# Script Metadata
scriptName="bklog"; # Define basename of script file.
-scriptVersion="0.1.19"; # Define version of script.
+scriptVersion="0.1.28-test1"; # Define version of script.
scriptURL="https://gitlab.com/baltakatei/ninfacyzga-01"; # Define wesite hosting this script.
scriptTimeStart="$(date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S.%N)"; # YYYYmmddTHHMMSS.NNNNNNNNN
scriptHostname=$(hostname); # Save hostname of system running this script.
-t | --temp-dir) optionTmpDir="true" && argTempDirPriority="$2"; shift;; # Set time zone
-b | --buffer-ttl) optionCustomBufferTTL="true" && argCustomBufferTTL="$2"; shift;; # Set custom buffer period (default: 300 seconds)
-B | --script-ttl) optionCustomScriptTTL_TE="true" && argCustomScriptTTL_TE="$2"; shift;; # Set custom script TTL (default: "day")
- -p | --process-string) optionProcString="true" && argProcStrings+=("$2") && argProcFileExts+=("$3") && vbm "STATUS:file extension \"$2\" for output of processing string added:\"$3\""; shift; shift;;
+ -p | --process-string) optionProcString="true" && argProcStrings+=("$2") && argProcFileExts+=("$3") && vbm "STATUS:file extension \"$3\" for output of processing string added:\"$2\""; shift; shift;;
-l | --label) optionLabel="true" && argLabel="$2"; vbm "DEBUG :Custom label received:$argLabel"; shift;;
-w | --store-raw) optionStoreRaw="true" && argRawFileExt="$2"; vbm "DEBUG :Raw stdin file extension received:$argRawFileExt"; shift;;
-W | --no-store-raw) optionNoStoreRaw="true"; vbm "DEBUG :Option selected to not store raw stdin data."; shift;;
vbm() {
# Description: Prints verbose message ("vbm") to stderr if optionVerbose is set to "true".
# Usage: vbm "DEBUG :verbose message here"
- # Version 0.1.2
+ # Version 0.1.3
# Input: arg1: string
# vars: optionVerbose
# Output: stderr
if [ "$optionVerbose" = "true" ]; then
functionTime=$(date --iso-8601=ns); # Save current time in nano seconds.
- echo "[$functionTime] ""$*" 1>&2; # Display argument text.
+ echo "[$functionTime]:$0:""$*" 1>&2; # Display argument text.
# End function
if tar --list --file="$pathTar" 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
## T1: return success
returnFlag0="tar valid";
+ elif { sleep 2; tar --list --file="$pathTar" 1>/dev/null 2>&1; }; then
+ ## F1: Check tar archive again after 2-second sleep
+ returnFlag0="tar valid";
- ## F1: Check if file exists
+ ## F2-1: Check if file exists
if [[ -f "$pathTar" ]]; then
### T: Rename file
- try mv "$pathTar" "$pathTar""--broken--""$(date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S)" && \
+ try mv "$pathTar" "$pathTar""--broken--""$(date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S%z)" && \
returnFlag1="tar moved";
### F: -
- ## F2: Create tar archive, return 0
+ ## F2-1: Create tar archive, return 0
try tar --create --file="$pathTar" --files-from=/dev/null && \
returnFlag2="tar created";
# Ref/Attrib: ISO-8601:2004(E), § Representations of time intervals by duration and context information
# Note: "1 month" ("P1M") is assumed to be "30 days" (see ISO-8601:2004(E), §
# Usage: timeDuration [1:seconds] ([2:precision])
- # Version: 1.0.4
+ # Version: 1.0.5
# Input: arg1: seconds as base 10 integer >= 0 (ex: 3601)
# arg2: precision level (optional; default=2)
# Output: stdout: ISO-8601 duration string (ex: "P1H1S", "P2Y10M15DT10H30M20S")
if [[ $fullDays -gt 0 ]]; then hasDays="true"; else hasDays="false"; fi
if [[ $fullHours -gt 0 ]]; then hasHours="true"; else hasHours="false"; fi
if [[ $fullMinutes -gt 0 ]]; then hasMinutes="true"; else hasMinutes="false"; fi
- if [[ $fullSeconds -gt 0 ]]; then hasSeconds="true"; else hasSeconds="false"; fi
+ if [[ $fullSeconds -ge 0 ]]; then hasSeconds="true"; else hasSeconds="false"; fi
