{{short description|Wikimedia list article}} This is a '''list of Chapters of the Navajo Nation'''. The [[Navajo Nation]] is divided up geographically into [[Chapter (Navajo Nation)|Chapters]] which are similar in function to [[municipality|municipalities]]. Chapters are subdivisions of Agencies which are similar in function to [[County (United_States)|counties]]. Chapter officials operating out of a [[Chapter house (Navajo Nation)|Chapter House]] register voters who may then vote to elect Delegates for the [[Navajo Nation Council]] or the [[President of the Navajo Nation]]. The following table contains chapter names, chapter names in [[Navajo language|Navajo]], a rough literal English translation, population, and land area estimates.
{| class="wikitable sortable" |+ style="text-align: left;" |Navajo Nation Chapters !style="text-align:left"|District !style="text-align:left"|Chapter Name !style="text-align:left"|Chapter Name
(Navajo) !style="text-align:left"|Chapter Name
(English literal translation) !style="text-align:left"|Agency !style="text-align:left"|Population
(2010 Census) !style="text-align:left"|Land Area
(acres) |- |1 |[[Coppermine, Arizona|Coppermine]] |[[:nv:Béésh Haagééd (tááʼ naaznilí)|Béésh Haagééd]] |"Digging out Metal" |Tuba City / Western |590 |240,000 |- |1 |[[LeChee, Arizona|LeChee]] |[[:nv:Łichíiʼii|Łichíiʼii]] |(name of extinct burgundy-colored medicinal plant) |Tuba City / Western |1,443 |293,000 |- |1 |[[Tonalea, Arizona|Tonalea]] |[[:nv:Tó Nehelį́į́h|Tó Nehelį́į́h]] |"Water Collecting in a basin" |Tuba City / Western |2,595 |153,000 |- |1 |[[Kaibito, Arizona|Kaibeto]] |[[:nv:Kʼaiʼbiiʼtó|Kʼaiʼbiiʼtó]] |"Willows within the Water" |Tuba City / Western |1,963 |234,795 |- |2 |[[Shonto, Arizona|Shonto]] |[[:nv:Shą́ą́ʼtóhí|Shą́ą́ʼtóhí]] |"Water on the Sunny Side" |Tuba City / Western |2,124 |425,000 |- |2 |[[Navajo Mountain (Chapter)|Naatsis’áán (Navajo Mountain)]] |[[:nv:Naatsisʼáán (tááʼ naaznilí)|Naatsis’áán]] |"Earth Head" |Tuba City / Western |354 |389,000 |- |2 |[[Ts’ah bii’ Kin, Arizona|Ts’ah bii’ Kin (Inscription House)]] |[[:nv:Tsʼah Biiʼ Kin|Tsʼah Biiʼ Kin]] |"House in the field of Sagebrush" |Tuba City / Western |1,252 |(Disputed with Lechee, Naatsis’áán) |- |3 |Bodaway/Gap |[[:nv:Tsinaabąąs Habitiin|Tsinaabąąs Habitiin]] |"Wagon Trail" |Tuba City / Western |1,704 |590,000 |- |3 |[[Cameron, Arizona|Cameron]] |[[:nv:Naʼníʼá Hayázhí|Naʼníʼá Hayázhí/Naʼníʼá Hasáanii]] |"Old Bridge" |Tuba City / Western |1,122 |239,000 |- |3 |[[Tuba City, Arizona|Tó Naneesdizí (Tuba City)]] |[[:nv:Tó