# Define GPS conversion commands
CMD_CONV_NMEA="tee /dev/null " && vbm "STATUS:Set CMD_CONV_NMEA to:$CMD_CONV_NMEA"; # tee as passthrough
- CMD_CONV_GPX="gpsbabel -i nmea -f - -o gpx -F - " && vbm "STATUS:Set CMD_CONV_GPX to:$CMD_CONV_GPX"; # convert NMEA to GPX
- CMD_CONV_KML="gpsbabel -i nmea -f - -o kml -F - " && vbm "STATUS:Set CMD_CONV_KML to:$CMD_CONV_KML"; # convert NMEA to KML
+ CMD_CONV_GPX="gpsbabel -i nmea -f - -o gpx -F -" && vbm "STATUS:Set CMD_CONV_GPX to:$CMD_CONV_GPX"; # convert NMEA to GPX
+ CMD_CONV_KML="gpsbabel -i nmea -f - -o kml -F -" && vbm "STATUS:Set CMD_CONV_KML to:$CMD_CONV_KML"; # convert NMEA to KML
# Fill Bash variable buffer
bufferBash="$(timeout "$BUFFER_TTL""s" gpspipe -r)" && vbm "STATUS:Successfully filled bufferBash variable with gpspipe data."; # Record gpspipe nmea data to buffer for bufferTTL seconds
# Process bufferBash, save secured chunk set to DIR_TMP
vbm "STATUS:Beginning to save data to $DIR_TMP";
echo "$bufferBash" | $CMD_CONV_NMEA | $CMD_COMPRESS | $CMD_ENCRYPT > "$PATHOUT_NMEA" & # Create NMEA file (secured if requested)
- echo "$bufferBash" | $CMD_CONV_GPX | $CMD_COMPRESS | $CMD_ENCRYPT > "$PATHOUT_GPX" & # Create GPX file (secured if requested)
- echo "$bufferBash" | $CMD_CONV_KML | $CMD_COMPRESS | $CMD_ENCRYPT > "$PATHOUT_KML" & # Create KML file (secured if requested)
+ echo "$bufferBash" | $CMD_CONV_GPX | $CMD_COMPRESS | $CMD_ENCRYPT > "$PATHOUT_GPX" & # Create GPX file (secured if requested)
+ echo "$bufferBash" | $CMD_CONV_KML | $CMD_COMPRESS | $CMD_ENCRYPT > "$PATHOUT_KML" & # Create KML file (secured if requested)
# Append each secured chunk in memory dir (DIR_TMP) to file on disk (PATHOUT_TAR in DIR_OUT)