# Example: mp3s_to_mkv.sh ./dir_source ./dir_output 48k
# Depends: GNU Coreutils 8.32 (date), ffmpeg, ffprobe
# Ref/Attrib: [1] FFmpeg Formats Documentation https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-formats.html#toc-Metadata-2
-# Version: 0.1.0
+# Version: 0.1.2
# plumbing
opus_bitrate="$3"; # e.g. "48k"
# Output: stdout: seconds (float)
# Depends: ffprobe 4.1.8
# BK-2020-03: die()
- local file_in
+ local file_in;
if [[ ! -f $file_in ]]; then
die "ERROR:Not a file:$file_in";
echo "title=$(basename "$filename" .mp3)";
} >> "$file_chapters";
- chapter_start=$chapter_end
+ chapter_start=$chapter_end;
# Return to original dir
pushd "$dir_in" || die "FATAL:Directory error:$(pwd)";
# Concatenate mp3 files into a single WAV file
- # Convert WAV to 48 kbps opus mkv file
+ # Convert WAV to opus mkv file
ffmpeg -nostdin -f concat -safe 0 -i "$file_flist" -c:a pcm_s24le -rf64 auto -f wav - | \
ffmpeg -i - -i "$file_chapters" \
-map_metadata 1 -map_chapters 1 \
}; # main program
main "$@";
+# Author: Steven Baltakatei Sandoval
+# License: GPLv3+