#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Version: 0.0.7
+# Desc: Wrapper for feh that accepts directory paths via posargs or stdin lines.
+# Version: 0.2.0
# Ref/Attrib: [1] Tange, Ole. GNU Parallel with Bash Array. 2019-03-24. https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/508365/411854
# Depends: GNU Parallel, GNU Bash v5.1.16, feh 3.6.3
if ! checkapp feh parallel; then displayMissing; die "FATAL:Missing apps."; fi;
return 1;
}; # check dependencies
+checkInt() {
+ # Desc: Checks if arg is integer
+ # Usage: checkInt arg
+ # Input: arg: integer
+ # Output: - return code 0 (if arg is integer)
+ # - return code 1 (if arg is not integer)
+ # Example: if ! checkInt $arg; then echo "not int"; fi;
+ # Version: 0.0.1
+ local returnState
+ #===Process Arg===
+ if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
+ die "ERROR:Invalid number of arguments:$#";
+ fi;
+ RETEST1='^[0-9]+$'; # Regular Expression to test
+ if [[ ! $1 =~ $RETEST1 ]] ; then
+ returnState="false";
+ else
+ returnState="true";
+ fi;
+ #===Determine function return code===
+ if [ "$returnState" = "true" ]; then
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return 1;
+ fi;
+} # Checks if arg is integer
read_stdin() {
# Desc: Consumes stdin; outputs as stdout lines
# Input: stdin (consumes)
if [[ ! -d "$1" ]]; then return 1; fi;
must find "$1" -maxdepth "$fdepth" -type f -iregex "$firegex" -size +"$fsize";
}; # print file list to stdout from dir with script parameters
+save_sample() {
+ # Usage: save_sample arg1
+ # Input: arg1 list_paths (list of files to take samples from)
+ # envvar BKFEH_SAMPLE_DIR (environment variable set outside of this script)
+ # envvar BKFEH_SAMPLE_SIZE (space limit for sample dir files)
+ # Depends: yell(), GNU Parallel, GNU find, GNU Coreutils 8.32 (cut, find, du)
+ local list_paths
+ sample_count="100"; # max number of images to put in sample dir
+ sample_max_space="10000000"; # max bytes to put in sample dir
+ # Load environment variables if set
+ if [[ ! -v BKFEH_SAMPLE_DIR ]]; then return 0; fi; # return early if environment var not set.
+ if [[ -v BKFEH_SAMPLE_SIZE ]] && checkInt "$BKFEH_SAMPLE_SIZE"; then
+ sample_max_space="$BKFEH_SAMPLE_SIZE";
+ fi;
+ if [[ -v BKFEH_SAMPLE_COUNT ]] && checkInt "$BKFEH_SAMPLE_COUNT"; then
+ sample_count="$BKFEH_SAMPLE_COUNT";
+ fi;
+ if [[ ! -z "$1" ]]; then
+ list_paths="$1"; # newline-delimited list of file paths to sample from
+ else
+ yell "ERROR:NO paths available to sample.";
+ fi;
+ if [[ -d "$BKFEH_SAMPLE_DIR" ]]; then
+ sample_dir="$BKFEH_SAMPLE_DIR";
+ yell "STATUS:Environment variable BKFEH_SAMPLE_DIR set. Clearing and saving samples...";
+ ## clear previous sample
+ count_samples="$(find $BKFEH_SAMPLE_DIR -maxdepth 1 -type f | wc -l)";
+ find "$BKFEH_SAMPLE_DIR" -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec rm '{}' \; ;
+ ## save random sample
+ yell "STATUS:Saving random sample of size $sample_count to $BKFEH_SAMPLE_DIR...";
+ list_paths_sample="$(echo "$list_paths" | shuf | head -n"$sample_count")";
+ while read -r line; do
+ if [[ -z "$line" ]]; then continue; fi;
+ ### check size limit
+ sample_act_space="$(du -bd1 "$BKFEH_SAMPLE_DIR" | cut -f1 )"; # actual used space
+ cand_space="$(du -bd1 "$line" | cut -f1 )"; # size of candidate file to add
+ sample_req_space="$((sample_act_space + cand_space))";
+ if [[ "$sample_req_space" -lt "$sample_max_space" ]]; then
+ #### add file to sample dir
+ cp -n "$line" "$BKFEH_SAMPLE_DIR" ;
+ fi;
+ done < <( echo "$list_paths_sample" );
+ else
+ yell "ERROR:Does not exist: $BKFEH_SAMPLE_DIR";
+ fi;
+}; # save sample of files
main() {
# Depends: read_stdin_psarg() v0.0.1, check_depends()
local re_dotfile;
## Read stdin as lines
re_dotfile="^\."; # first char is a dot
while read -r line; do
+ line="$(readlink -e "$line")";
# Check if dir
if [[ ! -d "$line" ]]; then
echo "ERROR:Not a dir:$line" 1>&2;
## Read positional arguments as lines
re_dotfile="^\."; # first char is a dot
while read -r line; do
+ line="$(readlink -e "$line")";
# Check if dir
if [[ ! -d "$line" ]]; then
echo "ERROR:Not a dir:$line" 1>&2;
yell "STATUS:Built file list in $SECONDS seconds.";
# Run feh with filelist
- feh --full-screen --auto-zoom --draw-filename --filelist "$list_paths_images_tmp";
+ feh --full-screen --auto-zoom --draw-filename --filelist "$list_paths_images_tmp" && \
+ must rm "$list_paths_images_tmp" &
- # Cleanup
- must rm "$list_paths_images_tmp";
+ # Save sample to path in env. var. BKFEH_SAMPLE_DIR if set
+ save_sample "$list_paths_images";
export -f yell die must read_stdin read_psarg find_flist;
#==END Define local functions==