-o | --output-file) # Define output file path
if [ -f "$2" ]; then # If $2 is file that exists, prompt user to continue to overwrite, set pathFileOut1 to $2, pop $2.
yell "Specified output file $2 already exists. Overwrite? (y/n):"
read -r m; case $m in
y | Y | yes) opFileOut1_overwrite="true";;
n | N | no) opFileOut1_overwrite="false";;
-o | --output-file) # Define output file path
if [ -f "$2" ]; then # If $2 is file that exists, prompt user to continue to overwrite, set pathFileOut1 to $2, pop $2.
yell "Specified output file $2 already exists. Overwrite? (y/n):"
read -r m; case $m in
y | Y | yes) opFileOut1_overwrite="true";;
n | N | no) opFileOut1_overwrite="false";;