# Description: Template for bash scripts.
# Note: Use hide-show-block function to aid readability. (ex: https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/HideShow ).
-#== Variable Initialization ==
+#==BEGIN Variable Initialization==
-#== Global constants ==
+#===BEGIN Global constants===
SCRIPT_TTL=10 # Limit script life to this in seconds.
PATH="/usr/local/bin/:$PATH" # Add user binary executable directory to PATH.
PATH="/opt/bktei:$PATH" # Add 'optional' executable directory to PATH.
SCRIPT_VERSION="bktemplate.sh 0.0.0" # Define version of script. Used by function 'showVersion'.
SCRIPT_TIME_SHORT="$(date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S%z)" # Save current date & time in ISO-8601 format (YYYYmmddTHHMMSS+zzzz).
SCRIPT_DATE_SHORT="$(date +%Y%m%d)" # Save current date in ISO-8601 format.
+#===END Global constants===
-#==BEGIN Define script parameters
+#===BEGIN Define script parameters
declare -Ag appRollCall # Associative array for storing app status (function checkapp())
declare -Ag fileRollCall # Associative array for storing file status (function checkfile())
-#==END Define script parameters
-#== Function Definitions ==
+#===END Define script parameters
+#==END Variable Initialization==
+#==BEGIN Function Definitions==
yell() { echo "$0: $*" >&2; } # Yell, Die, Try Three-Fingered Claw technique; # Ref/Attrib: https://stackoverflow.com/a/25515370
die() { yell "$*"; exit 111; }
try() { "$@" || die "cannot $*"; }
return 1;
} # Check that file exists
-#== Main Program Definition ==
main() {
# Usage: main "$@" # See [1].
# Input: unspecified (note: all Global Constants declared at beginning of script assumed to be available)
# End function
vbm "DEBUG:main function ended."
return 0; # Function finished.
+} # Main function
+#==END Function Definitions==
-#== Perform work and exit ==
+#==BEGIN Perform work and exit==
main "$@" # Run main function.
exit 0;
+#==END Perform work and exit==