#==BEGIN Define script parameters==
## Logging Behavior parameters
BUFFER_TTL="300"; # time between file writes
-SCRIPT_TTL="day"; # (day|hour)
+SCRIPT_TTL_TE="day"; # (day|hour)
#### TZ="UTC"; export TZ; # Default time zone; overridden by '--time-zone=[str]' option
DIR_TMP_DEFAULT="/dev/shm"; # Default parent of working directory
SCRIPT_TIME_START=$(date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S.%N);
PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"; # Add "$(systemd-path user-binaries)" path in case apps saved there
SCRIPT_HOSTNAME=$(hostname); # Save hostname of system running this script.
-SCRIPT_VERSION="0.3.9"; # Define version of script.
+SCRIPT_VERSION="0.4.2"; # Define version of script.
SCRIPT_NAME="bkgpslog"; # Define basename of script file.
SCRIPT_URL="https://gitlab.com/baltakatei/ninfacyzga-01"; # Define wesite hosting this script.
AGE_VERSION="1.0.0-beta2"; # Define version of age (encryption program)
echoerr " Display debugging info."
echoerr " -e, --encrypt"
echoerr " Encrypt output."
- echoerr " -r, --recipient [ pubkey string ]"
+ echoerr " -r, --recipient [ string pubkey ]"
echoerr " Specify recipient. May be age or ssh pubkey."
+ echoerr " May be specified multiple times for multiple pubkeys."
echoerr " See https://github.com/FiloSottile/age"
- echoerr " -o, --output [ directory ]"
+ echoerr " -o, --output [ path dir ]"
echoerr " Specify output directory to save logs."
echoerr " -c, --compress"
echoerr " Compress output with gzip (before encryption if enabled)."
echoerr " -z, --time-zone"
echoerr " Specify time zone. (ex: \"America/New_York\")"
- echoerr " -t, --temp-dir"
+ echoerr " -t, --temp-dir [path dir]"
echoerr " Specify parent directory for temporary working directory."
echoerr " Default: \"/dev/shm\""
- echoerr " -R, --recipient-dir"
+ echoerr " -R, --recipient-dir [path dir]"
echoerr " Specify directory containing files whose first lines are"
- echoerr " to be interpreted as pubkey strings (see \'-r\' option)."
+ echoerr " to be interpreted as pubkey strings (see \\'-r\\' option)."
+ echoerr " -b, --buffer-ttl [integer]"
+ echoerr " Specify custom buffer period in seconds (default: 300 seconds)"
+ echoerr " -B, --script-ttl [integer]"
+ echoerr " Specify custom script time-to-live in seconds (default: \"day\")"
echoerr "EXAMPLE: (bash script lines)"
echoerr "/bin/bash bkgpslog -v -e -c \\"
-r | --recipient) OPTION_RECIPIENTS="true"; argRecPubKeys+=("$2"); vbm "STATUS:pubkey added:""$2"; shift;; # Add recipients
-c | --compress) OPTION_COMPRESS="true"; vbm "DEBUG:Compressed output mode enabled.";; # Enable compression
-z | --time-zone) try setTimeZoneEV "$2"; shift;; # Set timestamp timezone
- -t | --temp-dir) OPTION_TMPDIR="true" && argTmpDirPriority="$2"; shift;; # Set time zone
+ -t | --temp-dir) OPTION_TMPDIR="true" && argTempDirPriority="$2"; shift;; # Set time zone
-R | --recipient-dir) OPTION_RECIPIENTS="true"; OPTION_RECDIR="true" && argRecDir="$2"; shift;; # Add recipient watch dir
+ -b | --buffer-ttl) OPTION_CUSTOM_BUFFERTTL="true" && argCustomBufferTTL="$2"; shift;; # Set custom buffer period (default: 300 seconds)
+ -B | --script-ttl) OPTION_CUSTOM_SCRIPTTTL_TE="true" && argCustomScriptTTL="$2"; shift;; # Set custom script TTL (default: "day")
*) echoerr "ERROR: Unrecognized argument: $1"; echoerr "STATUS:All arguments:$*"; exit 1;; # Handle unrecognized options.
#==END Display errors==
} # Display missing apps, files, dirs
-setScriptTTL() {
- #Desc: Sets script TTL
- #Usage: setScriptTTL arg1
- #Input: arg1: "day" or "hour"
- #Output: scriptTTL
- #Depends: timeUntilNextHour or timeUntilNextDay
- local ARG1
- ARG1="$1"
- if [[ "$ARG1" = "day" ]]; then
+magicSetScriptTTL() {
+ #Desc: Sets script_TTL seconds from provided time_element string argument
+ #Usage: magicSetScriptTTL [str time_element]
+ #Input: arg1: string (Ex: SCRIPT_TTL_TE; "day" or "hour")
+ #Output: var: SCRIPT_TTL (integer seconds)
+ #Depends: timeUntilNextHour, timeUntilNextDay
+ local argTimeElement
+ argTimeElement="$1"
+ if [[ "$argTimeElement" = "day" ]]; then
# Set script lifespan to end at start of next day
- if ! scriptTTL="$(timeUntilNextDay)"; then
- if [[ "$scriptTTL" -eq 0 ]]; then
- ((scriptTTL++)); # Add 1 because 0 would cause 'timeout' to never timeout.
