# Depends: bc 1.07.1, GNU Coreutils 8.32 (shuf)
# Input: var: arg1 initial lines to output
# Depends: bc 1.07.1, GNU Coreutils 8.32 (shuf)
# Input: var: arg1 initial lines to output
# Load env vars
## For these numbers of lines of input...
if [[ ! -v BKSHUF_PARAM_LINEC ]]; then BKSHUF_PARAM_LINEC=1000000; fi;
# Load env vars
## For these numbers of lines of input...
if [[ ! -v BKSHUF_PARAM_LINEC ]]; then BKSHUF_PARAM_LINEC=1000000; fi;
unset "list_input[$ip]"; # destroy line in list_input array
((lcr--)); # decrement line count remaining lcr
unset "list_input[$ip]"; # destroy line in list_input array
((lcr--)); # decrement line count remaining lcr