Naneesdizí|Tó Naneesdizí]] |"Tangled Water", "Scattered Water", "Braided Water" |Tuba City / Western |9,265 |238,000 |- |3 |[[Coalmine Canyon, Arizona|Coalmine Canyon]] |[[:nv:Łeejin Haagééd|Łeejin Haagééd]] |"Digging out coal" |Tuba City / Western |691 |402,357 |- |4 |[[Hard Rock, Arizona|Hard Rock]] |[[:nv:Tsé Dildǫ́ʼí|Tsé Dildǫ́ʼí]] | |Chinle |1,161 |78,100 |- |4 |[[Blue Gap, Arizona|Blue Gap]]/Tachee |[[:nv:Bis Dootłʼizh Ńdeeshgiizh|Bis Dootłʼizh Ńdeeshgiizh/Táchii’]] |"Blue Clay Gap"/"Red Water" |Chinle |1,178 |116,000 |- |4 |Forest Lake |[[:nv:Tsinyiʼ Beʼekʼid|Tsinyiʼ Beʼekʼid]] |"Pond between the trees" |Chinle |471 |125,000 |- |4 |[[Black Mesa (Navajo County, Arizona)|Black Mesa]] |[[:nv:Kitsʼiilí (tááʼ naaznilí)|Kitsʼiilí]] |"Shattered House" |Chinle |428 |157,000 |- |4 |[[Pinon, Arizona|Pinon]] |[[:nv:Beʼekʼid Baa Ahoodzání|Beʼekʼid Baa Ahoodzání]] |"Body of Water in a Sunken Area" |Chinle |2,751 |107,250 |- |4 |Whippoorwill Springs |[[:nv:Hoshdódii Tó|Hoshdódii Tó]] |"[[Whippoorwill]] Spring" |Chinle |1,489 |32,605 |- |5 |[[Tolani Lake, Arizona|Tolani Lake]] |[[:nv:Tó Nehelį́į́h|Tó Nehelį́į́h]] |"Water Collecting in a Basin" |Tuba City / Western |647 |157,000 |- |5 |[[Birdsprings|Tsídii Tó (Bird Springs)]] |[[:nv:Tsídii Toʼí|Tsídii Toʼí]] |"Bird Springs" |Tuba City / Western |532 |194,587 |- |5 |[[Leupp, Arizona|Leupp]] |[[:nv:Tsiizizii|Tółchí’íkooh/Tsiizizii/Tooh]] | |Tuba City / Western |951 |303,746 |- |7 |[[Low Mountain, Arizona|Low Mountain]] |[[:nv:Jeeh Deezʼá/Tʼáá Sahdii Dah Azkání|Jeeh Deezʼá/Tʼáá Sahdii Dah Azkání]] |"Piñon Gum Point" |Fort Defiance |757 |41,382 |- |7 |[[Jeddito, Arizona|Jeddito]] |[[:nv:Jádító|Jádító]] |"Antelope Springs" |Fort Defiance |1,200 |100,342 |- |7 |[[Tees Toh, Arizona|Teesto]] |[[:nv:Tʼiis Tó|Tʼiis Tó/Ha’naa N’deetiin/Naaʼnideetiin]] | |Fort Defiance |930 |98,145 |- |7 |[[Dilkon, Arizona|Dilkon]] |[[:nv:Tsézhin Dilkǫǫh|Tó Áłch’į́į́dí]] |"Smooth Butte" |Fort Defiance |1,411 |244,283 |- |7 |[[Indian Wells, Arizona|Indian Wells]] |[[:nv:Tó Hahadleeh|Tó Hahadleeh]] |"Dripping Water" |Fort Defiance |1,287 |227,500 |- |7 |[[Whitecone, Arizona|White Cone]] |[[:nv:Beʼekʼid Baaʼoogeedí|Beʼekʼid Baaʼoogeedí]] |"excavated for a pond" |Fort Defiance |1,284 |20,000 |- |8 |[[Oljato-Monument Valley, Utah|Oljato]] |[[:nv:Ooljééʼ Tó dóó Tsé Deelghasii|Ooljéé’ Tó]] |"To Moonwater" |Tuba City / Western |2,455 |429,000 |- |8 |[[Dennehotso, Arizona|Dennehotso]] |[[:nv:Deinihootso|Deinihootso]] |"Meadows Merging" |Tuba City / Western |746 |292,000 |- |8 |[[Kayenta, Arizona|Kayenta]] |[[:nv:Tó