# Script Metadata
scriptName="bklog"; # Define basename of script file.
-scriptVersion="0.1.5"; # Define version of script.
+scriptVersion="0.1.7"; # Define version of script.
scriptURL="https://gitlab.com/baltakatei/ninfacyzga-01"; # Define wesite hosting this script.
scriptTimeStart="$(date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S.%N)"; # YYYYmmddTHHMMSS.NNNNNNNNN
scriptHostname=$(hostname); # Save hostname of system running this script.
} # Get duration (ex: PT10M4S )
+validateInput() {
+ # Desc: Validates Input
+ # Usage: validateInput [str input] [str input type]
+ # Version: 0.3.1
+ # Input: arg1: string to validate
+ # arg2: string specifying input type (ex:"ssh_pubkey")
+ # Output: return code 0: if input string matched specified string type
+ # Depends: bash 5, yell()
+ local fn argInput argType
+ # Save function name
+ fn="${FUNCNAME[0]}";
+ # Process arguments
+ argInput="$1";
+ argType="$2";
+ if [[ $# -gt 2 ]]; then yell "ERROR:$0:$fn:Too many arguments."; exit 1; fi;
+ # Check for blank
+ if [[ -z "$argInput" ]]; then return 1; fi
+ # Define input types
+ ## ssh_pubkey
+ ### Check for alnum/dash base64 (ex: "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAA")
+ if [[ "$argType" = "ssh_pubkey" ]]; then
+ if [[ "$argInput" =~ ^[[:alnum:]-]*[\ ]*[[:alnum:]+/=]*$ ]]; then
+ return 0; fi; fi;
+ ## age_pubkey
+ ### Check for age1[:bech32:]
+ if [[ "$argType" = "age_pubkey" ]]; then
+ if [[ "$argInput" =~ ^age1[qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l]*$ ]]; then
+ return 0; fi; fi
+ ## integer
+ if [[ "$argType" = "integer" ]]; then
+ if [[ "$argInput" =~ ^[[:digit:]]*$ ]]; then
+ return 0; fi; fi;
+ ## time element (year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second)
+ if [[ "$argType" = "time_element" ]]; then
+ if [[ "$argInput" = "year" ]] || \
+ [[ "$argInput" = "month" ]] || \
+ [[ "$argInput" = "week" ]] || \
+ [[ "$argInput" = "day" ]] || \
+ [[ "$argInput" = "hour" ]] || \
+ [[ "$argInput" = "minute" ]] || \
+ [[ "$argInput" = "second" ]]; then
+ return 0; fi; fi;
+ # Return error if no condition matched.
+ return 1;
+} # Validates strings
magicInitWorkingDir() {
# Desc: Determine temporary working directory from defaults or user input
local rawFileExt
vbm "STATUS:Starting magicParseProcessStrings() function.";
+ vbm "var:optionProcString:$optionProcString";
+ vbm "var:optionNoStoreRaw:$optionNoStoreRaw";
+ vbm "var:optionStoreRaw:$optionStoreRaw";
+ vbm "var:argRawFileExt:$argRawFileExt";
+ vbm "ary:argProcStrings:${argProcStrings[*]}";
+ vbm "ary:argProcFileExts:${argProcFileExts[*]}"
# Validate input
## Validate argRawFileExt
if [[ "$argRawFileExt" =~ ^[.][[:alnum:]]*$ ]]; then