+ if ! SCRIPT_TTL="$(timeUntilNextDay)"; then
+ if [[ "$SCRIPT_TTL" -eq 0 ]]; then
+ ((SCRIPT_TTL++)); # Add 1 because 0 would cause 'timeout' to never timeout.
yell "ERROR: timeUntilNextDay exit code $?"; exit 1;
- elif [[ "$ARG1" = "hour" ]]; then
+ elif [[ "$argTimeElement" = "hour" ]]; then
# Set script lifespan to end at start of next hour
- if ! scriptTTL="$(timeUntilNextHour)"; then
- if [[ "$scriptTTL" -eq 0 ]]; then
- ((scriptTTL++)); # Add 1 because 0 would cause 'timeout' to never timeout.
+ if ! SCRIPT_TTL="$(timeUntilNextHour)"; then
+ if [[ "$SCRIPT_TTL" -eq 0 ]]; then
+ ((SCRIPT_TTL++)); # Add 1 because 0 would cause 'timeout' to never timeout.
yell "ERROR: timeUntilNextHour exit code $?"; exit 1;
- yell "ERROR:Invalid argument for setScriptTTL function."; exit 1;
+ yell "ERROR:Invalid argument for setScriptTTL function:$argTimeElement"; exit 1;
} # Seconds until next (day|hour).
checkMakeTar() {
validateInput() {
# Desc: Validates Input
# Usage: validateInput [str input] [str input type]
- # Version: 0.2.1
+ # Version: 0.3.0
# Input: arg1: string to validate
# arg2: string specifying input type (ex:"ssh_pubkey")
# Output: return code 0: if input string matched specified string type
### Check for alnum/dash base64 (ex: "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAA")
if [[ "$argType" = "ssh_pubkey" ]]; then
if [[ "$argInput" =~ ^[[:alnum:]-]*[\ ]*[[:alnum:]+/=]*$ ]]; then
- return 0; fi; fi;
+ return 0; fi; fi;
## age_pubkey
### Check for age1[:bech32:]
if [[ "$argInput" =~ ^age1[qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l]*$ ]]; then
return 0; fi; fi
+ ## integer
+ if [[ "$argType" = "integer" ]]; then
+ if [[ "$argInput" =~ ^[[:digit:]]*$ ]]; then
+ return 0; fi; fi;
+ ## time element (year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second)
+ if [[ "$argType" = "time_element" ]]; then
+ if [[ "$argInput" = "year" ]] || \
+ [[ "$argInput" = "month" ]] || \
+ [[ "$argInput" = "week" ]] || \
+ [[ "$argInput" = "day" ]] || \
+ [[ "$argInput" = "hour" ]] || \
+ [[ "$argInput" = "minute" ]] || \
+ [[ "$argInput" = "second" ]]; then
+ return 0; fi; fi;
# Return error if no condition matched.
return 1;
} # Validates strings
} # write buffer to disk
magicParseRecipientDir() {
# Desc: Updates recPubKeysValid with pubkeys in dir specified by '-R' option ("recipient directory")
- # Inputs: vars: OPTION_RECDIR, argRecDir,
- # arry: recPubKeysValid
- # Outputs: arry: recPubKeysValid (modified with pubkeys in argRecDir if pubkeys valid)
