#!/bin/bash # Desc: Records gps data until midnight # Author: Steven Baltakatei Sandoval; License: GPLv3+ # Usage: bkgpslog --output [output dir] #==BEGIN Define script parameters== PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" # Add "$(systemd-path user-binaries)" path in case apps saved there SCRIPT_HOSTNAME=$(hostname) # Save hostname of system running this script. SCRIPT_VERSION="bkgpslog 0.0.1" # Define version of script. SCRIPT_TIME_SHORT="$(date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S%z)" # Save current date & time in ISO-8601 format. SCRIPT_DATE_SHORT="$(date +%Y%m%d)" # Save current date in ISO-8601 format. declare -Ag appRollCall # Associative array for storing app status declare -Ag fileRollCall # Associative array for storing file status declare -Ag dirRollCall # Associative array for storing dir status declare -a recPubKeys # for processArguments function declare recipients # for main function #===BEGIN Declare local script functions=== checkapp() { # Desc: If arg is a command, save result in assoc array 'appRollCall' # Usage: checkapp arg1 arg2 arg3 ... # Input: global assoc. array 'appRollCall' # Output: adds/updates key(value) to global assoc array 'appRollCall' local returnState #echo "DEBUG:$(date +%S.%N)..Starting checkapp function." #echo "DEBUG:args: $@" #echo "DEBUG:returnState:$returnState" #===Process Args=== for arg in "$@"; do #echo "DEBUG:processing arg:$arg" if command -v "$arg" 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then # Check if arg is a valid command appRollCall[$arg]="true"; #echo "DEBUG:appRollCall[$arg]:"${appRollCall[$arg]} if ! [ "$returnState" = "false" ]; then returnState="true"; fi else appRollCall[$arg]="false"; returnState="false"; fi done #for key in "${!appRollCall[@]}"; do echo "DEBUG:$key => ${appRollCall[$key]}"; done #echo "DEBUG:evaluating returnstate. returnState:"$returnState #===Determine function return code=== if [ "$returnState" = "true" ]; then #echo "DEBUG:checkapp returns true for $arg"; return 0; else #echo "DEBUG:checkapp returns false for $arg"; return 1; fi } # Check that app exists checkfile() { # Desc: If arg is a file path, save result in assoc array 'fileRollCall' # Usage: checkfile arg1 arg2 arg3 ... # Input: global assoc. array 'fileRollCall' # Output: adds/updates key(value) to global assoc array 'fileRollCall'; # Output: returns 0 if app found, 1 otherwise local returnState #===Process Args=== for arg in "$@"; do #echo "DEBUG:processing arg:$arg" if [ -f "$arg" ]; then fileRollCall["$arg"]="true"; #echo "DEBUG:fileRollCall[\"$arg\"]:"${fileRollCall["$arg"]} if ! [ "$returnState" = "false" ]; then returnState="true"; fi else fileRollCall["$arg"]="false"; returnState="false"; fi done #for key in "${!fileRollCall[@]}"; do echo "DEBUG:fileRollCall key [$key] is:${fileRollCall[$key]}"; done #echo "DEBUG:evaluating returnstate. returnState:"$returnState #===Determine function return code=== if [ "$returnState" = "true" ]; then #echo "DEBUG:checkapp returns true for $arg"; return 0; else #echo "DEBUG:checkapp returns false for $arg"; return 1; fi } # Check that file exists checkdir() { # Desc: If arg is a dir path, save result in assoc array 'dirRollCall' # Usage: checkdir arg1 arg2 arg3 ... # Input: global assoc. array 'dirRollCall' # Output: adds/updates key(value) to global assoc array 'dirRollCall'; # Output: returns 0 if app found, 1 otherwise local returnState #===Process Args=== for arg in "$@"; do #echo "DEBUG:processing arg:$arg" if [ -d "$arg" ]; then dirRollCall["$arg"]="true"; #echo "DEBUG:dirRollCall[\"$arg\"]:"${dirRollCall["$arg"]} if ! [ "$returnState" = "false" ]; then returnState="true"; fi elif [ "$arg" = "" ]; then dirRollCall["$arg"]="false"; returnState="false"; else returnState="false"; fi done #for key in "${!dirRollCall[@]}"; do echo "DEBUG:dirRollCall key [$key] is:${dirRollCall[$key]}"; done #echo "DEBUG:evaluating returnstate. returnState:"$returnState #===Determine function return code=== if [ "$returnState" = "true" ]; then #echo "DEBUG:checkapp returns true for $arg"; return 0; else #echo "DEBUG:checkapp returns false for $arg"; return 1; fi } # Check that dir exists # Yell, Die, Try Three-Fingered Claw technique # Ref/Attrib: https://stackoverflow.com/a/25515370 yell() { echo "$0: $*" >&2; } die() { yell "$*"; exit 111; } try() { "$@" || die "cannot $*"; } echoerr() { echo "$@" 1>&2; # Define stderr echo function. } # Define stderr message function. showUsage() { echoerr "USAGE:" echoerr " bkgpslog [ options ]" echoerr echoerr "OPTIONS:" echoerr " -h, --help" echoerr " Display help information." echoerr echoerr " --version" echoerr " Display script version." echoerr echoerr " -v, --verbose" echoerr " Display debugging info." echoerr echoerr " -e, --encrypt" echoerr " Encrypt output." echoerr echoerr " -r, --recipient [ pubkey string ]" echoerr " Specify recipient." echoerr echoerr " -o, --output [ directory ]" echoerr " Specify output directory to save logs." echoerr echoerr " -c, --compress" echoerr " Compress output with gzip (before encryption if enabled)." echoerr echoerr "EXAMPLE: (bash script lines)" echoerr "/bin/bash bkgpslog -e -c \\" echoerr "-r age1mrmfnwhtlprn4jquex0ukmwcm7y2nxlphuzgsgv8ew2k9mewy3rs8u7su5 \\" echoerr "-r age1ala848kqrvxc88rzaauc6vc5v0fqrvef9dxyk79m0vjea3hagclswu0lgq \\" echoerr "-o ~/Sync/Location" } # Display information on how to use this script. showVersion() { echoerr "$SCRIPT_VERSION" } # Display script version. vbm() { # Usage: vbm "DEBUG:verbose message here" # Description: Prints verbose message ("vbm") to stderr if OPTION_VERBOSE is set to "true". # Input: # - OPTION_VERBOSE variable set by processArguments function. (ex: "true", "false") # - "$@" positional arguments fed to this function. # Output: stderr # Script function dependencies: echoerr # External function dependencies: echo # Last modified: 2020-04-11T23:57Z # Last modified by: Steven Baltakatei Sandoval # License: GPLv3+ # Ref./Attrib: if [ "$OPTION_VERBOSE" = "true" ]; then FUNCTION_TIME=$(date --iso-8601=ns); # Save current time in nano seconds. echoerr "[$FUNCTION_TIME] ""$*"; # Display argument text. fi # End function return 0; # Function finished. } # Verbose message display function. processArguments() { while [ ! $# -eq 0 ]; do # While number of arguments ($#) is not (!) equal to (-eq) zero (0). #echoerr "DEBUG:Starting processArguments while loop." #echoerr "DEBUG:Provided arguments are:""$*" case "$1" in -h | --help) showUsage; exit 1;; # Display usage. --version) showVersion; exit 1;; # Show version -v | --verbose) OPTION_VERBOSE="true"; vbm "DEBUG:Verbose mode enabled.";; # Enable verbose mode. -o | --output) if [ -d "$2" ]; then DIROUT="$2"; vbm "DEBUG:DIROUT:$DIROUT"; shift; fi ;; # Define output directory. -e | --encrypt) OPTION_ENCRYPT="true"; vbm "DEBUG:Encrypted output mode enabled.";; -r | --recipient) # Add 'age' recipient via public key string recPubKeys+=("$2"); vbm "pubkey added:""$2"; shift;; -c | --compress) OPTION_COMPRESS="true"; vbm "DEBUG:Compressed output mode enabled.";; *) echoerr "ERROR: Unrecognized