## Determine which fields to display (see ISO-8601:2004 §
cmd_compress_suffix="" && vbm "STATUS:$fn:cmd_compress_suffix:$cmd_compress_suffix";
vbm "DEBUG :$fn:Compression not enabled.";
- vbm "STATUS:$fn:Starting magicParseCompressionArg() function.";
+ vbm "STATUS:$fn:Finished magicParseCompressionArg() function.";
} # Form compression cmd string and filename suffix
magicParseCustomTTL() {
# Desc: Set user-specified TTLs for buffer and script
## F: do not change scriptTTL_TE
- vbm "STATUS:$fn:Starting magicParseCustomTTL() function.";
+ vbm "STATUS:$fn:Finished magicParseCustomTTL() function.";
} # Sets custom script or buffer TTL if specified
magicParseLabel() {
# Desc: Parses -l option to set label
exit 1; fi; done;
vbm "STATUS:$fn:Quick check shows argProcStrings and argProcFileExts appear to have valid contents.";
vbm "STATUS:$fn:argProcStrings:${argProcStrings[*]}"
- vbm "STATUS:$fn:argProcStrings:${argProcFileExts[*]}"
+ vbm "STATUS:$fn:argProcFileExts:${argProcFileExts[*]}"
procStrings+=("${argProcStrings[@]}"); # Export process command strings
procFileExts+=("${argProcFileExts[@]}"); # Export process command strings
+ vbm "STATUS:$fn:procStrings:${procStrings[*]}"
+ vbm "STATUS:$fn:procFileExts:${procFileExts[*]}"
vbm "STATUS:$fn:Finished magicParseProcessStrings() function.";
} # Validate and save process strings and file extensions to arrays procStrings, procFileExts
magicParseRecipients() {
vbm "STATUS:$fn:Starting magicSetScriptTTL() function.";
if [[ "$argTimeElement" = "day" ]]; then
- # Set script lifespan to end at start of next day
+ # Set script lifespan to end at start of next day
+ vbm "STATUS:$fn:Setting script lifespan to end at start of next day. argTimeElement:$argTimeElement";
if ! scriptTTL="$(timeUntilNextDay)"; then # sets scriptTTL, then checks exit code
if [[ "$scriptTTL" -eq 0 ]]; then
- ((scriptTTL++)); # Add 1 because 0 would cause 'timeout' to never timeout.
+ ((scriptTTL++)); # Add 1 because 0 would cause 'timeout' to never timeout.
+ vbm "STATUS:$fn:scriptTTL:$scriptTTL";
yell "ERROR:$fn:timeUntilNextDay exit code $?"; exit 1;
elif [[ "$argTimeElement" = "hour" ]]; then
# Set script lifespan to end at start of next hour
+ vbm "STATUS:$fn:Setting script lifespan to end at start of next hour. argTimeElement:$argTimeElement";
if ! scriptTTL="$(timeUntilNextHour)"; then # sets scriptTTL, then checks exit code
if [[ "$scriptTTL" -eq 0 ]]; then
((scriptTTL++)); # Add 1 because 0 would cause 'timeout' to never timeout.
+ vbm "STATUS:$fn:scriptTTL:$scriptTTL";
yell "ERROR:$fn:timeUntilNextHour exit code $?"; exit 1;
} # write version data to pathout_tar via appendArgTar()
magicProcessWriteBuffer() {
# Desc: process and write buffer
- # In : vars: bufferTTL bufferTTL_STR scriptHostname label dir_tmp SECONDS
+ # In : vars: bufferTTL scriptHostname label dir_tmp SECONDS
+ # : vars: timeBufferStartEpoch timeBufferEndEpoch
# : arry: buffer
# Out: file:(pathout_tar)
# Depends: Bash 5.0.3, date 8.30, yell(), vbm(), dateTimeShort(),
### Note: These arrays should all have the same number of elements:
### pathouts, fileouts, procFileExts, procStrings
- local fn timeBufferStartLong timeBufferStart fileoutBasename
+ local fn timeBufferStartLong timeBufferStart bufferDuration bufferDurationStr fileoutBasename
local -a fileouts pathouts
local writeCmd1 writeCmd2 writeCmd3 writeCmd4
# Determine file paths (time is start of buffer period)
## Calculate start time
- timeBufferStartLong="$(date --date="$bufferTTL seconds ago" --iso-8601=seconds)" && \
- vbm "DEBUG :$fn:timeBufferStartLong:$timeBufferStartLong";
+ timeBufferStartLong="$(date --date="@$timeBufferStartEpoch" --iso-8601=seconds)" && \
+ vbm "DEBUG :$fn:timeBufferStartLong:$timeBufferStartLong"; # Note start time in 'date' parsable ISO-8601
