#!/usr/bin/env bash # Desc: Wrapper for mpv that accepts directory or file paths via posargs or stdin lines # Usage: bkmpv2 [DIR] # Version: 0.2.1 # Depends: GNU Parallel, GNU Bash v5.1.16, mpv v0.34.1, bc v1.07.1 # Ref/Attrib: [1] Tange, Ole. GNU Parallel with Bash Array. 2019-03-24. https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/508365/411854 # Example: find $HOME/Music -type d | bkmpv2 # Example: bkmpv2 $HOME/Music/ # Example: find $HOME -type f -name "*.mp3" | bkmpv2 # Note: Does not follow symlinks # Find settings firegex=".+\(aac\|aif\|aiff\|flac\|m4a\|mp3\|mp4\|ogg\|opus\|wav\)$"; # POSIX regex for find. Update according to `find . -type f | grep -Eo "\.([[:alnum:]])+$" | sort -u` file_regex=".+(aac|aif|aiff|flac|m4a|mp3|mp4|ogg|opus|wav)$"; # extended regex for Bash. fsize="10k"; # default: minimum "10k" fdepth_posarg="10"; # find depth for positional arguments fdepth_stdin="1"; # find depth for stdin fc_falloff="1000"; # characteristic file count falloff in the output fc_redbase="10"; # logarithm base to reduce output file count export firegex fsize ; # export for parallel #===Declare local functions=== yell() { echo "$0: $*" >&2; } # print script path and all args to stderr die() { yell "$*"; exit 111; } # same as yell() but non-zero exit status must() { "$@" || die "cannot $*"; } # runs args as command, reports args if command fails checkapp() { # Desc: If arg is a command, save result in assoc array 'appRollCall' # Usage: checkapp arg1 arg2 arg3 ... # Version: 0.1.1 # Input: global assoc. array 'appRollCall' # Output: adds/updates key(value) to global assoc array 'appRollCall' # Depends: bash 5.0.3 local returnState #===Process Args=== for arg in "$@"; do if command -v "$arg" 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then # Check if arg is a valid command appRollCall[$arg]="true"; if ! [ "$returnState" = "false" ]; then returnState="true"; fi; else appRollCall[$arg]="false"; returnState="false"; fi; done; #===Determine function return code=== if [ "$returnState" = "true" ]; then return 0; else return 1; fi; } # Check that app exists checkfile() { # Desc: If arg is a file path, save result in assoc array 'fileRollCall' # Usage: checkfile arg1 arg2 arg3 ... # Version: 0.1.1 # Input: global assoc. array 'fileRollCall' # Output: adds/updates key(value) to global assoc array 'fileRollCall'; # Output: returns 0 if app found, 1 otherwise # Depends: bash 5.0.3 local returnState #===Process Args=== for arg in "$@"; do if [ -f "$arg" ]; then fileRollCall["$arg"]="true"; if ! [ "$returnState" = "false" ]; then returnState="true"; fi; else fileRollCall["$arg"]="false"; returnState="false"; fi; done; #===Determine function return code=== if [ "$returnState" = "true" ]; then return 0; else return 1; fi; } # Check that file exists checkdir() { # Desc: If arg is a dir path, save result in assoc array 'dirRollCall' # Usage: checkdir arg1 arg2 arg3 ... # Version 0.1.1 # Input: global assoc. array 'dirRollCall' # Output: adds/updates key(value) to global assoc array 'dirRollCall'; # Output: returns 0 if app found, 1 otherwise # Depends: Bash 5.0.3 local returnState #===Process Args=== for arg in "$@"; do if [ -d "$arg" ]; then dirRollCall["$arg"]="true"; if ! [ "$returnState" = "false" ]; then returnState="true"; fi else dirRollCall["$arg"]="false"; returnState="false"; fi done #===Determine function return code=== if [ "$returnState" = "true" ]; then return 0; else return 1; fi } # Check that dir exists displayMissing() { # Desc: Displays missing apps, files, and dirs # Usage: displayMissing # Version 0.1.1 # Input: associative arrays: appRollCall, fileRollCall, dirRollCall # Output: stderr: messages indicating missing apps, file, or dirs # Depends: bash 5, checkAppFileDir() local missingApps value appMissing missingFiles fileMissing local missingDirs dirMissing #==BEGIN Display errors== #===BEGIN Display Missing Apps=== missingApps="Missing apps :"; #for key in "${!appRollCall[@]}"; do echo "DEBUG:$key => ${appRollCall[$key]}"; done for key in "${!appRollCall[@]}"; do value="${appRollCall[$key]}"; if [ "$value" = "false" ]; then #echo "DEBUG:Missing apps: $key => $value"; missingApps="$missingApps""$key "; appMissing="true"; fi; done; if [ "$appMissing" = "true" ]; then # Only indicate if an app is missing. echo "$missingApps" 1>&2; fi; unset value; #===END Display Missing Apps=== #===BEGIN Display Missing Files=== missingFiles="Missing files:"; #for key in "${!fileRollCall[@]}"; do echo "DEBUG:$key => ${fileRollCall[$key]}"; done for key in "${!fileRollCall[@]}"; do value="${fileRollCall[$key]}"; if [ "$value" = "false" ]; then #echo "DEBUG:Missing files: $key => $value"; missingFiles="$missingFiles""$key "; fileMissing="true"; fi; done; if [ "$fileMissing" = "true" ]; then # Only indicate if an app is missing. echo "$missingFiles" 1>&2; fi; unset value; #===END Display Missing Files=== #===BEGIN Display Missing Directories=== missingDirs="Missing dirs:"; #for key in "${!dirRollCall[@]}"; do echo "DEBUG:$key => ${dirRollCall[$key]}"; done for key in "${!dirRollCall[@]}"; do value="${dirRollCall[$key]}"; if [ "$value" = "false" ]; then #echo "DEBUG:Missing dirs: $key => $value"; missingDirs="$missingDirs""$key "; dirMissing="true"; fi; done; if [ "$dirMissing" = "true" ]; then # Only indicate if an dir is missing. echo "$missingDirs" 1>&2; fi; unset value; #===END Display Missing Directories=== #==END Display errors== } # Display missing apps, files, dirs check_depends() { if ! checkapp mpv parallel bkshuf bc b2sum; then displayMissing; die "FATAL:Missing apps."; fi; return 1; }; # check dependencies checkInt() { # Desc: Checks if arg is integer # Usage: checkInt arg # Input: arg: integer # Output: - return code 0 (if arg is integer) # - return code 1 (if arg is not integer) # Example: if ! checkInt $arg; then echo "not int"; fi; # Version: 0.0.1 local returnState #===Process Arg=== if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then die "ERROR:Invalid number of arguments:$#"; fi; RETEST1='^[0-9]+$'; # Regular Expression to test if [[ ! $1 =~ $RETEST1 ]] ; then returnState="false"; else returnState="true"; fi; #===Determine function return code=== if [ "$returnState" = "true" ]; then return 0; else return 1; fi; } # Checks if arg is integer read_stdin() { # Desc: Consumes stdin; outputs as stdout lines # Input: stdin (consumes) # Output: stdout (newline delimited) # Example: printf "foo\nbar\n" | read_stdin # Depends: GNU bash (version 5.1.16) # Version: 0.0.1 local input_stdin output; # Store stdin if [[ -p /dev/stdin ]]; then input_stdin="$(cat -)"; fi; # Store as output array elements ## Read in stdin if [[ -n $input_stdin ]]; then while read -r line; do output+=("$line"); done < <(printf "%s\n" "$input_stdin"); fi; # Print to stdout printf "%s\n" "${output[@]}"; }; # read stdin to stdout lines read_psarg() { # Desc: Reads arguments; outputs as stdout lines # Input: args # Output: stdout (newline delimited) # Example: read_psarg "$@" # Depends: GNU bash (version 5.1.16) # Version: 0.0.1 local input_psarg output; # Store arguments if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then input_psarg="$*"; fi; # Store as output array elements ## Read in positional arguments if [[ -n $input_psarg ]]; then for arg in "$@"; do output+=("$arg"); done; fi; # Print to stdout printf "%s\n" "${output[@]}"; }; # read positional argument to stdout lines find_flist() { # Desc: print file list to stdout via `find` using script parameters # Input: arg1: path to dir # var: find_depth # var: pattern_find_iregex # var: find_size if [[ ! -d "$1" ]]; then return 1; fi; must find "$1" -maxdepth "$fdepth" -type f -iregex "$firegex" -size +"$fsize"; }; # print file list to stdout from dir with script parameters check_files() { # Desc: Applies $file_regex to files specified by path # Input: var: file_regex # array: files_stdin # Output: array: files_stdin local file; declare -a filtered_files_stdin; for file in "${files_stdin[@]}"; do if [[ "$file" =~ $file_regex ]]; then filtered_files_stdin+=("$file"); fi; done; files_stdin=("${filtered_files_stdin[@]}"); }; # apply $firegex to files_stdin array main() { # Input: var: firegex find iregex file name pattern # var: fsize find minimum file siz # var: fc_falloff