+ # Inputs: vars: OPTION_RECDIR, argRecDir, OPTION_ENCRYPT
+ # arry: recPubKeysValid
+ # Outputs: arry: recPubKeysValid
# Depends: processArguments,
local recFileLine updateRecipients recipientDir
declare -a candRecPubKeysValid
- if [[ "$OPTION_RECDIR" = "true" ]]; then
+ # Check that '-e' and '-R' set
+ if [[ "$OPTION_ENCRYPT" = "true" ]] && [[ "$OPTION_RECDIR" = "true" ]]; then
### Check that argRecDir is a directory.
if [[ -d "$argRecDir" ]]; then
- recipientDir="$argRecDir";
+ recipientDir="$argRecDir" && vbm "STATUS:Recipient watch directory detected:\"$recipientDir\"";
#### Initialize variable indicating outcome of pubkey review
unset updateRecipients
#### Add existing recipients
- candRecPubKeysValid=(${recPubKeysValid[@]});
+ candRecPubKeysValid=("${recPubKeysValidStatic[@]}");
#### Parse files in recipientDir
for file in "$recipientDir"/*; do
##### Read first line of each file
- recFileLine="$(cat "$file" | head -n1)";
+ recFileLine="$(head -n1 "$file")" && vbm "STATUS:Checking if pubkey:\"$recFileLine\"";
##### check if first line is a valid pubkey
if checkAgePubkey "$recFileLine" && \
( validateInput "$recFileLine" "ssh_pubkey" || validateInput "$recFileLine" "age_pubkey"); then
###### T: add candidate pubkey to candRecPubKeysValid
- candRecPubKeysValid+=("$recFileLine");
+ candRecPubKeysValid+=("$recFileLine") && vbm "STATUS:RecDir pubkey is valid pubkey:\"$recFileLine\"";
###### F: throw warning;
yell "ERROR:Invalid recipient file detected. Not modifying recipient list."
#### Write updated recPubKeysValid array to recPubKeysValid if no failure detected
- if ! updateRecipients="false"; then
- recPubKeysValid=(${candRecPubKeysValid[@]});
+ if ! [[ "$updateRecipients" = "false" ]]; then
+ recPubKeysValid=("${candRecPubKeysValid[@]}") && vbm "STATUS:Wrote candRecPubkeysValid to recPubKeysValid:\"${recPubKeysValid[@]}\"";
yell "ERROR:$0:Recipient directory $argRecDir does not exist. Exiting."; exit 1;
+ # Handle case if '-e' set but '-R' not set
+ if [[ "$OPTION_ENCRYPT" = "true" ]] && [[ ! "$OPTION_RECDIR" = "true" ]]; then
+ yell "ERROR: \\'-e\\' set but \\'-R\\' is not set."; fi;
+ # Handle case if '-R' set but '-e' not set
+ if [[ ! "$OPTION_ENCRYPT" = "true" ]] && [[ "$OPTION_RECDIR" = "true" ]]; then
+ yell "ERROR: \\'-R\\' is set but \\'-e\\' is not set."; fi;
} # Update recPubKeysValid with argRecDir
magicParseRecipientArgs() {
# Desc: Parses recipient arguments specified by '-r' option
# Input: vars: OPTION_ENCRYPT from processArguments()
# arry: argRecPubKeys from processArguments()
- # arry: recPubKeysValid
+ # arry: recPubKeysValid, recPubKeysValidStatic
# Depends: checkapp(), checkAgePubkey(), validateInput(), processArguments()
local recipients
vbm "DEBUG:Finished processing argRecPubKeys array";
+ vbm "STATUS:Array of validated pubkeys:${recPubKeysValid[@]}";
+ recPubKeysValidStatic="${recPubKeysValid[@]}"; # Save static image of pubkeys validated by this function
## Form age command string
CMD_ENCRYPT="age ""$recipients " && vbm "CMD_ENCRYPT:$CMD_ENCRYPT";
# Catch case if '-e' is set but '-r' or '-R' is not
if [[ "$OPTION_ENCRYPT" = "true" ]] && [[ ! "$OPTION_RECIPIENTS" = "true" ]]; then
- yell "ERROR:\'-e\' set but no \'-r\' or \'-R\' set."; exit 1; fi;
+ yell "ERROR:\\'-e\\' set but no \\'-r\\' or \\'-R\\' set."; exit 1; fi;
# Catch case if '-r' or '-R' set but '-e' is not
if [[ ! "$OPTION_ENCRYPT" = "true" ]] && [[ "$OPTION_RECIPIENTS" = "true" ]]; then
- yell "ERROR:\'-r\' or \'-R\' set but \'-e\' is not set."; exit 1; fi;
+ yell "ERROR:\\'-r\\' or \\'-R\\' set but \\'-e\\' is not set."; exit 1; fi;
} # Populate recPubKeysValid with argRecPubKeys; form encryption cmd string and filename suffix
magicParseCompressionArg() {
# Desc: Parses compression arguments specified by '-c' option
} # Form compression cmd string and filename suffix
magicInitWorkingDir() {
# Desc: Determine temporary working directory from defaults or user input
- # Input: vars: OPTION_TEMPDIR, argTmpDirPriority, DIR_TMP_DEFAULT
+ # Usage: magicInitWorkignDir
+ # Input: vars: OPTION_TEMPDIR, argTempDirPriority, DIR_TMP_DEFAULT
# Input: vars: SCRIPT_TIME_START
# Output: vars: DIR_TMP
# Depends: processArguments(), vbm(), yell()
if [[ -d "$argTempDirPriority" ]]; then
- yell "WARNING:Specified temporary working directory not valid:$OPTION_TMPDIR";
+ yell "WARNING:Specified temporary working directory not valid:$argTempDirPriority";
exit 1; # Exit since user requires a specific temp dir and it is not available.
