+ # ### Ignore files located beneath a dotfile directory (e.g. '/home/my_repo/.git/config')
+ # unset flag_contains_dotfile_parent;
+ # while read -r line; do
+ # #### Check line from output of get_parent_dirnames
+ # pattern="^\.";
+ # if [[ $line =~ $pattern ]]; then
+ # ##### line starts with '.'
+ # vbm "DEBUG:Dotfile parent detected. Not including in file_list_pruned:$item";
+ # vbm "DEBUG:Dotfile in path:item:$item";
+ # vbm "DEBUG:Dotfile parent:line:$line";
+ # flag_contains_dotfile_parent="true";
+ # break
+ # fi;
+ # done < <(get_parent_dirnames "$item");
+ # if [[ $flag_contains_dotfile_parent == "true" ]]; then
+ # unset flag_contains_dotfile_parent;
+ # continue; # skip to next item (i.e. don't add to file_list_pruned)
+ # fi;
+ # ### Ignore dotfiles themselves
+ # item_basename="$(basename "$item")";
+ # pattern="^\.";
+ # if [[ $item_basename =~ $pattern ]]; then
+ # vbm "INFO :Skipping dotfile:item:$item";
+ # continue; # skip to next item
+ # fi;