characteristic file count falloff in the output # var: fc_redbase logarithm base to reduce output file count local re_dotfile; declare -a files_stdin dirs_stdin dirs_psarg; declare -a paths_files; declare list_paths_files; declare -a cmd_args; check_depends; yell "STATUS:$SECONDS:Started."; #Populate dirs_stdin and dirs_psarg arrays ## Read stdin as lines re_dotfile="^\."; # first char is a dot while read -r line; do line="$(readlink -e "$line")"; line_bn="$(basename "$line")"; # Check if dir and not dotfile if [[ -d "$line" ]] && [[ ! "$line_bn" =~ $re_dotfile ]]; then dirs_stdin+=("$line"); continue; fi; # Check if file if [[ -f "$line" ]]; then files_stdin+=("$line"); continue; fi; # Throw warning yell "WARNING:Not a valid dir or file:$line"; done < <( read_stdin; read_psarg "$@"; ); yell "STATUS:$SECONDS:Read stdin and psargs."; # Apply the $file_regex to $files_stdin array check_files; # Catch all arrays empty if [[ "${#dirs_stdin[@]}" -le 0 ]] && \ [[ "${#dirs_psarg[@]}" -le 0 ]] && \ [[ "${#files_stdin[@]}" -le 0 ]]; then die "FATAL:No valid directories or files provided."; fi; # Generate file list ## Add stdin argument input if [[ "${#files_stdin[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then paths_files+=("${files_stdin[@]}"); fi; ## Call find_filelist() in parallel for positional argument input if [[ "${#dirs_psarg[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then fdepth="$fdepth_posarg"; export fdepth; # for dirs from positional arguments paths_files+=("$( parallel find_flist {} "$fdepth" "$firegex" "$fsize" ::: "${dirs_psarg[@]}" )"); # See [1] fi; ## Call find_filelist() in parallel for stdin input if [[ "${#dirs_stdin[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then fdepth="$fdepth_stdin"; export fdepth; # 1 for dirs from stdin paths_files+=("$( parallel find_flist {} "$fdepth" "$firegex" "$fsize" ::: "${dirs_stdin[@]}" )"); # See [1] fi; # Convert paths_files array into file list for i in "${!paths_files[@]}"; do list_paths_files="$(printf "%s\n%s" "${paths_files[$i]}" "$list_paths_files")"; done; # Get stats fc="$(wc -l < <(echo -n "$list_paths_files"))"; echo "STATUS:$SECONDS:file count:fc:$fc" yell "STATUS:$SECONDS:Generated file list."; # Sort, remove duplicate paths list_paths_files="$(echo "$list_paths_files" | sort -u | tr -s '\n')"; yell "STATUS:$SECONDS:Sorted and deduplicated list."; # Remove paths with dotfiles list_paths_files="$(echo "$list_paths_files" | grep -viE "/\." )"; yell "STATUS:$SECONDS:Removed dotfiles."; # Write playlist list_paths_files_tmp="/dev/shm/$(date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S.%N%z)"..mpv_paths.txt; ## Reduce output file count if greater than falloff if [[ $fc -gt $fc_falloff ]]; then bc_exp="$fc_falloff * (1 + l( $fc / $fc_falloff )/l($fc_redbase))"; fc_out="$( echo "$bc_exp" | bc -l )"; else fc_out="$fc"; fi; ## Reduce output file count by fixed fraction (bkshuf optimization) fc_out="$(echo "$fc_out * 0.75" | bc -l)"; ## Select subset via bkshuf ### Specify bkshuf-specific environment variables export BKSHUF_PARAM_LINC=1000000; # for these numbers of lines of input.. export BKSHUF_PARAM_GSIZE=25; # target this group size ### Round file count down fc_out="$(printf "%.0f" "$fc_out")"; # round float down to int ### Get neighbor-preserving shuffled subset (size $fc_out) yell "STATUS:$SECONDS:Selecting $fc_out of $fc files via bkshuf..."; must \ echo -n "$list_paths_files" | \ bkshuf "$fc_out" > "$list_paths_files_tmp"; yell "STATUS:$SECONDS:Wrote playlist."; # Print stats yell "STATUS:$SECONDS:Built file list in $SECONDS seconds."; # Run mpv with filelist ## Form command cmd_args+=("mpv"); cmd_args+=("--audio-display=no"); # disable video for audio files cmd_args+=("--vid=no"); # donʼt show video track cmd_args+=("--image-display-duration=0"); # don't show album art cmd_args+=("--playlist=$list_paths_files_tmp"); # read playlist declare -p cmd_args; # debug ## Execute command must "${cmd_args[@]}"; must rm "$list_paths_files_tmp"; }; export -f yell die must read_stdin read_psarg find_flist; main "$@"; # Author: Steven Baltakatei Sandoval # License: GPLv3+