# Usage: mp3s_to_mkv.sh [DIR in] [DIR out] [BITRATE]
# Example: mp3s_to_mkv.sh ./dir_source ./dir_output 48k
# Depends: GNU Coretils 8.32 (date)
-# Version: 0.0.1
+# Version: 0.0.2
# plumbing
opus_bitrate="$3"; # e.g. "48k"
# Concatenate mp3 files into a single WAV file
# # Convert WAV to 48 kbps opus mkv file
- ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i "$file_flist" -c:a pcm_s24le -rf64 auto -f wav - | \
+ ffmpeg -nostdin -f concat -safe 0 -i "$file_flist" -c:a pcm_s24le -rf64 auto -f wav - | \
ffmpeg -i - -c:a libopus -b:a "$opus_bitrate" "$file_out_mkv";
# Return to original dir
local file
file="$(find "$dir_in" -type f -iname "*.mp3" | sort | head -n1)";
file="$(readlink -f "$file")";
- ffmpeg -i "$file" -an -vcodec copy "$file_albumart";
+ ffmpeg -nostdin -i "$file" -an -vcodec copy "$file_albumart";
}; # save album art from an mp3 to output dir
main() {
check_depends && yell "DEBUG:check_depends OK";