#!/bin/bash # Date: 2020-04-09T00:09Z # Author: Steven Baltakatei Sandoval # Description: Compresses a file or directory using xz at max # settings. Saves compressed .tar.xz file in the same directory as the # original file. # Usage: bkxz [ file or dir ] echoerr() { echo "$@" 1>&2; } # Define error display function. TARGET="$1" # Identify first argument as target file or directory. if ! command -v tar >/dev/null 2>&1; then # Check that 'tar' command exists. echoerr "ERROR: Command doesn't exist: tar"; fi if ! command -v xz >/dev/null 2>&1; then # check that 'xz' command exist. echoerr "ERROR: Command doesn't exist: xz. Suggestion: Install 'xz-utils' package."; exit 1; fi if ! ( [ -f "$TARGET" ] || [ -d "$TARGET" ] ); then # check that TARGET is a file or dir. echoerr "ERROR: Target is not a file or dir."; exit 1; fi TARGET_BASENAME="$(basename "$TARGET")" # Save name of target's basename (ex: 'input.txt' from '/tmp/input.txt'). TARGET_DIRNAME="$(dirname "$TARGET")" # Save name of target's directory (ex: '/tmp' from '/tmp/input.txt'). OUTPUT="$TARGET_DIRNAME"/"$TARGET_BASENAME".tar.xz # Define output file to be in same location as target but with .tar.xz extension. pushd "$TARGET_DIRNAME" 1>/dev/null 2>&1 # Temporarily navigate to directory holding TARGET. tar cf - "$TARGET_BASENAME" | xz -9e --lzma2=dict=1536MiB,mf=bt4,nice=273,depth=1000 > "$OUTPUT" echoerr "Archive saved at: $OUTPUT" popd 1>/dev/null 2>&1 # Return to original working directory.