* Location Logging
This document was created by Steven Baltakatei Sandoval on
~2020-06-29T12:14Z~ under a [[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/][Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license]]. It
-was updated by Steven Baltakatei Sandoval on ~2020-06-30T19:44Z~
+was updated by Steven Baltakatei Sandoval on ~2020-07-12T21:04Z~
#+TITLE: Ninfacyzga-01 Manual
#+AUTHOR: Steven Baltakatei Sandoval
#+EMAIL: baltakatei@gmail.com
**** PiZ UpTime 2.0
See the [[https://alchemy-power.com/piz-uptime-2-0/][OEM]] webpage for this product.
*** Software
-~bkgpslog~ : The bash script that performs the location data
-collection and processing. Is an executable file contained within this
-repository at ~exec/bkgpslog~. It should be copied to
+~bklog~ : A bash script that saves its stdin stream to a tar file. The
+file may be compressed by ~gzip~ and encrypted by ~age~. It is an
+executable file contained within this repository at ~exec/bklog~. It
+should be copied to ~$HOME/.local/bin~.
+~bkgpslog~ : A legacy bash script similar to ~bklog~ but narrower in
+scope in that it only records output from ~gpspipe~.
~gpsd~ : A background daemon app capable of interfacing with the
Ozzmaker BerryGPS-IMU's GPS submodule. Installed and initialized by
~gpsbabel~ : A command line app that converts GPS data from one format
-into another. ~bkgpslog~ uses it to convert NMEA data into GPX and
+into another. ~bklog~ may be used to convert NMEA data into GPX and
KML. Installed via ~apt~.
~gzip~ : A simple command line app that compresses stdin into a
should be copied to ~$HOME/.local/bin~.
**** Narrative
-~bkgpslog~ populates a 60-second buffer with NMEA data from ~gpsd~ via
-~gpspipe~. This buffer is used by ~gpsbabel~ to produce GPX and KML
-versions of the buffer. All 3 buffers are then comprssed with ~gzip~,
-encrypted with ~age~, and then written to disk.
+~bklog~ may be used to log location data by receiving stdout produced
+by ~gpspipe~. ~bklog~ contains options that allow file writes to be
+performed at adjustable time intervals (default: 300 seconds),
+compressed (with ~gzip~), and encrypted (with ~age~). Files are
+written in the form of appendages to a ~tar~ archive saved to a
+specified location. The NMEA data produced by ~gpspipe~ may be
+processed via a ~gpsbabel~ command string specified as an option to
+~bklog~, assuming ~gpsbabel~ is installed.
*** Output
+Several output file formats have been tested with ~bklog~.
**** File Formats
***** NMEA
-See the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NMEA_0183][Wikipedia page]] for this.
+See the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NMEA_0183][Wikipedia page]] for this. This file format is the default
+output of the ~gpspipe -r~ command.
***** GPX
-See the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPS_Exchange_Format][Wikipedia page]] for this. [[http://wiki.gis.com/wiki/index.php/WGS84][WGS84]] is the datum used.
+See the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPS_Exchange_Format][Wikipedia page]] for this. [[http://wiki.gis.com/wiki/index.php/WGS84][WGS84]] is the datum used. An NMEA file
+may be converted to this format using ~gpsbabel~.
***** KML
-See the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyhole_Markup_Language][Wikipedia page]] for this. [[http://wiki.gis.com/wiki/index.php/WGS84][WGS84]] is the datum used.
+See the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyhole_Markup_Language][Wikipedia page]] for this. [[http://wiki.gis.com/wiki/index.php/WGS84][WGS84]] is the datum used. An NMEA file
+may be converted to this format using ~gpsbabel~.
**** Encryption Method
Files produced by the bkgpslog script are encrypted against a set of
public keys using [[https://github.com/FiloSottile/age][~age~]], a simple command line encryption tool
Help information for ~age~ is available by running ~$ age --help~.
***** Encryption Commands
-Files may be encrypted to several recipients using a command similar to:
+****** Encryption through ~age~
+In order to illustrate how ~bklog~ encrypts files, below is an example
+command illustrating how ~age~ may be used to encrypt a file.
+$ echo "asdf" | age -r \
+age1kza7pfshy7xwygf9349zgmk7x53mquvedgw9r98qwyyqhssh830qqjzlsw \
+> "$HOME/secret_file"
+The resulting ~secret-file~ is a binary blob with a plaintext header
+indicating how the blob was encrypted (which version of age was used,
+which public key was used).
+****** Encryption through ~bklog~
+~bklog~ may instructed to encrypt files via the ~-e~ and ~-r [pubkey
+string]~ options. An example is shown below:
-timeout "60s" gpspipe -r | gpsbabel -i nmea -f - -o gpx -F | age \
+$ gpspipe -r | bklog -e \
-r age1kza7pfshy7xwygf9349zgmk7x53mquvedgw9r98qwyyqhssh830qqjzlsw \
-r age1ce3pvzrqfcn2pc6zqzglc8ac8yjk3fzukpy08cesqjjwns53xywqmaq7xw \
-r age1pu5usxm743sx7rf22985xv2f4s0luzv6r6yx4fa7p8c2zyvp9fvqus2xr5 \
-> location.gpx.age
+-o "$HOME/Location"
+~bklog~ may be instructed via the ~-e~ and ~-R~ options to watch a
+directory in order to locate public key strings in its files. ~bklog~
+reads the first line of each file and interprets it as a public key
In this example, the strings beginning with ~age1...~ are
-bech32-formatted public key strings.