argument."; exit 1;; # Handle unrecognized options. esac shift done } # Argument Processing timeUntilNextDay(){ # Desc: Report seconds until next day. # Output: stdout: integer seconds until next day # Output: exit code 0 if stdout > 0; 1 if stdout = 0; 2 if stdout < 0 # Usage: timeUntilNextDay # Usage: if ! myTTL="$(timeUntilNextDay)"; then yell "ERROR in if statement"; exit 1; fi local returnState TIME_CURRENT TIME_NEXT_DAY SECONDS_UNTIL_NEXT_DAY TIME_CURRENT="$(date --iso-8601=seconds)" ; # Produce `date`-parsable current timestamp with resolution of 1 second. TIME_NEXT_DAY="$(date -d "$TIME_CURRENT next day" --iso-8601=date)"; # Produce timestamp of beginning of tomorrow with resolution of 1 second. SECONDS_UNTIL_NEXT_DAY="$(( $(date +%s -d "$TIME_NEXT_DAY") - $(date +%s -d "$TIME_CURRENT") ))" ; # Calculate seconds until closest future midnight (res. 1 second). if [[ "$SECONDS_UNTIL_NEXT_DAY" -gt 0 ]]; then returnState="true"; elif [[ "$SECONDS_UNTIL_NEXT_DAY" -eq 0 ]]; then returnState="WARNING_ZERO"; yell "WARNING:Reported time until next day exactly zero."; elif [[ "$SECONDS_UNTIL_NEXT_DAY" -lt 0 ]]; then returnState="WARNING_NEGATIVE"; yell "WARNING:Reported time until next day is negative."; fi try echo "$SECONDS_UNTIL_NEXT_DAY"; # Report #===Determine function return code=== if [[ "$returnState" = "true" ]]; then return 0; elif [[ "$returnState" = "WARNING_ZERO" ]]; then return 1; elif [[ "$returnState" = "WARNING_NEGATIVE" ]]; then return 2; fi } # Report seconds until next day timeUntilNextHour(){ # Desc: Report seconds until next hour # Output: stdout: integer seconds until next hour # Output: exit code 0 if stdout > 0; 1 if stdout = 0; 2 if stdout < 0 # Usage: timeUntilNextHour # Usage: if ! myTTL="$(timeUntilNextHour)"; then yell "ERROR in if statement"; exit 1; fi local returnState TIME_CURRENT TIME_NEXT_HOUR SECONDS_UNTIL_NEXT_HOUR TIME_CURRENT="$(date --iso-8601=seconds)"; # Produce `date`-parsable current timestamp with resolution of 1 second. TIME_NEXT_HOUR="$(date -d "$TIME_CURRENT next hour" --iso-8601=hours)"; # Produce `date`-parsable current time stamp with resolution of 1 second. SECONDS_UNTIL_NEXT_HOUR="$(( $(date +%s -d "$TIME_NEXT_HOUR") - $(date +%s -d "$TIME_CURRENT") ))"; # Calculate seconds until next hour (res. 1 second). if [[ "$SECONDS_UNTIL_NEXT_HOUR" -gt 0 ]]; then returnState="true"; elif [[ "$SECONDS_UNTIL_NEXT_HOUR" -eq 0 ]]; then returnState="WARNING_ZERO"; yell "WARNING:Reported time until next hour exactly zero."; elif [[ "$SECONDS_UNTIL_NEXT_HOUR" -lt 0 ]]; then returnState="WARNING_NEGATIVE"; yell "WARNING:Reported time until next hour is negative."; fi try echo "$SECONDS_UNTIL_NEXT_HOUR"; # Report #===Determine function return code=== if [[ "$returnState" = "true" ]]; then return 0; elif [[ "$returnState" = "WARNING_ZERO" ]]; then return 1; elif [[ "$returnState" = "WARNING_NEGATIVE" ]]; then return 2; fi } # Report seconds until next hour dateTimeShort(){ # Desc: Timestamp without separators (YYYYmmddTHHMMSS+zzzz) # Usage: dateTimeShort # Output: stdout: timestamp (ISO-8601, no separators) local TIME_CURRENT TIME_CURRENT_SHORT TIME_CURRENT="$(date --iso-8601=seconds)" ; # Produce `date`-parsable current timestamp with resolution of 1 second. TIME_CURRENT_SHORT="$(date -d "$TIME_CURRENT" +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S%z)"; # Produce separator-less current timestamp with resolution 1 second. echo "$TIME_CURRENT_SHORT"; } # Get date&time without separators main() { processArguments "$@" # Process arguments. if [[ "$OPTION_ENCRYPT" = "true" ]]; then # Check if encryption option active. if checkapp age; then # Check that age is available. for pubkey in "${recPubKeys[@]}"; do # Validate recipient pubkey strings by forming test message vbm "DEBUG:Testing pubkey string:$pubkey" if echo "butts" | age -a -r "$pubkey" 1>/dev/null; then # Form age recipient string recipients="$recipients""-r $pubkey "; vbm "Added pubkey for forming age recipient string:""$pubkey"; vbm "DEBUG:recipients:""$recipients"; else yell "ERROR:Exit code ""$?"". Invalid recipient pubkey string. Exiting."; exit 1; fi done vbm "DEBUG:Finished processing recPubKeys array"; # Form age command string CMD_ENCRYPT="age ""$recipients "; CMD_ENCRYPT_SUFFIX=".age"; else yell "ERROR:Encryption enabled but \"age\" not found. Exiting."; exit 1; fi else CMD_ENCRYPT="tee /dev/null "; CMD_ENCRYPT_SUFFIX=""; vbm "DEBUG:Encryption not enabled." fi if [[ "$OPTION_COMPRESS" = "true" ]]; then # Check if compression option active if checkapp gzip; then # Check if gzip available CMD_COMPRESS="gzip "; CMD_COMPRESS_SUFFIX=".gz"; else yell "ERROR:Compression enabled but \"gzip\" not found. Exiting."; exit 1; fi else CMD_COMPRESS="tee /dev/null "; CMD_COMPRESS_SUFFIX=""; vbm "DEBUG:Compression not enabled." fi if checkapp gpspipe && checkdir "$DIROUT"; then # # Set script lifespan to end at start of next day # if ! scriptTTL="$(timeUntilNextDay)"; then # if [[ "$scriptTTL" -eq 0 ]]; then # ((scriptTTL++)); # Add 1 because 0 would cause 'timeout' to never timeout. # else # yell "ERROR: timeUntilNextDay exit code $?"; exit 1; # fi; # fi; # Set script lifespan to end at start of next hour if ! scriptTTL="$(timeUntilNextHour)"; then if [[ "$scriptTTL" -eq 0 ]]; then ((scriptTTL++)); # Add 1 because 0 would cause 'timeout' to never timeout. else yell "ERROR: timeUntilNextHour exit code $?"; exit 1; fi; fi; # Determine buffer lifespan bufferTTL="60"; # Record gps data until script lifespan ends declare debugCounter; debugCounter="0" while [[ "$SECONDS" -lt "$scriptTTL" ]]; do ((debugCounter++)) # Determine output file paths (time is start of buffer period) FILEOUT_BASENAME="$(dateTimeShort)""--P""$bufferTTL""S..""$SCRIPT_HOSTNAME""_location" ; # ISO-8601 YYYYmmddTHHMMSS+zzP[$bufferTTL]S FILEOUT_NMEA="$FILEOUT_BASENAME".nmea"$CMD_COMPRESS_SUFFIX""$CMD_ENCRYPT_SUFFIX" ; FILEOUT_GPX="$FILEOUT_BASENAME".gpx"$CMD_COMPRESS_SUFFIX""$CMD_ENCRYPT_SUFFIX" ; FILEOUT_KML="$FILEOUT_BASENAME".kml"$CMD_COMPRESS_SUFFIX""$CMD_ENCRYPT_SUFFIX" ; # Define GPS conversion commands CMD_CONV_NMEA="tee /dev/null " CMD_CONV_GPX="gpsbabel -i nmea -f - -o gpx -F - " CMD_CONV_KML="gpsbabel -i nmea -f - -o kml -F - " # Fill buffer buffer="$(timeout "$bufferTTL""s" gpspipe -r)"; # Record gpspipe nmea data to buffer for bufferTTL seconds # Execute processing and save command string echo "$buffer" | $CMD_CONV_NMEA | $CMD_COMPRESS | $CMD_ENCRYPT > "$DIROUT"/"$FILEOUT_NMEA" & # Save NMEA format echo "$buffer" | $CMD_CONV_GPX | $CMD_COMPRESS | $CMD_ENCRYPT > "$DIROUT"/"$FILEOUT_GPX" & # Save GPX format echo "$buffer" | $CMD_CONV_KML | $CMD_COMPRESS | $CMD_ENCRYPT > "$DIROUT"/"$FILEOUT_KML" & # Save KML format vbm "DEBUG:Completed buffer session $debugCounter ." 1>&2; # Reset buffer and filenames unset buffer FILEOUT_BASENAME FILEOUT_NMEA FILEOUT_GPX FILEOUT_KML; done fi } # Main function. #===END Declare local script functions=== #==END Define script parameters== #==BEGIN Perform work and exit== main "$@" # Run main function. exit 0; #==END Perform work and exit== #gpspipe -r -d -l -o "$DIROUT1"/"$FILEOUT1" ;