DIR_TMP="$DIR_TMP_PARENT"/"$SCRIPT_TIME_START""..bkgpslog" && vbm "DEBUG:Set DIR_TMP to:$DIR_TMP"; # Note: removed at end of main().
} # Sets working dir
+magicParseCustomTTL() {
+ # Desc: Set user-specified TTLs for buffer and script
+ # Input: vars: argCustomBufferTTL (integer), argCustomScriptTTL_TE (string)
+ # Input: vars: BUFFER_TTL (integer), SCRIPT_TTL_TE (string)
+ # Output: BUFFER_TTL (integer), SCRIPT_TTL_TE (string)
+ # Depends validateInput(), showUsage(), yell
+ # React to '-b, --buffer-ttl' option
+ if [[ "$OPTION_CUSTOM_BUFFERTTL" = "true" ]]; then
+ ## T: Check if argCustomBufferTTL is an integer
+ if validateInput "$argCustomBufferTTL" "integer"; then
+ ### T: argCustomBufferTTL is an integer
+ BUFFER_TTL="$argCustomBufferTTL";
+ else
+ ### F: argcustomBufferTTL is not an integer
+ yell "ERROR:Invalid integer argument for custom buffer time-to-live."; showUsage; exit 1;
+ fi;
+ ## F: do not change BUFFER_TTL
+ fi;
+ # React to '-B, --script-ttl' option
+ if [[ "$OPTION_CUSTOM_SCRIPTTTL_TE" = "true" ]]; then
+ ## T: Check if argCustomScriptTTL is a time element (ex: "day", "hour")
+ if validateInput "$argCustomScriptTTL" "time_element"; then
+ ### T: argCustomScriptTTL is a time element
+ SCRIPT_TTL_TE="$argCustomScriptTTL";
+ else
+ ### F: argcustomScriptTTL is not a time element
+ yell "ERROR:Invalid time element argument for custom script time-to-live."; showUsage; exit 1;
+ fi;
+ ## F: do not change SCRIPT_TTL_TE
+ fi;
+} # Sets custom script or buffer TTL if specified
main() {
# Process arguments
processArguments "$@";
## Act upon arguments
### Determine working directory
- magicInitWorkingDir;
+ magicInitWorkingDir; # Sets DIR_TMP from argTempDirPriority
### Set output encryption and compression option strings
#### React to "-r" ("encryption recipients") option
- magicParseRecipientArgs;
+ magicParseRecipientArgs; # Updates recPubKeysValid, CMD_ENCRYPT[_SUFFIX] from argRecPubKeys
#### React to "-c" ("compression") option
- magicParseCompressionArg;
+ magicParseCompressionArg; # Updates CMD_COMPRESS[_SUFFIX]
#### React to "-R" ("recipient directory") option
- magicParseRecipientDir;
+ magicParseRecipientDir; # Updates recPubKeysValid
+ #### React to custom buffer and script TTL options ("-b", "-B")
+ magicParseCustomTTL; # Sets custom SCRIPT_TTL_TE and/or BUFFER_TTL if specified
# Check that critical apps and dirs are available, display missing ones.
if ! checkapp gpspipe tar && ! checkdir "$DIR_OUT" "DIR_TMP"; then
yell "ERROR:Critical components missing.";
displayMissing; yell "Exiting."; exit 1; fi
- # Set script lifespan
- setScriptTTL "$SCRIPT_TTL"; # seconds until next new SCRIPT_TTL (ex: "day" or "hour")
+ # Set script lifespan (SCRIPT_TTL from SCRIPT_TTL_TE)
+ magicSetScriptTTL "$SCRIPT_TTL_TE";
+ ## Note: SCRIPT_TTL_TE is time element string (ex: "day") while SCRIPT_TTL is integer seconds
- # File name substring: encoded bufferTTL
- bufferTTL_STR="$(timeDuration $BUFFER_TTL)";
+ # File name substring (ISO-8601 duration from BUFFER_TTL)
+ bufferTTL_STR="$(timeDuration "$BUFFER_TTL")";
# Init temp working dir
try mkdir "$DIR_TMP" && vbm "DEBUG:Working dir creatd at:$DIR_TMP";
CMD_CONV_KML="gpsbabel -i nmea -f - -o kml -F - " && vbm "STATUS:Set CMD_CONV_KML to:$CMD_CONV_KML"; # convert NMEA to KML
# MAIN LOOP:Record gps data until script lifespan ends
- while [[ "$SECONDS" -lt "$scriptTTL" ]]; do
+ while [[ "$SECONDS" -lt "$SCRIPT_TTL" ]]; do
+ magicParseRecipientDir
magicGatherWriteBuffer &
sleep "$BUFFER_TTL";