+bech32-formatted public key strings. Please see the [[*Key Generation][Key Generation]]
+section for an explanation.
+Since ~age~ also accepts ~ssh~ public key strings, these may also be
+used if they are of the following form (no comment).
***** Decryption Commands
Files may be decrypted using a command similar to:
The version of ~age~ used to perform the encryption
** Operating Procedures
*** Initial Startup
See OEM (Ozzmaker) [[https://ozzmaker.com/berrygps-berrygps-imu-quick-start-guide/][quickstart guide for the BerryGPS-IMU]].
***** Automatic Start Configuration
-Edit the user cron job list with ~$ crontab -e~ to add the following
+It is recommended to create a daily ~cron~ job that executes a bash
+script that starts ~bklog~ jobs to record location along with other
+types of data recording. An example of such a script is below:
-0 * * * * /bin/bash ~/bkgpslog --output ~/dir
-@reboot /bin/bash ~/bkgpslog --output ~/dir
+# Log location
+gpspipe -r | /bin/bash "$HOME/.local/bin/bklog" -c -e -z "UTC" -t "/dev/shm" \
+ -r age1kza7pfshy7xwygf9349zgmk7x53mquvedgw9r98qwyyqhssh830qqjzlsw \
+ -r age1ce3pvzrqfcn2pc6zqzglc8ac8yjk3fzukpy08cesqjjwns53xywqmaq7xw \
+ -R "$HOME/.config/bklog/recipients" -w ".nmea" -b "300" -B "day" \
+ -o "$HOME/Sync/Evanescent_Location" -l "location" \
+ -p "gpsbabel -i nmea -f - -o gpx -F - " ".gpx" \
+ -p "gpsbabel -i nmea -f - -o kml -F - " ".kml" &
+# Log pressure
+python ~/.local/bin/bmp388.py | /bin/bash "$HOME/git-OC/ninfacyzga-01/exec/bklog" \
+ -c -e -z "UTC" -t "/dev/shm" \
+ -r age1kza7pfshy7xwygf9349zgmk7x53mquvedgw9r98qwyyqhssh830qqjzlsw \
+ -r age1ce3pvzrqfcn2pc6zqzglc8ac8yjk3fzukpy08cesqjjwns53xywqmaq7xw \
+ -R "$HOME/.config/bklog/recipients" -w ".txt" -b "300" -B "day" \
+ -o "$HOME/Sync/Evanescent_Location" -l "pressure" &
-The first line will run ~bkgpslog~ at the start of every hour and save
-output files to the ~dir~ directory in your home folder.
-The second line will run ~bkgpslog~ when the system starts up.
-~/bin/bash~ tells ~cron~ to run ~bkgpslog~ with Bash.
-If encryption and compression are required, then the appropriate
-options must be added. The lines that must be added via ~$ crontab -e~
-may resemble:
+This script, if it were saved at
+~"$HOME/.local/bin/cron/dailylog.sh"~ would then be added as a
+line in the ~crontab~ file as shown below:
-0 * * * * /bin/bash ~/bkgpslog -c -e -r age1z2...qkv6p -o ~/dir
-@reboot /bin/bash ~/bkgpslog -c -e -r age1z2...qkv6p -o ~/dir
+$ crontab -e
+0 0 * * * /bin/bash ~/.local/bin/cron/dailylog.sh
+@reboot /bin/bash ~/.local/bin/cron/dailylog.sh
-The ~age1z2...qkv6p~ is an ~age~ public key string. Please see the
-[[*Key Generation][Key Generation]] section for an explanation.
-The options are:
-: -c : tells bkgpslog to compress output
-: -e : tells bkgpslog log to encrypt output
-: -r : tells bkgpslog to interpret the next argument as a pubkey string
-: -o : tells bkgpslog to write output files to the directory represented
+In the example script, the options are:
+: -c : tells bklog to compress output
+: -e : tells bklog log to encrypt output
+: -r : tells bklog to interpret the next argument as a pubkey string
+: -R : tells bklog to interpret the next argument as a directory
+: where public keys may be found (first line of each file is
+: read).
+: -o : tells bklog to write output files to the directory represented
+: -t : tells bklog to interpret the next argument as a directory
+: for storing temporary files
: by the next argument
+: -p : tells bklog a command string through which output is piped
+: before being compressed and encrypted. Also expected is a
+: file extension to be appended before the compression and
+: encryption file extensions.
+: -w : tells bklog to save the unprocessed stdin with a specified
+: file extension (instead of the default '.stdin').
+: -b : tells bklog how long each buffer round (time between file
+: writes) lasts in seconds.
+: -B : specifies the time-to-live for the bklog script. A valid value may
+: one of the time elements such as "day" or "hour".
+: -l : specfies a custom string to be used in output file names to
+: help differentiate tar files produced via bklog from different
+: sources of data.
+: -z : specifies a time zone to be used to determine the script time-to-live.
+: By default, bklog uses whatever time is specified by the TZ
+: environment variable.
***** Log Transfer Configuration
Log files may be shared to other machines via ~syncthing~. See [[https://docs.syncthing.net/][this]]
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