timeBufferStart="$(dateTimeShort "$timeBufferStartLong" )" && \
vbm "DEBUG :$fn:timeBufferStart:$timeBufferStart"; # Note start time YYYYmmddTHHMMSS+zzzz (no separators)
+ ## Calculate buffer duration string (ISO-8601 duration)
+ bufferDuration="$((timeBufferEndEpoch - timeBufferStartEpoch))" && \
+ vbm "DEBUG :$fn:bufferDuration:$bufferDuration"; # length of time (seconds) stdin was read
+ bufferDurationStr="$(timeDuration "$bufferDuration")" && \
+ vbm "DEBUG :$fn:bufferDurationStr:$bufferDurationStr"; # buffer duration (ISO-8601)
## Set common basename
- fileoutBasename="$timeBufferStart""--""$bufferTTL_STR""..""$scriptHostname""$label" && \
+ fileoutBasename="$timeBufferStart""--""$bufferDurationStr""..""$scriptHostname""$label" && \
vbm "STATUS:$fn:Set fileoutBasename to:$fileoutBasename";
## Determine output file name array
### in: fileOutBasename cmd_compress_suffix cmd_encrypt_suffix procFileExts
## Process buffer and write to dir_tmp
+ vbm "DEBUG :$fn:fileouts element count:${#fileouts[@]}";
+ vbm "DEBUG :$fn:pathouts element count:${#pathouts[@]}";
+ vbm "DEBUG :$fn:procStrings element count:${#pathouts[@]}";
+ vbm "DEBUG :$fn:fileouts contents:${fileouts[*]}";
+ vbm "DEBUG :$fn:pathouts contents:${pathouts[*]}";
+ vbm "DEBUG :$fn:procStrings contents:${pathouts[*]}";
for index in "${!pathouts[@]}"; do
writeCmdAll="$writeCmd1 | $writeCmd2 | $writeCmd3 | $writeCmd4" && vbm "STATUS:$fn:Assembled command:\"$writeCmdAll\"";
# Append dir_tmp files to pathout_tar
wait; # Wait to avoid collision with older magicProcessWriteBuffer() instances (see https://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/x9644.html )
for index in "${!pathouts[@]}"; do
- appendFileTar "${pathouts[$index]}" "${fileouts[$index]}" "$pathout_tar" "$dir_tmp" && \
+ tar --append --directory="$dir_tmp" --file="$pathout_tar" "${fileouts[$index]}" && \
vbm "STATUS:$fn:Appended ${pathouts[$index]} to $pathout_tar";
+ #appendFileTar "${pathouts[$index]}" "${fileouts[$index]}" "$pathout_tar" "$dir_tmp" && \
# Remove secured chunks from dir_tmp
# Perform secondary setup operations
## Set script lifespan (scriptTTL from scriptTTL_TE)
magicSetScriptTTL "$scriptTTL_TE";
- ## File name substring (ISO-8601 duration from bufferTTL)
- bufferTTL_STR="$(timeDuration "$bufferTTL")" && vbm "DEBUG :$fn:bufferTTL_STR:$bufferTTL_STR";
+ ## Adjust SECONDS so buffer rounds align with time elements
+ ### Advance SECONDS the remainder seconds for dividend timeUntilNextDay, divisor bufferTTL
+ if [[ "$(timeUntilNextDay)" -gt "$bufferTTL" ]]; then
+ vbm "DEBUG :$fn:SECONDS currently :$SECONDS";
+ SECONDS="$(( bufferTTL - ($(timeUntilNextDay) % bufferTTL) ))" && \
+ vbm "DEBUG :$fn:SECONDS advanced to:$SECONDS";
+ vbm "DEBUG :$fn:current time:$(date --iso-8601=seconds)";
+ fi;
## Init temp working dir
try mkdir "$dir_tmp" && vbm "DEBUG :$fn:Working dir created at dir_tmp:$dir_tmp";
## Initialize output tar (set pathout_tar)
while [[ $SECONDS -lt "scriptTTL" ]]; do
vbm "STATUS:$fn:Starting buffer round:$bufferRound";
- bufferTOD="$((SECONDS + bufferTTL))"; # Set buffer round time-of-death
+ bufferTOD="$(( (1+bufferRound)*bufferTTL ))" && vbm "DEBUG :$fn:bufferTOD:$bufferTOD"; # Set buffer round time-of-death
# Consume stdin to fill buffer until buffer time-of-death (TOD) arrives
while read -r -t "$bufferTTL" line && [[ $SECONDS -lt "$bufferTOD" ]]; do
# Append line to buffer array
+ # Mark time for buffer
+ timeBufferEndEpoch="$timeBufferStartEpoch" && vbm "DEBUG :$fn:timeBufferEndEpoch";
+ timeBufferStartEpoch="$(date +%s)" && vbm "DEBUG :$fn:timeBufferStartEpoch";
# Create dir_tmp if missing
if ! [[ -d "$dir_tmp" ]]; then
yell "ERROR:$fn:dir_tmp existence failure:$dir_tmp";