex: if only one arg supplied after '-p' option)
- for element in "${argProcStrings[@]}"; do
- if [[ ! "$element" =~ ^[-][[:print:]]*$ ]] && [[ "$element" =~ ^[[:print:]]*$ ]]; then
- yell "ERROR:Illegal character '-' at start of process string element. Option syntax error?";
- exit 1; fi; done;
- vbm "STATUS:Quick check shows argProcStrings and argProcFileExts appear to have valid contents.";
- procStrings=("${argProcStrings[@]}"); # Export process command strings
- procFileExts=("${argProcFileExts[@]}"); # Export process command strings
- vbm "STATUS:Finished magicParseProcessStrings() function.";
-} # Validate and save process strings and file extensions to arrays procStrings, procFileExts
-magicParseLabel() {
- # Desc: Parses -l option to set label
- # In : optionLabel, argLabel
- # Out: vars: label
- # Depends: Bash 5.0.3, vbm(), yell()
- vbm "STATUS:Started magicParseLabel() function.";
- # Do nothing if optionLabel not set to true.
- if [[ ! "$optionLabel" = "true" ]]; then
- vbm "STATUS:optionlabel not set to 'true'. Returning early.";
- return;
- fi;
- # Set label if optionLabel is true
- if [[ "$optionLabel" = "true" ]]; then
- label="_""$argLabel";
- vbm "STATUS:Set label:$label";
- fi;
- vbm "STATUS:Finished magicParseLabel() function.";
magicProcessWriteBuffer() {
# Desc: process and write buffer
# In : vars: bufferTTL bufferTTL_STR scriptHostname label dir_tmp SECONDS
vbm "DEBUG:STATUS:$fn:Finished magicProcessWriteBuffer().";
} # Process and Write buffer
main() {
# Process arguments
processArguments "$@";