- path_src="$(cut -d $'\n' -f1 < <(echo "$item"))";
- path_prf="$(cut -d $'\n' -f2 < <(echo "$item"))";
- path_src_sesc="${path_src//\"/\\\"}"; # escape path double quotes. See [4].
- path_prf_sesc="${path_prf//\"/\\\"}"; # escape path double quotes. See [4].
- if [[ -z "$path_src" ]] || [[ -z "$path_prf" ]]; then
- yell "ERROR:blank verify item encountered. Skipping:item:$item";
- continue;
- fi;
- vbm "DEBUG:Attempting to verify source file:path_src:$path_src";
- vbm "DEBUG: against proof file: path_prf:$path_prf";
- if [[ ! $option_dry_run == "true" ]]; then
- ### Try verify with known calendars in random order
- while read -r url; do
- vbm "DEBUG:Verifying with calendar:url:$url";
+ wait_for_jobslot && {
+ path_src="$(cut -d $'\n' -f1 < <(echo "$item"))";
+ path_prf="$(cut -d $'\n' -f2 < <(echo "$item"))";
+ if [[ -z "$path_src" ]] || [[ -z "$path_prf" ]]; then
+ yell "ERROR:blank verify item encountered. Skipping:item:$item";
+ return 1; # would have been `continue` were it not in a subshell
+ fi;
+ vbm "DEBUG:Attempting to verify source file:path_src:$path_src";
+ vbm "DEBUG: against proof file: path_prf:$path_prf";
+ if [[ ! $option_dry_run == "true" ]]; then
+ ### Try verify with known calendars in random order
+ while read -r url; do
+ vbm "DEBUG:Verifying with calendar:url:$url";
+ #### assemble command
+ local -a cmd_temp;
+ cmd_temp=("ots");
+ if [[ "$opVerbose" = "true" ]]; then cmd_temp+=("-v"); fi;
+ cmd_temp+=("-l" "$url" "--no-default-whitelist");
+ cmd_temp+=("verify" "-f" "$path_src" "$path_prf");
+ if [[ "$opVerbose" = "true" ]]; then declare -p cmd_temp; fi;
+ #### execute command
+ "${cmd_temp[@]}";
+ unset cmd_temp;
+ break;
+ #ots -l "$url" --no-default-whitelist verify -f "$path_src" "$path_prf" && break;
+ done < <(printf "%s\n" "${calendars[@]}" | shuf);
+ else
+ yell "DEBUG:DRY RUN:Not running:\"ots verify -f $path_src $path_prf\"";
+ fi;
+ } &
+ done;
+ ## Assemble and execute stamp file commands
+ for item in "${files_to_stamp_pruned[@]}"; do
+ wait_for_jobslot && {
+ path_src="$(cut -d $'\n' -f1 < <(echo "$item"))";
+ if [[ -z "$path_src" ]]; then
+ yell "ERROR:blank stamp item encountered. Skipping:item:$item";
+ return 1; # would have been `continue` were it not in a subshell
+ fi;
+ vbm "DEBUG:Attempting to stamp source file:path_src:$path_src";
+ if [[ ! $option_dry_run == "true" ]]; then