--- /dev/null
+#==BEGIN Define script parameters==
+declare -Ag appRollCall # Associative array for storing app status
+declare -Ag fileRollCall # Associative array for storing file status
+declare -Ag dirRollCall # Associative array for storing dir status
+#===BEGIN Declare local script functions===
+checkapp() {
+ # Desc: If arg is a command, save result in assoc array 'appRollCall'
+ # Usage: checkapp arg1 arg2 arg3 ...
+ # Input: global assoc. array 'appRollCall'
+ # Output: adds/updates key(value) to global assoc array 'appRollCall'
+ local returnState
+ #echo "DEBUG:$(date +%S.%N)..Starting checkapp function."
+ #echo "DEBUG:args: $@"
+ #echo "DEBUG:returnState:$returnState"
+ #===Process Args===
+ for arg in "$@"; do
+ #echo "DEBUG:processing arg:$arg"
+ if command -v $arg 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then # Check if arg is a valid command
+ appRollCall[$arg]="true";
+ #echo "DEBUG:appRollCall[$arg]:"${appRollCall[$arg]}
+ if ! [ "$returnState" = "false" ]; then returnState="true"; fi
+ else
+ appRollCall[$arg]="false"; returnState="false";
+ fi
+ done
+ #for key in "${!appRollCall[@]}"; do echo "DEBUG:$key => ${appRollCall[$key]}"; done
+ #echo "DEBUG:evaluating returnstate. returnState:"$returnState
+ #===Determine function return code===
+ if [ "$returnState" = "true" ]; then
+ #echo "DEBUG:checkapp returns true for $arg";
+ return 0;
+ else
+ #echo "DEBUG:checkapp returns false for $arg";
+ return 1;
+ fi
+} # Check that app exists
+checkfile() {
+ # Desc: If arg is a file path, save result in assoc array 'fileRollCall'
+ # Usage: checkfile arg1 arg2 arg3 ...
+ # Input: global assoc. array 'fileRollCall'
+ # Output: adds/updates key(value) to global assoc array 'fileRollCall';
+ # Output: returns 0 if app found, 1 otherwise
+ local returnState
+ #===Process Args===
+ for arg in "$@"; do
+ #echo "DEBUG:processing arg:$arg"
+ if [ -f "$arg" ]; then
+ fileRollCall["$arg"]="true";
+ #echo "DEBUG:fileRollCall[\"$arg\"]:"${fileRollCall["$arg"]}
+ if ! [ "$returnState" = "false" ]; then returnState="true"; fi
+ else
+ fileRollCall["$arg"]="false"; returnState="false";
+ fi
+ done
+ #for key in "${!fileRollCall[@]}"; do echo "DEBUG:fileRollCall key [$key] is:${fileRollCall[$key]}"; done
+ #echo "DEBUG:evaluating returnstate. returnState:"$returnState
+ #===Determine function return code===
+ if [ "$returnState" = "true" ]; then
+ #echo "DEBUG:checkapp returns true for $arg";
+ return 0;
+ else
+ #echo "DEBUG:checkapp returns false for $arg";
+ return 1;
+ fi
+} # Check that file exists
+checkdir() {
+ # Desc: If arg is a dir path, save result in assoc array 'dirRollCall'
+ # Usage: checkdir arg1 arg2 arg3 ...
+ # Input: global assoc. array 'dirRollCall'
+ # Output: adds/updates key(value) to global assoc array 'dirRollCall';
+ # Output: returns 0 if app found, 1 otherwise
+ local returnState
+ #===Process Args===
+ for arg in "$@"; do
+ #echo "DEBUG:processing arg:$arg"
+ if [ -d "$arg" ]; then
+ dirRollCall["$arg"]="true";
+ #echo "DEBUG:dirRollCall[\"$arg\"]:"${dirRollCall["$arg"]}
+ if ! [ "$returnState" = "false" ]; then returnState="true"; fi
+ else
+ dirRollCall["$arg"]="false"; returnState="false";
+ fi
+ done
+ #for key in "${!dirRollCall[@]}"; do echo "DEBUG:dirRollCall key [$key] is:${dirRollCall[$key]}"; done
+ #echo "DEBUG:evaluating returnstate. returnState:"$returnState
+ #===Determine function return code===
+ if [ "$returnState" = "true" ]; then
+ #echo "DEBUG:checkapp returns true for $arg";
+ return 0;
+ else
+ #echo "DEBUG:checkapp returns false for $arg";
+ return 1;
+ fi
+} # Check that dir exists
+#===END Declare local script functions===
+#==END Define script parameters==
+#==BEGIN sample code==
+if checkapp cat; then echo "cat found."; fi
+if checkapp gpg; then echo "gpg found."; fi
+if checkapp emaaaacs; then echo "emaaaacs found."; fi
+#==END sample code==
+#==BEGIN Display errors==
+#===BEGIN Display Missing Apps===
+missingApps="Missing apps :"
+#for key in "${!appRollCall[@]}"; do echo "DEBUG:$key => ${appRollCall[$key]}"; done
+for key in "${!appRollCall[@]}"; do
+ value="${appRollCall[$key]}"
+ if [ "$value" = "false" ]; then
+ #echo "DEBUG:Missing apps: $key => $value";
+ missingApps="$missingApps""$key "
+ appMissing="true"
+ fi
+if [ "$appMissing" = "true" ]; then # Only indicate if an app is missing.
+ echo "$missingApps" 1>&2;
+#===END Display Missing Apps===
+#===BEGIN Display Missing Files===
+missingFiles="Missing files:"
+#for key in "${!fileRollCall[@]}"; do echo "DEBUG:$key => ${fileRollCall[$key]}"; done
+for key in "${!fileRollCall[@]}"; do
+ value="${fileRollCall[$key]}"
+ if [ "$value" = "false" ]; then
+ #echo "DEBUG:Missing files: $key => $value";
+ missingFiles="$missingFiles""$key "
+ fileMissing="true"
+ fi
+if [ "$fileMissing" = "true" ]; then # Only indicate if an app is missing.
+ echo "$missingFiles" 1>&2;
+#===END Display Missing Files===
+#===BEGIN Display Missing Directories===
+missingDirs="Missing dirs:"
+#for key in "${!dirRollCall[@]}"; do echo "DEBUG:$key => ${dirRollCall[$key]}"; done
+for key in "${!dirRollCall[@]}"; do
+ value="${dirRollCall[$key]}"
+ if [ "$value" = "false" ]; then
+ #echo "DEBUG:Missing dirs: $key => $value";
+ missingDirs="$missingDirs""$key "
+ dirMissing="true"
+ fi
+if [ "$dirMissing" = "true" ]; then # Only indicate if an dir is missing.
+ echo "$missingDirs" 1>&2;
+#===END Display Missing Directories===
+#===BEGIN Display Failed Functions===
+if [ ${#failedFunctions} -gt 0 ]; then # Only indicate if an function failed.
+ echo "Failed functions:${failedFunctions[@]}" 1>&2;
+#===END Display Failed Functions===
+#==END Display errors==