-# Desc: Template function to write data supplied as argument
-yell() { echo "$0: $*" >&2; } # Yell, Die, Try Three-Fingered Claw technique; # Ref/Attrib: https://stackoverflow.com/a/25515370
-die() { yell "$*"; exit 111; }
-try() { "$@" || die "cannot $*"; }
- # Desc: Writes first argument with subsequent arguments as options
- # Usage: writeArg "$(echo "Data to be written.")" [output path] ([cmd1] [cmd2] [cmd3] [cmd4]...)
- # Input: arg1: data to be written
- # arg2: output path
- # arg3+: command strings (ex: "gpsbabel -i nmea -f - -o kml -F - ")
- # Output: file written to disk
- # Example: decrypt multiple large files in parallel
- # writeArg "$(cat /tmp/largefile1.gpg)" /tmp/largefile1 "gpg --decrypt" &
- # writeArg "$(cat /tmp/largefile2.gpg)" /tmp/largefile2 "gpg --decrypt" &
- # writeArg "$(cat /tmp/largefile3.gpg)" /tmp/largefile3 "gpg --decrypt" &
- # Depends: bash 5
- # Set command strings
- if ! [ -z "$3" ]; then CMD1="$3"; else CMD1="tee /dev/null "; fi # command string 1
- if ! [ -z "$4" ]; then CMD2="$4"; else CMD2="tee /dev/null "; fi # command string 2
- if ! [ -z "$5" ]; then CMD3="$5"; else CMD3="tee /dev/null "; fi # command string 3
- if ! [ -z "$6" ]; then CMD4="$6"; else CMD4="tee /dev/null "; fi # command string 4
- # Debug
- yell "CMD1:$CMD1"
- yell "CMD2:$CMD2"
- yell "CMD3:$CMD3"
- yell "CMD4:$CMD4"
- # Write
- echo "$1" | $CMD1 | $CMD2 | $CMD3 | $CMD4 > "$2";
-} # Write Bash var to file
-#==BEGIN sample code==
-myFile="/tmp/$(date +%s)..original"
-echo "how are you doing?" > "$myFile"
-myVAR="$(cat $myFile)"
-writeArg "$myVAR" "$myFile..LOUD_CHILD" "tee /tmp/cloneityclone " "tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'"
-#==END sample code==
-# Author: Steven Baltakatei Sandoval
-# License: GPLv3+