# arg(s): file paths (IFS delimited)
# Output: file containing sha256 hashes and file paths
# Depends: bash v5.1.16, date (GNU Coreutils 8.32), gpg v2.2.27, ots v0.7.0
-# Version: 0.0.1
+# Version: 0.1.0
declare -Ag appRollCall # Associative array for storing app status
declare -Ag fileRollCall # Associative array for storing file status
-t, --timestamp
Timestamp with OpenTimestamps the checksum file
(and GnuPG signature if -s/--sign specified).
+ -T, --timestamp-wait
+ Same as '-t/--timestamp' except that
+ OpenTimestamps will run as a background process
+ until a calendar server returns a completed
+ timestamp.
Indicate end of options.
# pathDirOut1 Path to output directory.
# pathFileOut1 Path to output file.
# opFileOut1_overwrite Indicates whether file pathFileOut1 should be overwritten (ex: "true", "false").
+ # opTs Indicates timestamp mode
+ # opTsWait Indicates timestamp mode with wait option
# arrPosArgs Array of remaining positional argments
# Depends:
# yell() Displays messages to stderr.
-s | --sign) # sign with gpg
opSign="true"; vbm "DEBUG:Signing mode enabled.";;
-t | --timestamp) # timestamp with ots
- opTimestamp="true"; vbm "DEBUG:Timestamp mode enabled.";;
+ opTs="true"; vbm "DEBUG:Timestamp mode enabled.";;
+ -T | --timestamp-wait) # timestamp with ots with wait option
+ opTs="true"; vbm "DEBUG:Timestamp mode enabled.";
+ opTsWait="true"; vbm "DEBUG:Timestamp wait mode enabled.";;
--) # End of all options. See [2].
for arg in "$@"; do
checkapp date sha256sum;
if [[ $opSign == "true" ]]; then checkapp gpg; fi;
- if [[ $opTimestamp == "true" ]]; then checkapp ots; fi;
+ if [[ $opTs == "true" ]]; then checkapp ots; fi;
# Return failure is displayMissing() reports apps missing.
if ! displayMissing; then return 1; else return 0; fi;
}; # Check dependencies
+count_jobs() {
+ # Desc: Count and return total number of jobs
+ # Usage: count_jobs
+ # Input: None.
+ # Output: stdout integer number of jobs
+ # Depends: Bash 5.1.16
+ # Example: while [[$(count_jobs) -gt 0]]; do echo "Working..."; sleep 1; done;
+ # Version: 0.0.1
+ local job_count;
+ job_count="$(jobs -r | wc -l | tr -d ' ' )";
+ #yell "DEBUG:job_count:$job_count";
+ if [[ -z $job_count ]]; then job_count="0"; fi;
+ echo "$job_count";
+}; # Return number of background jobs
main() {
# Input: pathFileOut1 option-specified output file path
# appRollCall assoc-array for checkapp(), displayMissing()
# Do optional work
## Sign checksum file.
if [[ $opSign == "true" ]]; then
- try gpg --detach-sign --armor --output "$pathSigOut" "$pathSumOut";
+ yell "STATUS:Signing checksum file...";
+ try gpg --detach-sign --armor --output "$pathSigOut" "$pathSumOut" && yell "STATUS:Checksum created.";
## Timestamp checksum file.
- if [[ $opTimestamp == "true" ]]; then
- try ots s "$pathSumOut"; fi;
+ if [[ $opTs == "true" ]]; then
+ yell "STATUS:Timestamping checksum file...";
+ if [[ $opTsWait != "true" ]]; then
+ try ots s "$pathSumOut" &
+ elif [[ $opTsWait == "true" ]]; then
+ yell "NOTICE:Waiting for calendar server response in background. (This may take 8 to 24 hours)...";
+ yell "ADVICE:Do not close or suspend this terminal.";
+ try ots --wait s "$pathSumOut" &
+ fi;
+ fi;
## Timestamp checksum signature file.
- if [[ $opTimestamp == "true" && $opSign == "true" ]]; then
- try ots s "$pathSigOut";
+ if [[ $opTs == "true" && $opSign == "true" ]]; then
+ yell "STATUS:Timestamping signature file...";
+ if [[ $opTsWait != "true" ]]; then
+ try ots s "$pathSigOut" && yell "STATUS:Timestamp of checksum signature file created.";
+ elif [[ $opTsWait == "true" ]]; then
+ yell "NOTICE:Waiting for calendar server response in background. (This may take 8 to 24 hours)...";
+ yell "ADVICE:Do not close or suspend this terminal.";
+ try ots --wait s "$pathSigOut" &
+ fi;
+ ## Wait until background jobs (if any) completed
+ for (( n = 1; "$(count_jobs)" > 0; n++ )); do
+ if ! [[ $((n % 60)) -eq 0 ]]; then
+ printf ".";
+ else
+ printf ".%05ds passed.\n" "$SECONDS";
+ fi;
+ sleep 60;
+ done;
+ yell "Done.";
return 0;
}; # main program