+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Desc: Create text files containing redirect wikicode: [[YYYY-mm-dd]] -> [[YYYY-mm#YYYY-mm-dd]]
+# Usage: script.sh [year]
+# Input: arg1: year (string)
+# Output: none
+# Version: 0.0.1
+# Example: Running 'mw_create_redirect_day_month.sh 2022' creates
+# directory 'wikicode' in working directory. It then populates it
+# with text files with names ranging from '2022-01-01' through
+# '2022-12-31', taking leap years into account. Each text file
+# contains one line of wikicode redirecting a [[YYYY-mm-dd]] link to
+# [[YYYY-mm#YYYY-mm-dd]]. For example:
+# 2022-02-28.txt:
+# ```
+# #REDIRECT [[2022-02#2022-02-28]]
+# ```
+# This is useful in combination with Mediawiki's
+# 'maintenance/importTextFiles.php' script that imports text files
+# into a wiki, using each text file's name as a new page title; by
+# default it does not clobber (overwrite) pages if they already
+# exist.
+yell() { echo "$0: $*" >&2; } # print script path and all args to stderr
+die() { yell "$*"; exit 111; } # same as yell() but non-zero exit status
+try() { "$@" || die "cannot $*"; } # runs args as command, reports args if command fails
+list_days_of_year() {
+ # Desc: Lists days of year in ISO-8601 YYYY-mm-dd format
+ # Usage: script.sh [str year]
+ # Input: arg1: year (4 digit gregorian calendar year)
+ # Output: stdout: iso-8601 dates (newline delimited)
+ # Depends: bash (5.1.16), GNU Coreutils (8.32; date, printf)
+ # Version: 0.0.1
+ # Ref/Attrib: [1] Linux Bash: How to print leading zeroes on a variable https://bytefreaks.net/gnulinux/bash/linux-bash-how-to-print-leading-zeroes-on-a-variable
+ # Check arg
+ ## Validate argument count
+ if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then die "FATAL:Invalid number of arguments:$#"; fi;
+ year="$1";
+ ## Validate arg is a 4-digit year
+ pattern='^[0-9]{4}$';
+ if [[ ! $year =~ $pattern ]]; then die "FATAL:Not a 4-digit year."; fi;
+ if [[ ! $year -gt 1582 ]]; then die "FATAL:Not a gregorian calendar year."; fi;
+ yyyy=$year;
+ for (( month = 1; month <= 12; month++ )); do
+ mm="$(printf %02d "$month")"; # two-digit month; See [1]
+ #yell "DEBUG:mm:$mm";
+ for (( day = 1; day <= 31; day++ )); do
+ dd="$(printf %02d "$day")"; # two-digit day; See [1]
+ #yell "DEBUG:dd:$dd";
+ date_iso8601="$yyyy-$mm-$dd";
+ if date --date="$date_iso8601" 1>/dev/random 2>&1; then
+ printf "%s\n" "$date_iso8601";
+ fi;
+ done;
+ done;
+}; # iso-8601 dates (yyyy-mm-dd) to stdout
+main() {
+ dir_out="wikicode";
+ year="$1";
+ # check args
+ ## check output directory
+ if [[ ! -d $dir_out ]]; then mkdir "$dir_out"; fi;
+ ## check arg count
+ if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then die "FATAL:Invalid number of arguments:$#"; fi;
+ ## check year
+ pattern='^[0-9]{4}$';
+ if [[ ! $year =~ $pattern ]]; then die "FATAL:Not a 4-digit year."; fi;
+ if [[ ! $year -gt 1583 ]]; then die "FATAL:Not a gregorian calendar year."; fi;
+ # Cycle through each day of year
+ while read -r yyyymmdd; do
+ #yell "DEBUG:yyyymmdd:$yyyymmdd";
+ ## Form wikicode redirect line
+ wc_body="#REDIRECT [[${yyyymmdd%-*}#$yyyymmdd]]"; # e.g. "#REDIRECT [[2022-02#2022-02-28]"
+ #yell "DEBUG:wc_body:$wc_body";
+ ## Write wikicode to text file named with iso-8601 date (yyyy-mm-dd)
+ path_out="$dir_out/$yyyymmdd";
+ #yell "DEBUG:path_out:$path_out.txt";
+ printf "%s\n" "$wc_body" > "$path_out";
+ done < <(list_days_of_year "$year");
+ return 0;
+}; # main program
+main "$@";