Dínéeshzheeʼ|Tó Dínéeshzheeʼ]] |"Fingers of Water" |Tuba City / Western |5,189 |504,811 |- |8 |[[Chilchinbito, Arizona|Chilchinbeto]] |[[:nv:Tsiiłchin Biiʼ Tó|Chiiłchin Bii’ Tó]] |"Sumac Spring" |Tuba City / Western |1,165 |243,000 |- |9 |[[Teec Nos Pos, Arizona|Teec Nos Pos]] |[[:nv:Tʼiis Názbąs|Tʼiis Názbąs]] |"Cottonwood Trees in a Circle" |Shiprock |1,301 |233,000 |- |9 |[[Rock Point, Arizona|Rock Point]] |[[:nv:Tsé Nitsaa Deezʼáhí|Tsé Nitsaa Deezʼáhí]] |"Big Rock Point" |Shiprock |642 |138,758 |- |9 |[[Red Mesa, Arizona|Red Mesa]] |[[:nv:Tsé Łichííʼ Dah Azkání (Tó Ádin Dah Azką́/Dibááʼ Dáʼákʼeh)|Tsé Łichííʼ Dah Azkání]] |"Red Rock Mesa" |Shiprock |1,222 |267,000 |- |9 |[[Mexican Water, Arizona|Mexican Water]] |[[:nv:Naakaii Tó|Naakaii Tó]] | |Shiprock |976 |160,000 |- |9 |Tó Łikan (Sweetwater) |[[:nv:Tółikan|Tółikan]] |"Sweet Water" |Shiprock |1,535 |152,000 |- |10 |[[Many Farms, Arizona|Many Farms]] |[[:nv:Dáʼákʼeh Halání|Dáʼákʼeh Halání]] |"Many Fields" |Chinle |2,738 |168,000 |- |10 |[[Rough Rock, Arizona|Rough Rock]] |[[:nv:Tséchʼízhí|Tséchʼízhí]] |"Rough Rock" |Chinle |947 |53,000 |- |10 |[[Chinle, Arizona|Chinle]] |[[:nv:Ch’ínílį́|Ch’ínílį́]] |"It flows out horizontally" |Chinle |8,005 |155,000 |- |10 |[[Salina, Arizona|Tselani]]/Cottonwood |[[:nv:Tsé Łání|Tsé Łání]] |"Many Rocks" |Chinle |1,425 |252,518 |- |10 |[[Nazlini, Arizona|Nazlini]] |[[:nv:Názlíní|Názlíní]] |"bend in the river" |Chinle |489 |217,000 |- |11 |[[Lukachukai, Arizona|Lukachukai]] |[[:nv:Lókʼaʼchʼégai|Lókʼaʼchʼégai/Lókʼaʼjígai]] |"White Reeds Extending Out" |Chinle |2,154 |97,000 |- |11 |[[Round Rock, Arizona|Round Rock]] |[[:nv:Tsé Nikání|Tsé Nikání]] |"Round Rock" |Chinle |1,566 |201,000 |- |11 |[[Tsaile, Arizona|Tsaile]]/Wheatfields/Blackrock |[[:nv:Tsééhílį́|Tsééhílį́]]/[[:nv:Tódzísʼá|Tódzísʼá]]/[[:nv:Tsézhiní|Tsézhiní]] |"Flowing through rock"/"Wheatfields"/"Blackrock" |Chinle |2,250 |162,000 |- |12 |[[Aneth, Utah|Aneth]] |[[:nv:Tʼáá Bííchʼį́įdii (Áshįįh Biiʼtó Hahoodzo)|Tʼáá Bííchʼį́įdii]] |"Just like the Devil" |Shiprock |1,989 |184,000 |- |12 |[[Beclabito, New Mexico|Beclabito]] |[[:nv:Bitłʼááh Bitoʼ|Bitłʼááh Bitoʼ]] |"Water Underneath" |Shiprock |749 |87,000 |- |12 |Gadii'ahi/To'Koi (Cudeii) |[[:nv:Gad Ííʼáhí|Gad Ííʼáhí]]/[[:nv:Tókǫʼí (Siláo Habitiin)|Tókǫʼí]] |"Juniper Tree Sticking in the Ground"/"Fire Water" |Shiprock |550 |44,000 |- |12 |[[Shiprock, New Mexico|Shiprock]] |[[:nv:Naatʼáanii Nééz|Naatʼáanii Nééz/Tsé Bit’a’í]] |"Rock with Wings" |Shiprock |9,126 |125,000 |- |12 |Hogback |[[:nv:Tsétaakʼáán|Tsétaakʼáán]] |"Rock Uplift" |Shiprock |1,215 |60,363 |- |12 |[[Red Rock, Apache County, Arizona|Red Valley]] |[[:nv:Tsé Łichííʼ Dah Azkání (Dziłkʼi Hózhóonii/Chǫǫh Dínéeshzheeʼ)|Tsé Łichíí’ Dah Azkání]] |"Red Rock Mesa" |Shiprock |1,417 |221,000 |- |12 |[[Cove, Arizona|Cove]] |[[:nv:Kʼaabizhiistłʼah|Kʼaabizhiistłʼah]] |"nestled in a cove" |Shiprock |430 |44,000 |- |12 |Tsé Ałnáozt’i’í ([[Sanostee, New Mexico|Sanostee]]) |[[:nv:Tséʼałnáoztʼiʼí|Tséʼałnáoztʼiʼí]] | |Shiprock |1,795 |314,000 |- |12 |Toadlena/Two Grey Hills |[[:nv:Tó Háálį́ (Chʼóshgaii)|Tó Háálį́]]/[[:nv:Bis Dah Łitso|Bis Dah Łitso]] |"Where the Water Flows Out"/"two grey hills" |Shiprock |1,157 |85,000 |- |12 |[[Newcomb, New Mexico|Newcomb]] |[[:nv:Bis Deezʼáhí/Tʼiis Ndeeshgiizh|Bis Deezʼáhí/Tʼiis Ndeeshgiizh]] |"Cottonwoods Spreading out from the wash" |Shiprock |339 |57,000 |- |12 |[[Sheep Springs, New Mexico|Sheep Springs]] |[[:nv:Tó Haltsooí|Tó Haltsooí]] |"Yellow Springs" |Shiprock |245 |108,563 |- |13 |[[Upper Fruitland, New Mexico|Upper Fruitland]] |[[:nv:Doo Alkʼahii|Doo Alkʼahii]] |"Nonfattening" |Shiprock |2,751 |83,400 |- |13 |T’iis Tsoh Sikaad (Burnham) |[[:nv:Tʼiistsoh Sikaad|Tʼiistsoh Sikaad]] |"Big Tree Spreading Out" |Shiprock |280 |185,807 |- |13 |[[Nenahnezad, New Mexico|Nenahnezad]] |[[:nv:Niinahnízaad|Niinahnízaad]] |"a long incline" |Shiprock |688 |17,000 |- |13 |San Juan |[[:nv:Tsétsį́į́ Nániitłʼiní|Tsétsį́į́ Nániitłʼiní]] |N/A |Shiprock |1,500 (est.) |shared with Nenahnezad |- |14 |[[Naschitti, New Mexico|Naschitti]] |[[:nv:Nahashchʼidí (Yootó Hahoodzo)|Nahashchʼidí]] |"Badger" |Fort Defiance |301 |188,000 |- |14 |[[Tohatchi, New Mexico|Tohatchi]] |[[:nv:Tó Haachʼiʼ|Tó Haachʼiʼ]] |"One Who Digs for Water" |Fort Defiance |1,450 |131,000 |- |14 |Coyote Canyon |[[:nv:Maʼii Tééh Yitłizhí|Maʼii Tééh Yitłizhí]] |"Coyote fell in the watering hole" |Fort Defiance |1,451 |125,996 |- |14 |Báhástł’ah (Twin Lakes) |[[:nv:Tsénáhádzoh/Bááhaztłʼah|Tsénáhádzoh/Bááhaztłʼah]] |"Canyon Cove" |Fort Defiance |2,212 |69,000 |- |14 |[[Nakaibito, New Mexico|Mexican Springs]] (Nakaibito) |[[:nv:Naakaii Bitoʼ|Naakaii Bitoʼ]] | |Fort Defiance |1,418 |115,000 |- |15 |Becenti |[[:nv:Tłʼóoʼditsin|Jádí Haditʼįįh/Tłʼóoʼditsin]] |"Antelope Lookout"/"Trees outside" |Crownpoint / Eastern |403 |194,000 |- |15 |[[Crownpoint, New Mexico|Crownpoint]] |[[:nv:Tʼiistsʼóóz Ńdeeshgizh|Tʼiistsʼóóz Ńdeeshgizh]] |"Skinny Tree Canyon" |Crownpoint / Eastern |2,729 |67,000 |- |15 |Nahodishgish |[[:nv:Náhodeeshgiizh|Náhodeeshgiizh]] |"The Gap" |Crownpoint / Eastern |408 |64,000 |- |15 |[[Torreon, Sandoval County, New Mexico|Torreon]] / Star Lake |[[:nv:Yaʼniilzhiin|Yaʼniilzhiin/Naʼneelzhiin]] |"Dark-colored barrier" |Crownpoint / Eastern |1,612 |119,000 |- |15 |[[Pueblo Pintado, New Mexico|Pueblo Pintado]] |[[:nv:Náhodeeshgiizh Chʼínílíní|Náhodeeshgiizh Chʼínílíní]] |"Flowing out from the Gap" |Crownpoint / Eastern |419 |190,000 |- |15 |White Horse Lake |[[:nv:Tó Hweełhíní|Tó Hweełhíní/Łį́į́łgaii Beʼekʼid]] | |Crownpoint / Eastern |406 |312,000 |- |15 |Lake Valley |[[:nv:Beʼekʼid Halgaii|Beʼekʼid Halgaii]] | |Crownpoint / Eastern |306 |84,000 |- |15 |[[White Rock, San Juan County, New Mexico|White Rock]] |[[:nv:Tséłgaii|Tséłgaii]] |"White Rock" |Crownpoint / Eastern |76 |110,000 |- |15 |Tsé Íí’áhí (Standing Rock) |[[:nv:Tsé Ííʼáhí|Tsé Ííʼáhí]] |"Standing Rock" |Crownpoint / Eastern |641 |74,104 |- |15 |Littlewater |[[:nv:Tó Áłtsʼíísí (tááʼ naaznilí)|Tó Áłtsʼíísí]] | |Crownpoint / Eastern |427 |64,962 |- |15 |Casamero Lake |[[:nv:Tsétaʼ Tóakʼoolí|Tsétaʼ Tóakʼoolí]] |"Water waves among the rock" |Crownpoint / Eastern |518 |64,000 |- |16 |[[Thoreau, New Mexico|Thoreau]] |[[:nv:Dlǫ́ʼí Yázhí (Yootó Hahoodzo)|Dlǫ́ʼí Yázhí]] |"Little Prairie Dog" |Crownpoint / Eastern |1,433 |31,000 |- |16 |Chichiltah |[[:nv:Chéchʼiltah/Chéchʼilłání|Chéchʼiltah/Chéchʼilłání]] |"Among the Oaks" |Crownpoint / Eastern |1,443 |133,000 |- |16 |Baca/Prewitt |[[:nv:Kin Łigaaí (Yootó Hahoodzo)|Kin Łigaaí]] |"White House" |Crownpoint / Eastern |789 |127,000 |- |16 |Mariano Lake |[[:nv:Beʼekʼid Hóteelí (Yootó Hahoodzo)|Beʼekʼid Hóteelí]] | |Crownpoint / Eastern |823 |67,000 |- |16 |Smith Lake |[[:nv:Tsin Názbąs Siʼą́|Tsin Názbąs Siʼą́]] |"Round Tree" |Crownpoint / Eastern |951 |38,000 |- |16 |[[Church Rock, New Mexico|Churchrock]] |[[:nv:Kinłitsosinil|Kinłitsosinil]] |"Group of Yellow Houses" |Crownpoint / Eastern |1,983 |58,000 |- |16 |Bááh Háálį́ (Breadsprings) |[[:nv:Bááh Háálį́|Bááh Háálį́]] |"Bread Springs", "Bread Flowing Out" |Crownpoint / Eastern |908 |49,273 |- |16 |Tsé Łichíí’ (Red Rock) |[[:nv:Tsé Łichííʼ|Tsé Łichííʼ]] |"Red Rock" |Crownpoint / Eastern |1,866 |42,365 |- |16 |Rock Springs |[[:nv:Chéchʼízhí|Tséch’ízhí]] |"Rough Rock" |Crownpoint / Eastern |1,086 |27,000 |- |16 |Manuelito |[[:nv:Kin Hózhóní|Kin Hózhóní]] |"Beautiful House" |Crownpoint / Eastern |264 |57,000 |- |16 |Tsayatoh |[[:nv:Tséyaa Tó|Tséyaa Tó]] |"Water Under the Rock" |Crownpoint / Eastern |658 |80,000 |- |16 |Pinedale |[[:nv:Tó Bééhwiisgání|Tó Bééhwiisgání]] |"Hardened Mud around the Water" |Crownpoint / Eastern |1,109 |41,000 |- |16 |Iyanbito |[[:nv:Ayání Bitoʼ|Ayání Bitoʼ]] |"Buffalo Springs" |Crownpoint / Eastern |890 |29,000 |- |17 |[[Klagetoh, Arizona|Klagetoh]] |[[:nv:Łeeyiʼtó|Łeeyiʼtó]] |"Water under the Ground" |Fort Defiance |909 |152,000 |- |17 |[[Wide Ruins, Arizona|Wide Ruins]] |[[:nv:Kinteel (Hoozdo Hahoodzo)|Kinteel]] |"Wide House" |Fort Defiance |1,095 |149,000 |- |17 |[[Kinlichee, Arizona|Kinlichee]] |[[:nv:Kin Dah Łichííʼ|Kin Dah Łichííʼ]] |"Red House" |Fort Defiance |1,610 |234,342 |- |17 |[[Ganado, Arizona|Ganado]] |[[:nv:Lókʼaahnteel|Lókʼaahnteel]] |"Wide Reeds" |Fort Defiance |1,210 |91,535 |- |17 |[[Cornfields, Arizona|Cornfields]] |[[:nv:Kʼiiłtsoiitah|Kʼiiłtsoiitah]] |"rabbit brush" |Fort Defiance |911 |44,000 |- |17 |Greasewood Springs |[[:nv:Díwózhii Biiʼ Tó|Díwózhii Biiʼ Tó]] |"Greasewood Springs" |Fort Defiance |1,320 |314,006 |- |17 |[[Steamboat, Arizona|Steamboat]] |[[:nv:Tóyééʼ|Tóyééʼ/Hóyéé’]] | |Fort Defiance |1,226 |201,000 |- |18 |Crystal |[[:nv:Tó Niłtsʼílí|Tó Niłtsʼílí]] |"Crystal-Clear Water" |Fort Defiance |311 |91,000 |- |18 |Red Lake |[[:nv:Beʼekʼid Halchííʼ (tááʼ naaznilí)|Beʼekʼid Halchííʼ]] | |Fort Defiance |2,028 |44,000 |- |18 |[[Sawmill, Arizona|Sawmill]] |[[:nv:Niʼiijííh Hasání|Niʼiijííh Hasání]] | |Fort Defiance |1,054 |77,000 |- |18 |[[St. Michaels, Arizona|St. Michaels]] |[[:nv:Tsʼíhootso|Tsʼíhootso/Ch’íhootso]] |"Green Meadow" |Fort Defiance |5,643 |76,000 |- |18 |[[Fort Defiance, Arizona|Fort Defiance]] |[[:nv:Tséhootsooí|Tséhootsooí]] | |Fort Defiance |3,624 |102,159 |- |18 |[[Houck, Arizona|Houck]] |[[:nv:Maʼiitoʼí|Maʼiitoʼí]] |"Coyote Spring" |Fort Defiance |1,024 |94,080 |- |18 |[[Nahata Dziil, Arizona|Nahata Dziil (New Lands)]] |[[:nv:Nahatʼá Dziil (tááʼ naaznilí)|Nahatʼá Dziil]] |"Strength through Planning" |Fort Defiance |1,652 |352,000 |- |18 |Oak Springs/Pine Springs |[[:nv:Teeł Chʼínítʼiʼ|Teeł Chʼínítʼiʼ]] |"Cattails in a Row" |Fort Defiance |533 |77,000 |- |18 |[[Lupton, Arizona|Tsé Si’ání (Lupton)]] |[[:nv:Tsé Siʼání|Tsé Siʼání]] |"Sitting Rock", "Unmoveable Rock" |Fort Defiance |902 |80,139 |- |19 |[[Huerfano, New Mexico|Huerfano]] |[[:nv:Hanáádlį́|Hanáádlį́]] |"Water Coming Up" |Crownpoint / Eastern |3,000 |548,328 |- |19 |[[Nageezi, New Mexico|Naageezi]] |[[:nv:Naayízí (Yootó Hahoodzo)|Naayízí]] |"[[Squash (plant)|Squash]]" |Crownpoint / Eastern |286 |223,000 |- |19 |Ojo Encino |[[:nv:Chéchʼiizh Biiʼ Tó|Chéchʼiizh Biiʼ Tó/Tséchʼízhí Bitoʼ]] | |Crownpoint / Eastern |688 |79,000 |- |19 |[[Counselor, New Mexico|Counselor]] |[[:nv:Bilagáana Nééz|Bilagáana Nééz]] | |Crownpoint / Eastern |870 |71,000 |- |21 |[[Tohajiilee Indian Reservation|Tohajiileeh/Canyoncito]] |[[:nv:Tó Hajiileehé|Tó Hajiileehé]] |"Where they pull the water up and it keeps refilling itself" |Crownpoint / Eastern |1,591 |76,000 |- |22 |[[Alamo, New Mexico|Alamo]] |[[:nv:Tʼiistsoh|Tʼiistsoh/Tʼiistsoh Sikaad]] |"Big Cottonwood Tree" |Crownpoint / Eastern |2,006 |65,000 |- |23 |[[Ramah, New Mexico|Ramah]] |[[:nv:Tłʼohchiní|Tłʼohchiní]] |"Onions" |Crownpoint / Eastern |1,400 (2013 census) |168,000 |} ==Notes== {{reflist|group=Note|refs= Nahodishgish Chapter was originally known as "Dalton's Pass" but was reverted to its Navajo name. }} ==References== {{reflist|refs= {{cite book | collaboration = The Navajo Times | last = Yurth | first = Cindy | editor1-last = LaFrenda | editor1-first = Frank | title = Exploring the Navajo Nation Chapter by Chapter : Alamo-Naschitti | date = 2017 | publisher = Salina Bookshelf, Inc. | location = Flagstaff, Arizona | isbn = 978-1-893354-83-8 | oclc = 975490937 }} {{cite book | collaboration = The Navajo Times | last = Yurth | first = Cindy | editor1-last = LaFrenda | editor1-first = Frank | title = Exploring the Navajo Nation Chapter by Chapter : Nazlini-Wide Ruins | date = 2017 | publisher = Salina Bookshelf, Inc. | location = Flagstaff, Arizona | isbn = 978-1-893354-84-5 | oclc = 975490853 }} {{Cite web | url = http://www.navajoelections.navajo-nsn.gov/pdfs/chapters%20by%20districts%20_2_.pdf | title = Navajo Nation Chapters by Districts | website = Navajo Nation Election Administration | access-date = 2019-01-24 }} }} {{Navajo Nation}} {{navboxes| |list= {{Indian reservations in Arizona}} {{Indian reservations in New Mexico}} {{Indian reservations in Utah}} {{United States political divisions}} {{Apache County, Arizona}} {{Coconino County, Arizona}} {{Navajo County, Arizona}} {{Bernalillo County, New Mexico}} {{Cibola County, New Mexico}} {{McKinley County, New Mexico}} {{San Juan County, New Mexico}} {{Sandoval County, New Mexico}} {{Socorro County, New Mexico}} {{San Juan County, Utah}} {{Power stations in Arizona}} }} {{coord|36|11|13|N|109|34|25|W|source:kolossus-itwiki_scale:2500000|display=title}} {{Authority control}} [[Category:Navajo Nation| ]] [[Category:Navajo history]] [[Category:American Indian reservations in Arizona]] [[Category:American Indian reservations in Colorado]] [[Category:American Indian reservations in New Mexico]] [[Category:American Indian reservations in Utah]] [[Category:States and territories established in 1868]] [[Category:1868 establishments in the United States]]